I'm a web application developer.
I've been building websites since the late 90s, started as a hobby. Continued to do it throughout college to make money, and as a hobby, did not study development in college (there really weren't courses in web development at the time, especially at the college I went to... I remember taking one course the summer going into my senior year to fulfill a requirement, and I was waaaay over-qualified for the course. It was a nice A to add to my GPA, but ultimately, a waste of $3200), was hired as a web developer after college, and have continued to do that for 12 or so years. I got my start,truthfully, building things around my hobbies... mostly around videogames. I created videogame websites in the early 2000s for Counter-Strike, Madden, and misc videogames, mostly online communities. My first portfolio of sites when I got hired to do web development was, honestly, almost all videogame sites. If you were into Madden in the early 2000s or went to sports gaming sites, you probably went to some of the sites that I either started, developed, or contributed to.
I still do freelance web development building client sites, but my primary career is web application / software development today. It pays well, I like my job, I'm well respected. Only thing that sucks for me is I've got about an hour commute each way and my company is not great with WFH.
Also, when I have a big freelance project it eats up a lot of my free time, so for instance, the last 2 weeks I've basically worked all day at work, only to go home, eat dinner with my wife, and then hit the computer from 730 - 1230, go to sleep, repeat. Project is going to be finished soon, and it's a lucrative one, but we're in major crunch and have a shit load to get finished for a launch at the end of the month (and then I go on vacation). But I only do pretty serious clients these days, including a site in conjuction with the Obama Administration, two for the state of New York, and fairly lucrative clients. So the projects are all usually high paying and too lucrative to turn down.