1988 was a great year for comedies: Roger Rabbit, Beetlejuice, Naked Gun, Scrooged, Earth Girls are Easy, Coming to America, My Stepmother is an Alien, Big, Funny Farm, Great Outdoors, Twins, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, etc..
Often overlooked and definitely under appreciated are Hot to Trot and Elvira:Mistress of the Dark. As a child, these two movies were on constant replay in our bonus room VCR.
Some of us are looking for new media to consume. If you get a chance, check these two out.
Often overlooked and definitely under appreciated are Hot to Trot and Elvira:Mistress of the Dark. As a child, these two movies were on constant replay in our bonus room VCR.
Some of us are looking for new media to consume. If you get a chance, check these two out.