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Hero Academy |OT| free iPhone MP strategy game from Orcs Must Die/Age of Empires devs

Sotha Sil

Yeah that's a lot of work. There are a few times where I may calculate how much damage will be done against me when I know a move I make will get me attacked, but its pretty few and far between.

I calculate often too, but they indeed take it to another level.
Just played a game as TF2 vs a random Council opponent. My starting hand (going 2nd) had 2 spys, a sandwhich, a medic, and a buffer. He started with a ninja, 2 healers, an archer, and a wizard. I got destroyed. Felt like I never had a chance. Sometimes I just hate this game. /endbitchfest

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I had a match against BenjaminBirdie where I had one unit my first three turns. I won unintentionally by killing his units one at a time as he moved them near my crystals. You just have to go with what you roll.


Just played a game as TF2 vs a random Council opponent. My starting hand (going 2nd) had 2 spys, a sandwhich, a medic, and a buffer. He started with a ninja, 2 healers, an archer, and a wizard. I got destroyed. Felt like I never had a chance. Sometimes I just hate this game. /endbitchfest

Archers seem very hard to kill when upgraded against the TF2 team.


Great game but there are a few areas that need tweaking (speaking as an iPad user).

1) The AP reset system is quite annoying. Sometimes you just want to reset a single action, or just 2 or 3 rather than the entire move set. True, you can set it so that it resets it one at a time, but you need to pause the game, go into the options and change it, and then do that all over again when you want it to do a full reset again.

A very simple solution is to make it so that a single tap resets a single AP, and if you hold it for a second it resets everything. That way we can use both settings on the fly without having to mess around with the menu every time.

2) The trade system is almost worthless. It makes no sense to trade when you can just use the item instead. In both cases you still have to wait until the following turn to get a new item, but by not trading you actually get to use the item rather than using up AP and losing the item. Out of the 50 or so games I've completed, I've only had a genuine reason to trade maybe 3 times.

One way of improving the trade system is to make it so that a traded item is replaced immediately, so that you can benefit from it that same turn. I'd then set a 1 item per turn trade limit to prevent abuse.

3) Healers are seriously overpowered. The ability to revive and heal indefinitely is broken, and the problem is compounded by positioning the Healer at the back of a group, making them extremely difficult to kill. Attacking the wall will do very little since the mage is then able to revive and heal the very next turn. With 2 mages positioned at the back, the enemy is virtually invincible, and I've had many games completely ruined by this. You might suggest going for the crystals and ignoring the units but the tactic usually involves putting one mage behind the crystal and surrounding it with tanks and ranged units - forcing you to engage them.

I think the first thing that needs to be done is to reduce Healers to just 2 per team, rather than the current 3. On top of that, they should make it so that Healers cannot be revived. This rewards the more active/aggressive player who pushes forward. The nightmare task of breaking down the wall is made a lot more possible with the permanent removal of Healers they manage to kill, without the fear of a cheap revive the very next turn.

Either way, Healers definitely need fixing from my experience.

Sotha Sil

Great game but there are a few areas that need tweaking (speaking as an iPad user).

1) The AP reset system is quite annoying. Sometimes you just want to reset a single action, or just 2 or 3 rather than the entire move set. True, you can set it so that it resets it one at a time, but you need to pause the game, go into the options and change it, and then do that all over again when you want it to do a full reset again.

A very simple solution is to make it so that a single tap resets a single AP, and if you hold it for a second it resets everything. That way we can use both settings on the fly without having to mess around with the menu every time.

Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're saying, that's already the case! Hold your finger and it resets the full wheel.

3) Healers are seriously overpowered. The ability to revive and heal indefinitely is broken, and the problem is compounded by positioning the Healer at the back of a group, making them extremely difficult to kill. Attacking the wall will do very little since the mage is then able to revive and heal the very next turn. With 2 mages positioned at the back, the enemy is virtually invincible, and I've had many games completely ruined by this. You might suggest going for the crystals and ignoring the units but the tactic usually involves putting one mage behind the crystal and surrounding it with tanks and ranged units - forcing you to engage them.

