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Hey GAF! What type of Table Top/Board Games do you play?


The reason why i'm asking cause I recently started playing board games just recently.

The ones I started playing are.

-Clank in Space
-Dice Throne
-Shadow Hunters
-Red Dragon Inn
-Mansion of Madness

If there's any games that I haven't mentioned that are worthing checking and playing lmk.

That's my list and who else here plays table top/board games here?
Some favs:

- Race for the Galaxy
- Jaipur
- Le Havre
- 7 Wonders: Duel
- Warhammer: Invasion
- Blood Rage
- Finca
- Dominion
- Omen: A Reign of War

My wife and I have a fairly big collection that we need to trim down since we don't play most of them anymore. Last time I counted it was around 200 boardgames.


The depths of the modern designer boardgame market is expansive. From my own experience, I wanted to try everything that even looked a little bit interesting. Before I knew it, I had a wall in my game room dedicated to them. There are YouTube videos dedicated to the hobby. Look at "The Dice Tower" or "Shut up and Sit Down" for reviews.

My favorite game at the moment is called "Vast: The Crystal Caverns". Every person is plays a different game while still competing with the other players. "Great Western Trail" is also high in my esteem. Look to the designers of the games you like and check out their other games.


Ah, you have broken the seal. You may regret this.

It has no equals. A worker placement game that's really about losing the least. As grueling as actual 17th-century peasant life. My favorite.


Death matters in Village. You want your workers to lead productive lives that advance your goals, but you also want them to be remembered after they've passed. A major goal is getting your workers into the book of annals according to their vocations -- farming, crafting, politics, traveling and religious orders. You can bribe your way up the church hierarchy, which is cute.


You're the bad guy! Play as a would-be ruler of a dystopian future, keeping your workers dumb, oppressed and happy lest they grow too aware and escape. Fun premise, fun worker-knowledge mechanics, and designed by Jamey Stegmaier of my hometown, St. Louis -- note the Gateway Arch imagery.


Another game from Jamey Stegmaier! He seems to design the sorts of games I like. They call this a "4X" game but really it's a territory conquest and combat game set in a dieselpunk eastern Europe with farming and giant mechs.

This one's a commitment, though.


It's chess with bugs.


Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age
Actually one of my favorites. An extremely quick game that manages to squeeze in all that Eurogame flavor of placing workers, feeding your people, and building your empire with resources.

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Gold Member
I'm going to start two solo-gamer card/board games. One I just started this holiday (only tried it once so far), and another this week.

D100 Dungeon v2.2
- Free download
- There is a new v3.0 that costs money that has expanded rules. No thanks
- All you need is two d10 dice and one d6 die, a pencil (you don't need coloured pencils), and make some copies of the grid provided, or just grab a pad of your own grid paper. And copies of some of the adventure sheets
- I'd suggest printing out the files and also use it in conjunction with your PDF. Sometimes it's quicker to use one or the other to reference charts
- It's lots of dice rolling and D&D style RPG shit
- PDF file rulebook is poorly organized and has lots of spelling/grammar errors. The dude barely edited it. An MS Word spellcheck could probably catch half the mistakes. And people said it was an improvement over v2.1! Fuck, v2.1 must have read like a kindergarten kid wrote it!
- Tried it once. Lots of rules, and I screwed up many so I'm going to start over. There's lots of nit picky things you got to remember when fighting, repair pips, time of day etc... There's also micromanagy stuff like food and lantern oil needed
- But seems like lots of replayability, so I'll give it more tries
- Got to say that rolling for shit using two d10s is fun, as I pulled off a 98 one time to get good gear

D-Day Dice (second edition)
- Just bought it over the holidays for about $55 cdn
- More dice rolling action as you try to storm your soldiers across maps
- Will give it a go one day
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Bought my little scythe and zombie kids evolution this week to play with the kids, both games are pretty good

I need to get some more though


My friends and I are working on making a game. Call it “The American Dream”.

it has premise characters to play as, you move through the good and bad parts of the city and roll for encounters.

it’s really quite fun. Hopefully we get that Kickstarter going soon!


5 Tribes
Power Station
Ticket to Ride
Forbidden Island (or Desert)

And I have two I haven't even played yet. 7th Continent and the grossly expensive Kingdom: Death Monster ($400)
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Suffers from extreme PDS
5 Tribes
Power Station
Ticket to Ride
Forbidden Island (or Desert)

And I have two I haven't even played yet. 7th Continent and the grossly expensive Kingdom: Death Monster ($400)
How is Ticket to Ride? I see it all the time in stores but have yet to pull the trigger.
This Christmas my wife and I picked up Ticket to Ride: Rails and Sails, Hero Realms (which is by the same guys who made the excellent Star Realms). We still have a few unplayed games on the larger side (Scythe, Yellow & Yangtze, Terra Mystica, Orleans).


How is Ticket to Ride? I see it all the time in stores but have yet to pull the trigger.

