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Hellblade 2 Final Trailer Released

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
It's been on sale for $5 multiple times if you ever want to try it. I enjoyed it. Mostly just a character study on Senua. Story wasn't amazing, but by the end I actually did think Senua was an interesting character and she does have a minor character arc.

People claiming this has zero gameplay are just straight up lying. It's light puzzles and light combat pretty much the whole game, with multiple boss fights. Combat feels snappy and fun. Puzzles are mixed bag with some cool ones and some that are a bit too obscure at first. Game doesn't overstay its welcome either which is a big bonus in my book. Ended right around the time I was ready to move on.

It's an experimental art game, with some areas using live action film clips mixed in and some creative visual effects for the mental states. I'm sure it's not for everyone. If you think the trailer is already dull you should probably just skip the game.

Would you consider any aspect to be flaming garbage tho?


Gold Member
This isn't Uncharted.
As much as I love Hellblade and usually try to avoid this sort of nonsensical bait about it, Uncharted (particularly 4), from all the trailers we've seen thus far, has more open-ended gameplay than this. And that's fine too.

So, if we don't want this to turn into a needless, and easy, punching-bag of a topic directed at Hellblade, I wouldn't suggest heading down this route.
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It does look amazing, which is, amazing to look at which is my horrible segway to my promotion of saving your money and watch this piece of entertainment on youtube. For this game youtube is the best deal you can get.
Edit. that's how annoying you gamepass shill are.
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Gold Member
It does look amazing, which is, amazing to look at which is my horrible segway to my promotion of saving your money and watch this piece of entertainment on youtube. For this game youtube is the best deal you can get.
Watching someone solve rune puzzles and die in combat isn’t fun.


ChatGPT 0.1
Some of the stuff looks good there’s no way if you’re Microsoft you think hellblade 2 is a system seller. I don’t understand the in face camera shots, at some point I’d like to see landscapes or somebody else.
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Watching someone solve rune puzzles and die in combat isn’t fun.
Are the puzzles and combat fun? All I see are cinematic set peices avoid of gameplay. I did play the first game before MS bought the studio and it became a part of whatever this is.
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If you actually played the first game you’d recognize what they’re showing as gameplay.
Nope, there's no input in combat and no actual puzzle sovling. Perhaps they sold the first game hiding it's weaknesses. I don't remember.
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It really isn’t. It looks good, but it’s kind of par for the course.


There are no QTEs in Hellblade. If you really played it you’d know that, but you didn’t so you’re in here calling stuff that’s actual gameplay “cinematic set pieces”.
Trust me, it was forgettable... edit anyways I was talking about the trailer for this game, not the first. Again, where's the actual gameplay?
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There can be too much of one thing as well though, depends on the rest of a consoles game catalogue. Too much of something can be bad you know. I love Uncharted, me and the missus completed every one. But Sony DO focus to much on TPS games, or at least they did when I had a PS4
Lol what?


It really is. You might be an outlier in saying otherwise.

My guy Oppoi Oppoi also tried to pass off false factoids in the Fallout London thread yesterday.

Not sure why even post things which can be easily disproven.
Oh clean your circuits I did play the first game, for about 40 minutes. And yes, it was fogettable. I never said anything about Fallout London either. Human error I'm sure.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Game looks good, interested to see what the scores are, I'm hoping that it'll be quite a bit different to the ...less engaging parts of the previous game.


This shit would have been impressive during Series launch now it just looks like any other polished good looking contemporary game. Gamepass saves the day again, a month's subscription is about all im willing to pay for this but ill give it a shot despite suffering through the 1st knowing im getting exactly that again.


An overrated quicktime Unreal Engine 5 tech demo. Meh.

I don't get the hype for these games AT ALL. The first one bored me to tears after 20 minutes of walking err playing.
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