That's funny, I never had this problem. There is very little a player can do to protect both his healer and his crystals. Depending on the team, there is many tactics to either kill the healers or force the opponent to charge and expose his units. Would be glad to discuss it in game (GT: sothaSil )


Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're saying, that's already the case! Hold your finger and it resets the full wheel.
Ahh you're right, if you enable Partial Undo it does exactly what I described. Not sure why this isn't the default setting.

That's funny, I never had this problem. There is very little a player can do to protect both his healer and his crystals. Depending on the team, there is many tactics to either kill the healers or force the opponent to charge and expose his units. Would be glad to discuss it in game (GT: sothaSil )
I only have the Council unlocked so it's a lot harder for me since you cannot attack healers directly if they're positioned behind tanks and/or crystals. Only the Wizard can do chain attacks to harm the healer, but this is easily negated with a second healer positioned close by. At that point I'm pretty much forced to wait for a scroll to do a massive chain attack and disrupt the enemy enough to break the formation.

This wall cannot be replicated on every map, but for the majority it is pretty easy to pull off and very difficult to break.

Sotha Sil

I only have the Council unlocked so it's a lot harder for me since you cannot attack healers directly if they're positioned behind tanks and/or crystals. Only the Wizard can do chain attacks to harm the healer, but this is easily negated with a second healer positioned close by. At that point I'm pretty much forced to wait for a scroll to do a massive chain attack and disrupt the enemy enough to break the formation.

This wall cannot be replicated on every map, but for the majority it is pretty easy to pull off and very difficult to break.

Ah, this explains so much! The best way would be to use upgraded archers + scroll + firebomb to deal with annoying units, then destroy the crystals using guerilla-like tactics.

Always up for a game if you feel like it!


Yeah, would be good to have a match at some point.

There's another thing I'd like them to implement. I wish we could have access to a list of all the units and items of each team, showing which ones we've used and which ones we have left (including those of our enemy). I get that in theory it would be better for us to have to remember this for ourselves, but given that a full game will typically take a week to complete, plus the fact that most of us will have multiple games running at once, it's just asking for the impossible.

There have been many times when I made a wrong decision simply because I couldn't remember whether or not my opponent had already used a certain unit or item. If we could have a checklist to look back on it would allow for better and more accurate strategy rather than having to play the guessing game when returning to a battle after several days.

Sotha Sil

Yeah, would be good to have a match at some point.

There's another thing I'd like them to implement. I wish we could have access to a list of all the units and items of each team, showing which ones we've used and which ones we have left (including those of our enemy). I get that in theory it would be better for us to have to remember this for ourselves, but given that a full game will typically take a week to complete, plus the fact that most of us will have multiple games running at once, it's just asking for the impossible.

There have been many times when I made a wrong decision simply because I couldn't remember whether or not my opponent had already used a certain unit or item. If we could have a checklist to look back on it would allow for better and more accurate strategy rather than having to play the guessing game when returning to a battle after several days.

Yeah, it would be so useful - yet they refuse to implement it, as it would be "too complicated for casual gamers" (paraphrasing). Always thought it was a poor argument.


I'm down for some games with people. I can't play immediatly, but if you'd like to queue something up I'll do turns when I can on my iPad or PC. Name is "Veezy-F-Baby"


Servers are down to prepare for an incoming patch! The patch notes have been posted on Robot's site:


The biggest new addition is the long-awaited Reinforcements View! Now you can get a better idea of what your opponent has coming up by tapping/clicking on their Avatar to open their profile, then tapping/clicking on their number of Reinforcements for a detailed breakdown.

IOS 1.3.1
  • New feature - Reinforcements View!
  • Sniper crouched bonus changed: +300 damage instead of double his power.
  • Tribe Map: Barbed Crystal health increased.
  • Sandvich now adds a visual aura.
  • Minor gameplay, sound, and visual fixes.

