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Hey baby...I'm sorry I said those bad things to you (Painkiller Multiplayer demo)

Some of you have probably read my complaints regarding my (it's been a little over a month now) recent purchase of a 9800 Pro. Performance wasn't as great as I'd hoped, there wasn't really anything that made me feel that my purchase was justified. Crappy drivers (that still stands), nothing available sans Far Cry that really makes me say "Now this is a new Video Card." That is, of course, until I downloaded the Painkiller Multiplayer demo. Now, let me be frank. I despise the whole "demon, devil, 666 evil!" theme that plagued quake 1/3 and ultimately Painkiller, but this isn't about that. It was so *fucking* pretty. So clean, lots of neato effects, and most of all, it ran smooth with all of this shit going on.

So there you have it folks. I'm sorry I dissed you, 9800.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
OT, but how is Painkiller? I'm very heavily considering buying it tonight...


On my ultra shitty GeForce 4 420**mx** the demo looked awesome dialed right up at 1024x768. Ran butter smooth with pretty much everything on high.

Farcry however made my 420 leap out of the case and scamper across the floor trailing molten silicon. I had to set it right down to virtual software mode and turn off all effects/shadows/etc it still was choppy.
I've only played the multiplayer demo but...it's pretty meh. Really sluggish feeling, the standard weapon is a one-hit kill, but due to the way the game moves, it's a little difficult to aim with. I'm not sure what effects the...I guess Runes provide sans giving off some really cool visuals (one turns everything black/white and blurry, sans other players which are red add a touch of motion blur and it looks swanky).
Painkiller is blah, I cannot even BEGIN to understand how its stupid linkin park angst pentagram bullshit I wannabeserioussamsoIdonthavetocreatelegitimategamemechanics is so appealing to everyone.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I'm kind of in the mood for a game where I blow lots of shit up, acutally. I saw a review on X-Play last night, and that's what got me interested, especially since it's based more on the 1P and that's what I'm looking for. But you guys are making me change my mind; maybe I'll try something else like Neverwinter Nights or something. I want to get one or two more PC games before I leave for a month next week. This is what I have:

Unreal Tournament 2004
Diablo II+LOD
NFS: Underground
Silent Hill 3
City of Heroes
Savage (bought new for $10 and never played...worth it?)

Also considering Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic (which I had on Xbox, but lost my save and never started over)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Okay, I traded some crap in and bought the following:

Never Winter Nights Gold + Expansion

I may DL the Painkiller demo first, and if I don't like it, return it, although the trade-ins covered that game anyway.

Dave Long

I just made a Painkiller Love Fest thread. The game kicks major ass. It's getting the accolades because it's a superb run and gun shooter in the old school mold. The levels are super replayable and offer tons of entertainment in just blowing shit up.

Don't listen to 'tards like MAF.

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