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HDTV and Next Generation Consoles


With growing popularity of HDTV (slow, but still growing) - what do you expect from next-gen consoles?

Here's some list of what I am looking forward:

More 720p - 1080i/p support
- I guess I'm spoiled already - I find 480p mode actually enhances each dot, making the picture more jagged. With more graphic power of next gen, I wish 480p being standard for next-gen (since some TVs do not support 720 or 1080 at all), but I do wish that 720 or 1080 is actually its native resolution, and 480 being the down-sampled from its original resolution.

Wide Screen format support
- it can be problematic, because it actually affects the gameplay if not done correctly. As for FPS, it might give you more edge since you have wider vision on left and right - making it unfair for online playing and all. Driving games should be alright, and some sports games like soccer might play slightly different. However, as more people are looking into wide-format TV these days - I think it's about time to come up with some solution into these matters, and I do believe widescreen would give the game more cinematic feel, if they are used correctly.

VGA/DVI/HDMI support standard
- Frankly, I'm sick of having all the cables going into my TV. It weighs a ton, just for the cables, and it's getting tougher and tougher to hide the cables, unless I tear down the wall and stick the wire inside. (which, I'm not willing to do so). I wish for an simple, yet high-performance alternative for AV signals. Although my TV only has one slot for HDMI/DVI, but some affordable DVI switcher might be also available by then for the receiver and all.

Just wanted to share my ideas a bit - (although rather generic) - but I don't hear anything regarding HDformat and how next gen format would embrace it... well, I guess it's a bit too early, but I believe we are within 1-2 years from real next-gen war. I also would like to hear anyother's ideas on this matter.



Not bitter, just unsweetened
Xbox 2 is native 720p with a hardware scaler (480p to 1080i) and I think DVI was mentioned in one of the sheets, not sure :p


DopeyFish said:
Xbox 2 is native 720p with a hardware scaler (480p to 1080i) and I think DVI was mentioned in one of the sheets, not sure :p

You mean 720p to 1080i? Unless you mean a scaler for all resolutions (480p/720p/1080i) supported by hardware, and I believe the leaked specs supported this.

It better support 1080i. 720p is not nearly as supported at 1080i.


Hard to argue with the first two. I definitely want as much 720p and 1080i as possible, and widescreen is a must, at least as a option for every game.

For the meantime, I'd settle for the companies at least telling us what each game supports. 480P HDTV on the back of XBox games, what the hell does it mean??? It's greyed out on games that obviously support 480P and it's colored in on games that obviously don't support widescreen. I'm tired of guessing if certain games look squashed in 16x9 mode, or looking for something I know is supposed to be a circle. And on the PS2 and GC, sometimes you don't even know if a game supports progessive scan until you try the trick. I just found out on a whim that Mega Man X Command Mission supports progressive scan on the PS2 as it's not mentioned in the manual or on the box at all.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
what i said was 720p is it's native res and it will scale from 480p to 1080i (meaning the resolutions inbetween as well)


lack of standards are very confusing, I also agree.
I have no idea what games support what format, and such information should be easily accessible before the purchase by looking at the back of the cover.

If Xbox supports hardware scaler and native res is 720 - I'm very excited. I hope other machines would do the same...



Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Wouldn't a native VGA solution take care of all of these issues?


It'd also need to scale to 480i for the majority of people with non-HD sets.

As for Europe, its coming. Sky have announced HD for 2006, and flat panels are leading the way for HD compatibility.

Only fly in the ointment is that the current proposal is for 720p as the standard. That might be fine for broadcast, but Japan and the US are heavily behind 1080i, and movies on bluray will likely be 1080i/p.


Well, since there are already 720p XBOX games today, I would hope that would be a baseline resolution for next-gen games...

The leaked XENON specs already talk about a "resize filter" which could scale up or down the output XENON game image to your display.....IIRC, current Japanese BRD Recorders already do this too, so I don't predict it will be much of a problem at all....just set the "destination resolution" via an on-screen menu and all should be fine....

I would think lots of XENON/PS3 devs will just use a 720x1280 framebuffer and rely on the resize filter to do the upscalling, if neccessary, this way they can save fillrate and still call the game HD :)

Some of the big 1st, 2nd and 3rd party devs (SquareEnix, Polyphony Digital, Konami, Rare, Bungie, ect.) will probably experiment with 1080x1920 resolutions......these will look just smashing dahhhling on 1080p native displays since there will be no scaling artifacts to worry about.....

Shit, with all that space on BRD, you could have MULTIPLE different versions(models, textures, effects) of a single game, ala Doom3....or at least you might to a certain extent...this way you can bypass the scaler and output, say a 480p, 720p, 1080p version of GT5 directly...fuxxor the scaler :D

Widescreen....you are already seeing alot of this via a menu system and I would expect near universal support of a WS option next gen...

XENON, I don't know about, but PS3 will most certainly output the highest HD video ouput settings via DVI+HDCP or (more likely) HDMI...

You will *NOT* see HD images (Games or movies) in any other way.....those are your 2 choices...If you have an HDTV with component video HD ins, get used to the idea of 480p Blu-ray games and movies.....sorry....
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