  • New feature - Reinforcements View!
  • Replays don’t start until the game is opened (from the minimized state)
  • Added presence to the games list to show opponents currently online
  • Added better sizing for longer names on the games list
  • Sniper crouched bonus changed: +300 damage instead of double his power.
  • Tribe Map: Barbed Crystal health increased.
  • Sandvich now adds a visual aura.
  • Lots of minor polish and bug fixes
  • Added additional debug logging for

Not sure how I feel about reinforcements. I guess I need to see it in practice.


Servers are down to prepare for an incoming patch! The patch notes have been posted on Robot's site:


Not sure how I feel about reinforcements. I guess I need to see it in practice.

Can't wait for this update. Personally, I don't see how reinforcements are a bad thing.

It helps everybody involved, and re: the argument that it takes away an advantage from those who work for it? If our game was completed in a day, I'd remember what was used/not used on both sides w/o trouble. But I play up to 7 games at a time, through multiple days against repeated opponents and I can't be bothered to write down detailed save codes like I did back in the NES days.

The way it is now I would have to keep a log of everything in a journal with me that only has information that's applicable for a week or two and that's the last thing I want to do when I'm playing this game from my bed or any other place of comfort. Alternatively, you can use the chat dialog to track spell/item uses, but at that point the information is public knowledge and the reinforcements option just makes that easier and more convenient.
Love the reinforcements view for all the reasons mercviper said. I have games where people don't move for days and I can't remember what's been played, even on my own team. I say that it INCREASES strategy to know what's in play as you have to account for it to definitely be there, rather than guess if it's dead or not.

Still wish they would give us a no music option. Also, PC needs a full screen/resolutions option.


The more I think about it the more I think reinforcements are good thing as well. Ultimately it should make for more strategic games as you don't have to live in fear of a rez coming or something quite as much. I'm glad it also doesnt show what's in their queue to deploy.


I've been asking for the Reinforcements view since the first day I played this game. It was pretty obvious to me after about 2-3 games that this was required. Anyway, glad they've finally implemented it.

I still feel that Healers are broken in this game though. They should make it so that they cannot be revived (neither from potions nor from spells). It slows the game down way too much and leads to so many stall wars - really boring and frustrating.
I kind of agree about healers. I try to avoid the temptation of attack>retreat>heal because it just gets boring and games go nowhere. It's like they need limited mana or something. Make them refill mana by attacking themselves and therefore exposing themselves.


I kind of agree about healers. I try to avoid the temptation of attack>retreat>heal because it just gets boring and games go nowhere. It's like they need limited mana or something. Make them refill mana by attacking themselves and therefore exposing themselves.
Yes, I thought about adding mana to healers. They should make it so that a healer starts with 3 MP and each cure/revive costs 1 MP. You regenerate 1 MP for every full turn you go without using your spells, thereby stopping your ability to spam and discouraging stalling.
The amount of time it takes for this game to get past the logo screen, loggin in, get into game centre, load games, then start a game when you click on it still takes too long. Much longer than it takes to write this.

Still, if anyone wants a game, add me. I go under my username.
In a new game with a random, just traded a shield and helmet and got them right back with 20+ in my reserve. Now I have 6 items in hand while he just pounds away on my crystal and I have nothing but 2 engineers out on the field. Wonderful.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
In a new game with a random, just traded a shield and helmet and got them right back with 20+ in my reserve. Now I have 6 items in hand while he just pounds away on my crystal and I have nothing but 2 engineers out on the field. Wonderful.

Pretty sure they fixed that with an update, that you can't get the same item back.. so actually, you got a DIFFERENT helmet and a DIFFERENT shield back. Not sure if that's supposed to make you feel better or worse.
I haven't been able to connect to my games for about a day. When I do, there are no characters on the field. It's just empty and I can't do anything.

*Now some of my games have disappeared.

