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hey guys.


Some days I'm tempted to post some of the e-mails I get at my @gaming-age.com address. I usually don't, because most of them are the same generic "hey how long is my ban" or "why can't i post?!" or "do you know EXACTLY when the new PS2 INUYASHA is coming out?" or "why don't you guys have a DS drop down list in the previews section?"


Today was different.

Hey guys

Iam currently in a game in madden 2005.
I don' know if you gat this fast or slow but he is cheating.
If youhave the capability to kick him out please do so.
He is makeing the game lag and it want kick him out.

My screen name is ***********
please come to my rescue
I refuse to give in to what he wants which is a quit by me.
I am beating him 27 to 3 and offered a mercy.
he refused

If you read this within the next 30 min please email me at
************@ hotmail.com


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
john2kx said:
i don't get it..
how exactly do we come to his 'rescue'?

We bring the EA servers to their knees! I don't know, maybe the guy wanted you to call in some favors from EA. It is very sad that people actually sit there for hours because they won't accept defeat, fucking sad.

Now please tell me when the new Inuyasha game is coming out? And please tell me if I should buy this Pretendo DS that is on ebay... :p


Tag of Excellence
Hey Buddy I always was meaning to ask you this but since you've made a thread I think this is the best place. When are you guys going to get to work on a Final Fantasy game for the Xbox? The series has always been on the PS2 and I think the game would look much better on the Xbox.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Brandon F said:

...when is Inuyasha coming out?

Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask - 11/01/04


Halo 2 better move the hell out of this game's way. And who wants to bet that you will still see over 30 copies of GTA:SA on the shelves, but Inuyasha will be out of sight. I bet cause all the copies are sold out...yeah, that's it.
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