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Hey Youtube, just because I watched one video about [insert topic] doesn't mean you have to flood my home feed with it


Basically as the title says. I'm not watching anything sketchy. I might have a playlist open for classical spanish guitar or something and then my entire fucking feed is just classic guitar, how to play classical guitar, classical guitar recital in a cathedral.


Was it always like that?!

I know you can click the three dots and choose "don't recommend" etc but I'd prefer opt-in rather than opt-out, along the lines of a little prompt saying "would you like to see more content like this on your home feed?" after finishing said video.


YouTube has gotten very very bad for recommending something similar to what you're currently watching.

I used to go YouTube for music entirely but now my related videos suggest completely unrelated vids.

You can kinda toggle with the settings for filtering but it was never the same as it was.


Listen to ONE K-Pop song once and your channel devolves into K-pop and MMD anime dancing videos
Listen to ONE Russian rap video and you can't read anything ever again

Codes 208

This also applies to tik tok and instagram

Like holy shit, i watched a vid for three seconds, i dont care for the rest of my feed being the same shit


Gold Member
Sometime the topic itself is not WHY I clicked something, its how its presented or angled.
But the algorithms seems to not detect that...


It's even worse on Reddit. You look at one subreddit once and then it shows up in your curated home feed so many times as a suggested post you might as well be subscribed to it.
I'm pretty sure I left myself logged in at a department store somewhere recently because my recommendations were off the chain for a while there.


Yeah, I subscribe mostly to tech and gaming channels but because I click just one anime titty video, suddenly my feed is flooded by anime T&As clips.

The algorithm is really broken.


Maybe if I watch 4 or 5 vĂ­deos, but yeah, you watch 1 or 2 and you'll get a shit loadnof suggestions.

And I say 1 or 2 but it feels like you watch 1 and it's enough...


Gold Member
Instagram reels is bad about this, too. Someone shares a stupid reel with me and then when I'm scrolling reels every other one is some moron making the same joke. I spent a week seeing titty sagging memes.


I watched a few Jordan Peterson videos a few years ago (just clicked the recommended videos). Some sage advice, but overall meh and mostly common sense.

My goodness the absolute fucking garbage that flooded my feed for weeks after that though.

Power Pro

I know the feeling. That's why whenever I happen to click on a video that I don't think I care much about, I immediately go into watch history, and remove it. That usually staves off that kind of recommendation bull shit, but it's so ridiculous.

It's also real bad with gaming related stuff. You watch the trailer for an new game you're thinking about getting, then suddenly you get videos showing up "COMPLETE ENDING OF" whatever game, like...I don't wanna see that shit if I'm thinking of buying a game!


I watched one ufc interview and the son of a bitch started spoiling fights i still needed to watch.


I just turned off suggestions.

This one you're talking about?
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