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Hey gaf why did you choose your current profession?


Junior Member
I'm about to enter the legal field this Monday since I just got employed. So I am just curious. Why did you pick your current profession/career? Was it a choice? Was it forced because of kids/money need/etc? Do you like it?


I was in my second semester of college and was starving, needed money. I knew a little about operating computers and bit about hardware, and saw the campus needed a work study in the network operations center doing desktop work. Fast forward four years and I was graduating with a CS degree, was a full time network admin for the university, and left for a more challenging job.


Kinda fell into it. I have a love/hate relationship with my job. I don't enjoy writing erotica and romance but it's making me so much money I don't have a choice but to keep going.

I'd much rather write sci-fi and fantasy, or go back to my original passion which was 3D and lighting (but that industry is fucked)


Because I'm slightly sensitive to numbers and love current business trends.

Kinda fell into it. I have a love/hate relationship with my job. I don't enjoy writing erotica and romance but it's making me so much money I don't have a choice but to keep going.

Is it so good that I don't need porn anymore?
Always like to talk about this topic because I'm so glad that I've chosen the right profession.

I am a freelance journalist. I chose to write for a living because thats all I ever did as a kid. First wrote comic books, then stories on an old school type writer, then made my own magazines.

I also loved to play games and read a lot of gaming magazines (before the internet arrived). Somehow though I never made the connection that I should become a journalist, so I studied for design (photoshop, illustrator, flash). While I was getting my degree for that it finally clicked with me that my passion was writing, so after I got my degree I started learning for journalism.

Ended up with an internship for one of the largest gamesites in the Netherlands and had the luck (and of course the passion, its only part luck) to get a full time gig there after graduating. Worked there for nine years, worked my way up as editor in chief. Last year I realised I started resenting the work thanks to being more occupied with the business / coördination side of things instead of writing (which is logical in the position I had), plus I travelled 5 hours each day so that didn't help either.

So this year I became a hired gun. Writing for all sorts of publications, about games but also about other stuff. While it was a scary descision, I couldn't be happier. I make enough money thank god, get new clients every once and then, I do what I love (write) and I do it mostly from home, which is also nice.

Truly, couldn't be happier with the current situation. Zero feeling of stress, lots of creativity, doing what I love... sometimes you just have to take a risk to get the life you always wanted.


Becoming a software developer had been by goal ever since I first came into contact with programming at age 12, so it was an obvious choice.

It's Jeff

The pay. Working in the oil industry which is beyond miserable, but I can retire a young man in just a few more years.

Totally sold out.


Was always interested in biology and law.
So patent attourney in the field of biology is the right way to go.

edit: Oh and my city is kind of the patent capital of europe (Munich). Also, the pay is pretty damn decent.
I don't think I need much to explain why I'm a high school student, OP. Lol

Kinda fell into it. I have a love/hate relationship with my job. I don't enjoy writing erotica and romance but it's making me so much money I don't have a choice but to keep going.

I'd much rather write sci-fi and fantasy, or go back to my original passion which was 3D and lighting (but that industry is fucked)

Oh. That's actually qutite interesting. Perhaps try to focus on sci-fi romance and stuff and then move on to "pure" sci-fi/fantasy from there? People enjoy new ventures by authors they like, in my experience.
I am obsessed with cities, towns, and places where we don't just merely exist, but thrive through culture, commerce, recreation, lifestyle, socialization, choice, and just about everything else that where you inhabit should provide. The only way we can create cities that successfully bring everything together coherently is through urban planning and the myriad of other fields that need to collaborate and work together to create these places; and to minimize the negative effects that come with, for a lack of a better description, human activity, infrastructure, or development.

Or just to create safe, clean places where people can enjoy whatever they like to do. Nothing wrong with a simple life.
I decided to go after what I thought would be the most fun (comics/video games) rather than my degree (diplomacy). That's pretty much how I approach life, though.


Flopped getting into medicine which i basically prepared my whole life for, was completely lost so just picked computer science randomly out of my university prospectus booklet and became a programmer. Worked out ok thank you destiny.


Looking for a third career soon. I love my job, but I can't do it long term. I haven't decided what's next. :( Maybe I'm too old to go back to school.
It's the only thing that i could imagine doing for work and still be happy.
I was always drawing as a kid. Very happy to be able to make a living out of it.
Illustrator / graphic designer.


Realized office work wasn't for me, had an opportunity to apply for a Longshoreman position and I took it. Being in a union is great tbh

The work is piss easy and I'm making bank.


Wanted to go into games programming, realised in Uni I didn't really get as much enjoyment from games development as I thought I would. Started a job testing a game, with my contract stating I'd move onto programming within a year, started doing some game programming there and then an opening as an iOS developer opened up at the same place and I trained up and moved over to that. Stuck with it since, I enjoy it a lot more
maybe because it's a lot easier.


I've always loved video games and I want to give to other people what games gave to me growing up.

Im crap at art and rather enjoy the power programming gives you so i got into that instead!


I always had a passion for not dying of hunger.

