Sanjay said:LOL just heard them say peace out to each other on Chu's stream. Fickle bitches.
They do this shit like every day. Watching chu's stream with sound is dumb because all they do - ALL OF THEM - is bicker constantly.
Sanjay said:LOL just heard them say peace out to each other on Chu's stream. Fickle bitches.
bzm said:Perhaps, but lets do a thought experiment shall we?
3.0 is released, tons of new balances, kraken isnt dumb OP anymore, sweet new heroes! But: Every model in the game is replaced with teen hound. Do you still play?
This is honestly what makes Chu's stream, so much better then TestieJoeMartin said:They do this shit like every day. Watching chu's stream with sound is dumb because all they do - ALL OF THEM - is bicker constantly.
when i wanna watch nerdy asians make asses of themselves i just turn on moon's streamSebulon3k said:This is honestly what makes Chu's stream, so much better then Testie
Moody you dont get to talk about racism u whitehaterTeknopathetic said:Mild racism?
Testie stomping through the 1700 bracket is super exciting.bzm said:when i wanna watch nerdy asians make asses of themselves i just turn on moon's stream
i think bzm watches rychostremSebulon3k said:Testie stomping through the 1700 bracket is super exciting.
Sebulon3k said:Leaked 3.0 pics in the wild
11 Minute version of Bkid vs Ensoe ft Pictures.
Is Bkid on a team or is he riding Chu Coat Tails?
Probably early twentiesConceptor said:Uhhhhh.. that was a little embarrassing to sit through lol. How old are these guys?
Conceptor said:Uhhhhh.. that was a little embarrassing to sit through lol. How old are these guys?
bzm said:so im a member now eh? Come @ me moody
racial profiling.Anbokr said:Wow moody, when bzm paypals you, he becomes a member. When I paypal you, you ask for more. GG
MrMister said:I'm so sick of being a goddamn punching bag for this community. The vicious circle continues, and I thought it was over after months of dealing with it. No, if I make one fucking mistake in game, I usually simply disguise it as 'trolling' to my teammates to protect myself from having to admit I made a fucking mistake, a bad side effect of that is that they get salty due to my salt of making a mistake. The key example tonight being casting my ultimate as Witch Slayer on a hero who will undoubtedly die without it. I saw the lifebar drain away on him, I wanted the kill especially after missing the stun point blank, and had a mini-selfish-panic and hit R and clicked him. Afterwards I hear over Mumble shortly "MrMister wtf" and a bunch of 'ooh's, Swiftlame typing in chat "That was bad", I laugh it off and call it trolling them so I don't have to admit the mistake, Swiftlame types "no I'm serious". And of course from there both sides just make it worse, I should've admitted the mistake, would've been easier, but more saltier for me. Either way I'm am fucking done with the goddamn bullshit this community distributes. I can already see the BZM smartass remark post and the Sebulon expectation post, and who knows what else thrown at me.
I want some goddamn REAL TALK. Not jokingly mentioning the phrase, I want some real goddamn talk for once because I am sick of the bullshit we all distribute on a daily basis. What the fuck is going on in HoN-GAF?
MrMister said:I'm so sick of being a goddamn punching bag for this community. The vicious circle continues, and I thought it was over after months of dealing with it. No, if I make one fucking mistake in game, I usually simply disguise it as 'trolling' to my teammates to protect myself from having to admit I made a fucking mistake, a bad side effect of that is that they get salty due to my salt of making a mistake. The key example tonight being casting my ultimate as Witch Slayer on a hero who will undoubtedly die without it. I saw the lifebar drain away on him, I wanted the kill especially after missing the stun point blank, and had a mini-selfish-panic and hit R and clicked him. Afterwards I hear over Mumble shortly "MrMister wtf" and a bunch of 'ooh's, Swiftlame typing in chat "That was bad", I laugh it off and call it trolling them so I don't have to admit the mistake, Swiftlame types "no I'm serious". And of course from there both sides just make it worse, I should've admitted the mistake, would've been easier, but more saltier for me. Either way I'm am fucking done with the goddamn bullshit this community distributes. I can already see the BZM smartass remark post and the Sebulon expectation post, and who knows what else thrown at me.
I want some goddamn REAL TALK. Not jokingly mentioning the phrase, I want some real goddamn talk for once because I am sick of the bullshit we all distribute on a daily basis. What the fuck is going on in HoN-GAF?
Personally, being somewhat of a newbie to the community and trying to remain as neutral as possible, you're getting way too much shit for what you are doing. But you also react to things rather extremely, so I can sort of see how it ended up like this. I'd hate to be in your position, but really you need to grow a thicker skin here. People will treat you far better if you don't overreact to losing, know where you stand and try to laugh it off when bad shit happens, and most of all control your temper... ._. I think that's the biggest thing here. You seem like a very decent calm guy, but then a game goes bad for you and you lose it. Don't. It'll get better.MrMister said:Things?