It's a fun game. A good one to start with for someone that hasn't played any European style board games since it's pretty simple. There is a fair bit of strategy in picking and planning your routes to get as much as you can done with the fewest amount of of moves especially with more players, but can be a bit boring when your just drawing cards for turns on end trying to complete a set. Luck can be a huge factor too when you draw new route cards only to find that you've incidentally completed them earlier.
There is also a bunch of different versions that cater to less players. Like if you are going to just be playing with one other person mostly, then maybe the Nordic countries versions would be better since it's for 2-3 players where as the normal version is for 2-5.

If you have any board game cafe's around you, it might be worth playing it there before buying it.


Off-Site Inflammatory Member
Scythe has been my favorite new game in the last several years. Such an awesome game. It looks way more complex than it is.

I'm looking into buying the DUNE game now, too.

Lords Of Waterdeep is a good worker placement game.

Condottierre is a good card based game.

Acquire is a fun, and unique game. I played it non stop for like 15 years so I'm kinda sick of it now, but it was fun.


is on perm warning for being a low level troll
I think we need a Boardgame / Cardgame OT? Maybe an old one exists but I'm willing to create a fresh one, preferably in the Communities forum.

Been playing for a couple of years, actually Will Wheaton's Tabletop made me a convert. Some of my favorite games are Netrunner, Keyforge, Scythe, Secret Hitler, Cosmic Encounter, Five Tribes, Viticulture, also love the D&D Adventure boardgame series.

Gonna play my first game of Western Legends this weekend, 6 players :p

I like some games involving cards, such as Uno and Rummy. And I would play Monopoly more, if it wasn't so time-consuming.

Try Jaipur or Ticket to Ride instead of Uno and Rummy, much better games :)

And do you play Monopoly with the correct rules (auctioning, no Free Parking, etc) or with the house rules our parents taught us so the kids won't go insane from losing all their money in half an hour? (even with the right rules, it is not a good game but at least it's over a lot quicker).
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Neo Member
I am trying really hard to get people to play Sentinels of the Multiverse with me. So many different combinations and ways to play.
me and the wife LOVE LOVE Sentinels! We can;t get people to play with us tho. Not sure why. It is a super easy game to play. You live in USA Georgia by chance? =p


Neo Member
Also, every board game lover needs to check out https://boardgamearena.com
It is amazing and can be played on anything that uses a browser. So it works great on the xbox.
Has a ton of games and the Premium only cost 2 bucks a month
Go check it out and add me so I can add you back! TyvanTV :messenger_sunglasses: 🤘


is on perm warning for being a low level troll
Is there many single player ones

Yeah, a lot of modern games have cards that simulate an AI that changes boardstates, or otherwise solo rules.

I only play one game solo, and that's Star Trek: Frontiers (a reskin of Mage Knight) because it is just crazy deep and complicated I wouldn't know who to play it with.


Never even got to the Borg cubes yet :D


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Last tabletop I played was AD&D 2nd edition.

I never even played 3rd or any other editions despite being a huge D&D fan.

I loved Planescape, Spelljamner and Ravenloft. The 90s were incredible for role-playing. Planescape might be the best rpg setting conceived.
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Off-Site Inflammatory Member
Target is doing a B2G1 deal right now.

I ordered Terraforming Mars, Azul & Deception: Murder In Hong Kong

But what you CAN do, is order 3, and then cancel one immediately after (in my case, Deception) and still get the 33% off the two you kept.

So I got Terraforming & Azul for like $60.



I love board games, especially with tabletop simulator. If you’re ever down hit me up. I like horror and fantasy.


Neo Member
I love board games, especially with tabletop simulator. If you’re ever down hit me up. I like horror and fantasy.
Do you ever play on Boardgamearena? If not check it out. It is amazing. Add me! Tyvan

bad guy

as bad as Danny Zuko in gym knickers
Catacombs is my favorite. I have the expansion with the Paladin and dwarf, but the base game is just as good without it.


is on perm warning for being a low level troll
We played a game of Dead of Winter on Halloween. Have the new Godzilla Tokyo Clash game too, looks fun.



Wow that looks super fun! Holy crap it is $$$$

Is it really that expensive? It's a wooden board and some round wood pieces you flick, it can't cost that much if you're not going for a premium board.

I've never looked into buy it, I used to play it a lot at my Aunt & Uncle's during family functions. Been a while.


Neo Member
Dafuq is that? I’ll look into it when I wake up more. I use tts and discord
OMG yeah check it out. You can use it on any web browser. So you can play from a console or even phone. It is all automated and scripted as well. So no guessing the rules. I play TTS as well but BGA is super nice.


OMG yeah check it out. You can use it on any web browser. So you can play from a console or even phone. It is all automated and scripted as well. So no guessing the rules. I play TTS as well but BGA is super nice.
Nahson, those games are all kinda meh looking. Hit me with some Arkham Horror LCG, or Descent.
There are many sites to play. Rummycircle, Rummyculture, Ace23, GetMega etc. are the popular ones that I know. Also, it's more important to choose the site/app which suits you the best.


Ultimate DQ Fan
Currently playing:
Dungeons and Dragons
Boss Monster
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Betrayal at Baldurs Gate

Used to Play:
Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Own but have not played:
Star Trek Adventures
Shadowrun 6e
Gloomhaven standalone streamlined version
Lords of Waterdeep
Founders of Gloomhaven
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