Been working in social/volounteer work all my life. Make me feel better than other people and totally give me the high road in internet conversations. I couldn't cope with being a rich privileged asshole were i doing anything else. I loathe the day i'll stop working in the field because i know i'll fully become a rich privileged asshole then and not see anything bad in being one.
Finished school at 18 not really knowing what I wanted to do. Kinda thought web stuff and graphic design looked interesting I guess and I liked computers. Saw my brother doing graphic design. Took a cause that kinda covered it. Turns out I liked it and went from there.

Started as graphic designer. Over the years dabbled in web at the same time. Then this year my job because front end web developer rather than graphic designer because it was going that way anyway and my worked needed me in that possition more.

I enjoy what I do so it worked out OK in the end.

If schools taught more modern suff when I was that ages (was 18 over 17 years ago now) I imagine I would have ended up in web design or IT anyway.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I chose it because it was my dream job. It's slightly different than what I thought I'd be doing when I was younger, but it's still in the dream industry.


Because it was offered to me, the pay was good, I do less work than previously, and I actually enjoy doing the job. Not my dream job but to say that I don't enjoy it would be a lie.
I work in a factory for $22 an hour...it was the most I could make as a high school dropout. Stay in school kids.

If anyone has a job for me making more, I'll take it!
Realized office work wasn't for me, had an opportunity to apply for a Longshoreman position and I took it. Being in a union is great tbh

The work is piss easy and I'm making bank.

^Wooow. Getting one of those is like winning the lottery. Congrats. You're set for life.


Wound up in it kinda by accident. Wouldn't mind a career change, but I like the security of my current position.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
My first ever class in secondary school was chemistry, the second the class ended I knew that's what I wanted to do and 20 years later I don't regret it a bit.


Got it from temping and it's secure. I want to find a job I'm passionate about tho. I hate my job tbh


Joined the Army after i left school and wanted to be a tank transpoter driver, was a tad slow learning to drive so switched corps to signals.

Been in telecomms ever since, love it.

Currently work as a tech support engineer for a mobile vendor in the uk.

Being on the cusp of tech has been great. Looking forward to starting 5g rollout.


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
I fell into it - a consequence of graduating into an economic crash with no marketable skills and no contacts.


Got out of academia to work for defence when I realised I'd still be on short term contracts in 10 years - couldn't be happier


Too soft for manual labour

Too lazy for anything requiring further qualifications

Too antisocial for customer service or sales

Too proud for life on the dole

Admin it is 👍

(Accounts Payable Clerk. Something in IT is also probably an option.)

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Stumbled into it. I'm making it up as I go along.


No one has noticed yet.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Kinda fell into it. I have a love/hate relationship with my job. I don't enjoy writing erotica and romance but it's making me so much money I don't have a choice but to keep going.

I'd much rather write sci-fi and fantasy, or go back to my original passion which was 3D and lighting (but that industry is fucked)

Can't you mix erotica with fantastic / future settings and try to build a reader base that allows you to diversify your writing to get the opportunity to do a bit more in the field you love?

EDIT: For my own profession: I studied at the university, naturally continued by doing a Ph.D. and want to stay in research / teaching, just because I like what I am doing. Luckily I have found a job where I will be able to continue doing this.


Was really into graphic design and photography in high school. Went to college for Game Art. Got a degree in Game Art. Never felt the same way about 2D or 3D game art the same way I do about graphic design and photography (and was abysmal at it), so I knew from the second I graduated that I wasn't going to be working in the game industry any time soon.

Ended up getting a part time job at a community college doing graphic design, photography, and a little bit of video editing for them. When I wasn't doing that, I was substitute teaching. Did that for about a year and a half. Realized I loved teaching (my mom is a teacher and my great grandpa was a teacher, so I guess its in the blood). Ended up moving to Korea to teach, I've been here 3 years and signed up for my 4th back in May. Planning on moving back to the states next year to get certified in teaching, not quite sure what I'll do after that. I love living abroad and seeing the world (and getting certified would open up much bigger (and profitable) doors), but at the same time while I love teaching I don't particularly care about teaching English. I think at this point my goal to get a job teaching art, photoshop, or photography. Would love to make photography my full time job, but the kind of photography I like to do doesn't seem to have to many job opportunities (travel and landscape).


I thought I was going to be an engineer. When I went to universities to look at engineering departments, I saw lots of nerdy men, no women, and far more maths than getting dirty in workshops.

At one university, the architecture dept shared the same building. They had cool-looking people, 50/50 gender split and all sorts of hand-made models etc.

So I chose that instead. Never regretted it :)


Doing IT on college but it's just to get back into school life again and do higher education after that.

I want to be a succesfull banker, lawyer or something related to crime or psychology.

Kinda practicing drawing (art interests me but i am sadly a terrible drawer so i am trying to improve those skills) etc on the side since tattooing does interest me heavily or either piercing. But i do need a backup if that fails also being a captain on a boat would be cool but that's a bad carreer cuz i want kids and they would miss me for weeks/months and i do value free time too.
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