Here's where they went:

As many of you have noticed over the last few days, Hero Academy has been having some issues loading and submitting your games. This has led to a handful of related bugs, like the "Next Game" button taking you to one of your previous games. Over the weekend (Sunday evening, our time), we had some hardware failures that resulted in the game servers becoming very unstable. We worked through Sunday night to get those instabilities resolved, but the problems persisted into the week. Over the last couple of days as we continued to investigate and try to nail down the cause of the problems, we had more hardware failure that ultimately resulted in a pretty sizable chunk of lost data.

What does that mean? Well, unfortunately, a large number of active matches lost all of the information about their current state - who's turn it was, namely. We turned to the backups, but unfortunately that data was also corrupted by the instability and hardware issues. This information is not recoverable at this point. If you have matches in your games list that simply refuse to load, then those matches are affected by this data loss.

To get everything back up and running properly and get you playing again, we will be bringing the servers down soon. They will be down for an undetermined amount of time while we continue to clean up the databases and resolve the instability issues. We're hoping this won't take very long. As part of this process of cleaning up, we'll be removing all "stuck" games from the active games lists. Those games, unfortunately, are gone. In doing this, we were faced with a choice of either awarding everyone a resignation for the matches or a win. We chose to give everyone an extra win on their record for each of these "stuck" games that they have. If you were winning those matches, your efforts were not in vain. If you were losing, you get a little something extra.

We'll have more info for you as we make our way through the server recovery, and we'll always post updates to our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Thanks for your patience as we untangle all of this, and thanks for playing Hero Academy.

Sotha Sil

Again, sorry about the unfinished games. Very busy these days, and kind of lost my interest in Hero Academy. Hope a future update will rekindle it, though!

If you've got great asynchronous games to recommend, I would be glad to play with you guys again.
NEW TEAM! The Shaolin


Team Bonus: Each unique unit that damages an opponent in the same turn deals successively higher damage.


Monk - Melee brawler that reduces a single enemy's max health by 25%

Windblade - Her attack chains to additional enemies

Poisoner - Her attack weakens the opponent's Defense and Resist.

Taoist - A Healer who can resurrect, clear debuffs from allies, and remove buffs from enemies.

Shadow - Turns the tide of battle by reviving KO'd units into specters to fight on his side.

Items & Spells

Dragon – Cast this spell to summon a dragon that breathes fire along a row, dealing damage to three squares directly in front of the target.

Combo Potion – A consumable that heals an ally for 1000 health and makes their next attack worth two combo points.

Bamboo – Place a destructible bamboo tile that blocks enemy line of sight.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
NEW TEAM! The Shaolin


Team Bonus: Each unique unit that damages an opponent in the same turn deals successively higher damage.


Monk - Melee brawler that reduces a single enemy's max health by 25%

Windblade - Her attack chains to additional enemies

Poisoner - Her attack weakens the opponent's Defense and Resist.

Taoist - A Healer who can resurrect, clear debuffs from allies, and remove buffs from enemies.

Shadow - Turns the tide of battle by reviving KO'd units into specters to fight on his side.

Items & Spells

Dragon – Cast this spell to summon a dragon that breathes fire along a row, dealing damage to three squares directly in front of the target.

Combo Potion – A consumable that heals an ally for 1000 health and makes their next attack worth two combo points.

Bamboo – Place a destructible bamboo tile that blocks enemy line of sight.
I was finally burned out and they managed to pull me back in.
The new update is out. Servers are still down, but you should be able to screw around with the challenges and such. Downloading now.

Edit: The Shadow unit rezzes enemy units to fight on your side. It's not like the Necromancer turning corpses into shitty ghosts. He rezzes the actual unit. Meaning, you can steal Ninjas from the Council. YESSSSSSS.


The new update is out. Servers are still down, but you should be able to screw around with the challenges and such. Downloading now.

Edit: The Shadow unit rezzes enemy units to fight on your side. It's not like the Necromancer turning corpses into shitty ghosts. He rezzes the actual unit. Meaning, you can steal Ninjas from the Council. YESSSSSSS.

Ahahaha, when I stole that ninja on the challenge map my face lit up with joy. Damn I love this game!
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