Yea u laugh but let me tell you something, if i could shrink for 6 inches i would absolutely do it. Straight up nothing is made for you.
Here are some examples in pictures tall people struggle with.
Simple training device, lets use it? can't to tall.
Look i want to sleep at a hotel, but they have a head board at the leg part, congratz u will now not be able to sleep in the bed. ( half southern europe does that shit ), because u simple don't fit in it.
Or in the bed below your feet are getting cold as fuck and u wake up 24/7.
Duck for fucking everything.
So many fucking car issue's. Hit a road bump your head hits the roof top, having to put the car seat all the way to the back, because your legs hit the dashboard which gets painful after a while. So with cars, u need to fit if u can even sit in there.
Cloth shopping: its all 10x more expensive.
U go into a shop, u ask got anthing that fits? not i like this or that. Nope, u buy what fits and i can tell you this visiting 10 shops to have 1 item that fits isn't fucking funny.
So u gotta make cloths, biker cloths, motor gear why? because u are tall.
This is very much a real thing.
Only picture i found.
Perpare to encounter lots of this shit. Stuff not being made for you. Look at the guy. Put him in between those chars and he will have to put his legs in the walk way having no back support or simple have a fucking horrible painfull experience. I had to put cases under my ass so i would lift up to be able to put my legs in there and sit there for luckely less then a hour. I went back by boat fuck that shit.
Now imagine if you are not lean trained and a bit chubby, u straight up won't fit.
Oh look have fun walking bend now in your rented apartment because u can't even stand up straight which will fuck you up heavily the longer u are in there and if you are claustrophobic yea gg. It's fun for a screenshot, its not even remotely fun to life there for a week.
Oh look something as simple as dropping your bottles in a machine, oh wait u can't fucking reach it i have to fucking kneel to even use it.
Get ready to bump your head constantly and be for the lookout.
Hey lets cook some food at your friend place. Oh wait. Can't see shit.
Nice apartment with a bath in it. Let's do this. Oh wait its made for midgets only.
let's take a shower
let's watch the city.
Got hospitalized. oh fuck i don't fit! Try to sleep, that guy laughs now. Until its evening he will be sleeping next to the bed on the ground.
Have fun peeing
Go a cinema or to a concert and
Let's sleep on the couch.
Let's brush my teeth
I could go on for a while.
Being tall and u are in a country not the Netherlands u are fucked. But even here u buy shit that fits not because u like it. While a shorter person just goes into a shop and buys whatever he likes. U sit there with 10x the same shirt. And hope to god u don't have to shop for the next decade again. For my triathlon bike i could only buy 2 models which had a year wait time, another had to be rebuilded to fit. both expensive as shit. Shorter person, see's a discounted bike walks into the shop and buys it.
Honestly, being tall sounds great if you are a midget and gets laughed at because u are short. U sitting in that airplane wishing u where that tall guy. That tall guy sits in the airplane hating his life with pain because fuck my height.