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Help! Personal protocol advice needed.

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So I caught a male coworker and friend listening to The Indigo Girls about fifteen minutes ago.

According to proper social etiquette, exactly how hard am I supposed to beat his hippy ass?


Count of Concision
Beat him senseless with a Spice Girls CD and then violate him with Kenny G's latest effort for good measure. :p

Of course, it would help me get my genres straight if I knew who "The Indigo Girls" were but, hey, at least I'm not gonna get beat up by Drinky. :D


Public humiliation is required. The recommended course of action is asking, loudly, if he'd kindly stop leering at your ass.


Actually, proper protocol is to find out is your co-worker is actually a man. The Indigo Girls are virtually synonymous with "lesbian music." If he IS a man...then yeah, beat him. But if he's actually just butch, I'm afraid that the don't-hit-a-woman protocol trumps everything.
I'm trying to prove that a hatred of folk music is directly linked to the second X chromosome, but Google is being recalcitrant. :(
workplace rules demand that you reprot this to your boss for posible termination of employment. on the other hand, belittling him would have little effect seeing as he already listen to girly-men music. i'd say puncture an eardrum.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
workplace rules demand that you reprot this to your boss for posible termination of employment. on the other hand, belittling him would have little effect seeing as he already listen to girly-men music. i'd say puncture an eardrum.

You'll "reprot" this to the "boss"? Steinbrenner doesn't like being reprotted
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