Is this figuratively? Because if you make millions every year, shouldn't it be absolutely unproblematic for you to just, say, devote half the time to writing romances and half the time to write your passion projects and, even if the passion project is bought by only 20 people, you still make a million (assuming millions means at least two million, but less than four million), which, I guess, is plenty to live very well off?Every time I open up my fantasy project in Scrivener, I I write something I love, or stick with a genre that's making me millions every year?
No job yet, I'm just stating my third year at university (will probably do honors next year) studying Computer Science. I still have no idea how anything I'm learning will translate into a job, I'm getting good grades, but all I know how to code are shitty calculators and solve useless problems that no one in the real world would pay someone to do. It's a little worrying lol. I really should start some projects of my own on the side
I hated my career in TV News. It was a dead end job in a dying field. And I always regretted not going into IT. So I decided to become a network engineer.
.It chose me.
Dat bump
Why not just make a new thread instead of an old pre-split one full of screechers
I thought it would be in bad taste to make a new thread since we have an existing one. But it is a good idea.
why stop there
why not let it spill into the streets
create a new forum for every new thread
OK will do later.Yeah fuck this old screecher thread. Make a new one man.
I'm a game designer. Its actually what I've wanted to do professionally since I've been about 11 or 12. I went to school for it and worked hard to get the necessary skills and experience. So pretty cool. That being said, it's my first gig in the industry and I'm on the bottomish rung on the ladder. My next goal is climbing to a position of more importance.