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help brighten the day of a hospital-stricken GAF member (not terminally ill)

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Being in the hospital sucks. It's all sterile and boring and full of old people, sick people, and even worse, old sick people.

Though he rarely posts, SilverFang, also known as Josh, is still a part of GAF. And as such, it's our duty to brighten his day. His family checked him in a few days ago due to acute stomach pains, and it looks like he'll be undergoing surgery soon with no idea of when he'll be home. I'll be visiting him tonight or tomorrow, so if you guys could just do something, anything, from a quick message to a photoshop, I'll print it off and take it to him.

Thanks :)


force push the doodoo rock


Tell Josh I asked Barry Bonds to hit a homerun for him. So keep your eyes peeled for the next Giants game, and know that the next Bonds dinger is dedicated to you, Josh. PEACE.

EDIT: How about a little get well music? "Get well, get well soon, we want you to get well. Geeeet well, get well soon, we want you to get well."
I hope he'll get well soon enough. I currently have a Crohn disease, I can understand his pain! :p Doctors said it's maybe a cancer. Well it's not my thread anyway! *goes and start a new thread*


Tag of Excellence

I do not know who you are and you do not know who I am but I would like to make love to you. You truly sound like an incredibly sexy man with thighs of steel that would truly rock my world. OMG hold on.

Ok better.

Anyways as I was saying, please rock the world of the forum with your steel thighs and also wear pink pumps while doing so. Your "acute stomach pains" are a terrible sympton I know but the sooner you get better the sooner you can be here rocking my world.




Littleberu said:
I hope he'll get well soon enough. I currently have a Crohn disease, I can understand his pain! :p Doctors said it's maybe a cancer. Well it's not my thread anyway! *goes and start a new thread*


Thanks Mike, and everyone else. I'll be visiting him later today, so a bump for the morning crowd.
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