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Have you ever changed a personal gaming-related opinion after discussing/arguing in a thread?


Gold Member


I was of the opinion Nintendo were the first with rumble technology until an argument with someone here. Despite my valiant attempts the guy had the reciepts, I conceeded and I stand corrected to this day.
so who did make the first rumble?

When debating, if the other person presents a strong enough counter argument (with evidence) I’d usually respond with ‘fair point’ and learn from it.

I stopped debating as much here though for many reasons, but one of the largest is due to the increase in actual evidence being perceived as meaningless (i.e. no one wants to concede to a point made with clear proof or at worse they simply won’t believe the proof, so they will wear you down through endless arguing instead).

Also some posters were just looking for dunks rather than genuinely discussing points, and the double down tactic is a favorite mainstay amongst those who do.

As a flawed person I have been guilty a few times of some of the above myself. I caught myself and stopped. Be careful of the ‘flawless’ ones who feel they are never wrong.


Gold Member
Sure, mainly if it’s factual and my opinion on it was straight up wrong.

But if the counter arguments are only based on opinions it’s almost always an ‘agree to disagree’ situation.


Sure, I've changed my mind. I was way more positive regarding Microsofts ability to compete at the start of this generation but have changed my mind completely on that. That was mostly thanks to Microsoft themselves though, and not really forum posts.


becuase they help you see things from a different perspective, one you may not have thought about.
I couldn't think of any new perspective that would completely change my mind on an opionion not based on wrong or missing facts. If i say "Cinematic games are boring" or "Midgen refreshes are unnecessary", how could anybody change my mind on that with arguments?

If i would say "Sony are the only ones making those unnecessary midgen refreshes" and you would say "Xbox One X" then i wouldn't start some bullshit goalpoast moving and admit that i was wrong with the Sony only.
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Yeah but not in the moment of the argument. It's a slow, gradual process.

With time I was able to accept that Mario World is objectively better than Mario 3.

I've over the years been able to grasp that Xenoblade 2 is the best Xenoblade.

I realised I was over thinking my hatred and disdain for aloy and Horizon in the astro bot thread.
Playing Astrobot now but it feels like that would take me like 10 years
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bad guy

as bad as Danny Zuko in gym knickers
I was of the opinion Nintendo were the first with rumble technology until an argument with someone here. Despite my valiant attempts the guy had the reciepts, I conceeded and I stand corrected to this day.
N also wasn't 1st console with an analog stick: Vectrex!


I don't think anyone in the history of the internet has anyone changed their opinion after an argument on a forum lol. Well, at least not 99.99% of the time anyway.
My opinions are always right. If you have an argument otherwise, it's because you made up the facts. If you didn't make up the facts, then you didn't understand my opinion. If you understood my opinion and still have facts to prove it otherwise, then add me to your ignore list.

Bert Big Balls

Gold Member
I realised I was over thinking my hatred and disdain for aloy and Horizon in the astro bot thread.
I always see a lot of hate for Horizon all over the place, but honestly the first game is really good. Was probably one of my favourite games on the PS4. Wasn't a huge fan of the sequel however but it wasn't a bad game by any stretch.
I am curious how often this happens
Why don't you go and read some good books on psychology then instead of relying on random forum posts? Discussing rarely changes the mind of anyone involved, let alone argueing. The rational part of your brain isn't even tapped most of the time because your primitive, emotional circuits are blocking the way. That's why friends and family have it a lot easier convincing you of something than say strangers. You need to trust the person on some fundamental level in order to be receptive for his arguments.


Not really i don't come on here for validation, i know what i like and are able to use my brain. Never understood the people that create threads asking what to play next lol, bitch you have a brain & the internet at your disposal use them.


I used to take Gaf seriously when they were discussing hardware, but after the majority were claiming the KZ Shadowfall & Infamous SS reveal trailers wouldn't be possible on the 'obsolete PS4 hardware' and especially after the 'Lolz PS5 9Tflops, Series X is going to destroy it!!!1!!' discussions, I've realized most Gaffers that discuss hardware (mainly the tech-savvy ones) are complete clowns.
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It happened for me not too long ago. Not in the moment but a few months after a discussion about Sony ressources vs Sega I learned a few things that changed my mind.


Stopped arguing after seeing people defend 30 fps. Let's be real, the reasonable and well informed people are very unlikely to go online to discuss ideas.
It depends really. I am more than happy to listen to someone's opinion on something and if it is more rational than my own. However, its annoying listening to someone discuss for example how bad Nintendo is and say Astro Bot which is very good, is much better than Galaxy etc when the person admittedly has never played any of their games. I much more inclined to lisy


I have posted in threads calling people idiots and being a right ass for my own entertainment whilst holding completely different and far more reasonable views in real life.
I have a really good time winding up PC nerds as I post from my 4090/7800x3d set up.

Nothing better than catching a whopper. A few repeat catches but always feels sweet knowing how riled up they are getting.



I personally never enter arguments unless I feel both I and the other party is arguing in good faith for this exact reason.


I've never played a game that I loved, then logged online to hear some yahoo tell me it sucks, and then, decided I actually hated it.

The reverse has not happened either.


in the smash melee days, I thought that the invulnerability period you have when you respawn was crap, so in my group of friend we always waited until that was over to fight, then one day we were playing with lots of people and one guy would start attacking right after respawning. We had like an honor system, he broke it, so we told him and he said something like "its a universal mechanic, the devs put it there to all characters, use it" and it kinda clicked with me. So yeah, thats the only instance hahahah


World’s Biggest Weeb

I used to think this scene was stupid and cringe, until some Japanese culture expert explained, to my surprise, that this scene was intended to be awkward.

This blew my feeble gaijin mind. When I felt embarrassed and ashamed of having this shit coming out of my TV, it was really the Japanese master storytellers playing ME like a fiddle.

Thank you for putting me in my place. Sad that most of us westerners just couldn’t wrap our heads around the genius on display here.


Gold Member

After being a whiny shitbag about Alan Wake 2 a few on here persuaded me to give it another go. After reinstalling it I found that it was still just as shit as when I first played it

So in turn it gave me the personal opinion that I'd probably never install it again.


Absolutely, happens all the time, that's kinda the point. I usually try to engage with an open mind. Otherwise, what is the point? Just to get catharsis for dissing on other people's opinions? I get my catharsis from videogames, not from you people, ugh. You I need strictly for your opinions and factual information in order to better hone me into my more perfect form.
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Mister Wolf

Yes. At a point the only thing I considered to be raytraced lighting was per pixel raytracing(Nvidia's solution). The smart people on this forum helped me understand that techniques like SVOGI, Lumen, and even SSRTGI are in fact raytracing as well. Just tracing with with more performant but less accurate representations of the world like Voxels, Screen Space, and Signed Distance Fields.
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