They really need to kill dupe heroes from lootboxes. It's so bad.
There hasn't been a gold price reduction on a hero in quite a number of months, and Blizz has been absolutely silent on people noticing it on Reddit. Call me crazy, but I feel like maybe they're going to announce something at Blizzcon that changes the way new heroes are earned/unlocked. Hell, it's possible they'll even go full tilt and just make all heroes free (or a large portion of them or something), if they feel it would mean more newcomers and thus more gem/loot chest purchases, if it outweighs the money made from people spending real money on heroes (which feels like it can't be that many players).
For similar reasons, I also think there's going to be an announcement regarding a change to roles/QM. Also since we've had exactly 0 multi-class heroes since the first was released nearly a year ago.