Don't worry I'm more than happy to say I'll never give it to you. You condescending prick.Sebulon3k said:Thanks for the legendary mad in mumble though, I'll be sure to record it next time.
I have to keep reminding to the community that I can be sensitive and emotional, but everyone just happens to keep forgetting.Insured said:You seem like a very decent calm guy, but then a game goes bad for you and you lose it. Don't. It'll get better.
I think I'll try that.Anbokr said:(we ALL get this, and sometimes it does actually hurt and make you made--whenever someone repeatedly does this to me I put them on ignore for a few minutes until I cool off and it all passes by)
Anbokr said:Everyone gets called out for mistakes dude... look at Sanjay--he gets it the worst. It's just after getting called out, from my experience, you get really mad at your team and start escalating things. Take it all in stride, and learn to ignore the teasing (we ALL get this, and sometimes it does actually hurt and make you mad--whenever someone repeatedly does this to me I put them on ignore for a few minutes until I cool off and it all passes by).
I think in MrMr's case, it's not the losing itself that annoys him as much as the fact he feels he himself could've (or, SHOULD HAVE) played a lot better. I'm a bit similarGuesong said:Also Insured touch an important point here ; it seems to me that you are only okay so long as you are winning. Why is that? Losing a good game is as fun as winning a good one. All the "fun" is located in the road leading to a Win/Loss result, not in the result itself. I think you should let that obsession with W/L go. It does not mean trolling with item builds nor anything else, it only means playing the game at hand and appreciate if it's a good game.
Insured said:I think in MrMr's case, it's not the losing itself that annoys him as much as the fact he feels he himself could've (or, SHOULD HAVE) played a lot better. I'm a bit similar![]()
loki_demi said:dayum we all know that its all about..
hyuk hyuk
Different strokes for different folks. I can kind of relate here on some level (I think we call can). I really dislike losing sometimes, but losing a good game isn't all that bad. Still though, consistently losing can really suck.Guesong The French Canananadian said:Also Insured touch an important point here ; it seems to me that you are only okay so long as you are winning. Why is that? Losing a good game is as fun as winning a good one. All the "fun" is located in the road leading to a Win/Loss result, not in the result itself. I think you should let that obsession with W/L go. It does not mean trolling with item builds nor anything else, it only means playing the game at hand and appreciate if it's a good game.
You're not funny though. Funny looking maybe.PuppetYuber said:yo Sanjay wtf I dont get a free pass?
lolGuesong said:I can understand the feeling if that is the case, though it also means his anger would be toward himself and his pride, not necesarily HoNGAF's fault.
I mean, by picking Witch Slayer you kind of have to shut your pride down for the game, realize most of the big plays will be done by others, that your GPM will be horrid and your items even more horrid, but that in the end, if your team wins, despite you not having a big score, you will have contributed elsewise and your team thank you for it.
It's like me and my TMM matches with gaffers yesterday. Picking Monarch and Plague, I'm not looking for kills nor for GPM (fuck was it depressing when I was at 50 GPM for a good while), le but I was enabling Anbokr to farm on his Sand Wraith and eventually this won us the game. Stats will never show this. Nobody thanked me. But we won the game, and I know I helped in that, and I had fun.
Overnuke someone all you will if you are playing a carry, but always stay within your role for the good of the team.
bzm said:lol
oh wait youre serious
Tomat said:I was hoping we could actually have a serious discussion for a day instead of poking fun at stupid shit for once.
delirium said:I think when he means big plays, he means the glory (aka all the last hits on the kills, gold to buy sweet sweet items, and other shit).
not his styleGuesong said:Thank you delirium.
There bzm, replace big plays by glory, I did not express myself properly. Do you now have anything to add to the discussion?
So--when's your first rap album coming out?delirium said:You're not funny though. Funny looking maybe.
I'm happy that HoN is going to incorporate this.delirium said:So more HoN 3.0 features got leaked. Mentoring, spectating live games, new items, and more heroes.
Yeah, its probably the feature I want the most. From the leaks, its coming out pretty soon (less than a month away, probably before Dota 2 open beta).Sebulon3k said:I'm happy that HoN is going to incorporate this.
Squire Felix said:Not to be a dick, but Witch Slayers stun is targetable.
magmus stun isn't targettable though, is it?Lone_Prodigy said:I actually find it easier to target the ground. Trying to click a moving target can be iffy if there are allied units around. Ironically, there have been many times where I've missed a Magmus stun because I targeted a unit.
Ultimoo said:magmus stun isn't targettable though, is it?