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Hidden message in dumped contents of videogames - Let's begin with The New Tetris...


This hidden message was included in the dumped file of The New Tetris. It was written by David Pridie, which was one of the main programmer at H2O. I know it's kind of old, but since I just learned that Dave passed away in 2001, I thought of posting this. I took it from the website dedicated to his memory.

The New Tetris said:
char *DaveRant = {
********************START MARTIST RANT************************** \
I must say, this was a fun time coming down to San Francisco to do The \
New Tetris. Allthough there were a few problems. First of all being \
our producer.. D*N, my god.. is this guy useless or what?? \
I don't hate you D*N.. but you SUCK, and I mean SUCK as a producer. \
You should go back to testing video games, but I doubt you could even \
manage that properly. I feel sorry for you. During this project you \
just sat around and played video games.. starcraft and everquest. \
Don't even deny that.. when you WERE working, it was making stupid \
Excel (tm) spreadsheets to try and tell me how many bugs I had left \
to fix on a graph.. like WTF is that??? who cares.. I have the bug \
list in front of me, like I need to see it in freaking technicolor. \
So D*N, I must say this.. hold onto, and fake your job while you can, \
because once they find out how truely useless you are, you will be out \
of a job. I cannot think of any skillset you would fit into in this \
industry, so you better hold on tight. (This guy thought I could save \
a name in 8.4 BITS.. like umm.. .4 BITS?? WTF is .4 BITS?? its either ON \
or OFF, not in between... anyhow, Enough about you though. \
To Nintendo.. It has been nice working with you.. Alot of you are great \
or were great. Tom 'Snoop Dog' Hertzog - you were great.. one of the \
nicest people I have ever met at Nintendo. You and your crews bug testing \
was outstanding and I commend you for the excellent work. Erich Waas - \
You know we have been friends a long time, but I must say this. After \
you had accepted the ART form for The New Tetris, and later on your higher \
ups said it was not UNISEX enough, you slapped the blame on H2O, Chris Bretz \
in particular. You did not have the balls to accept blame for your \
mistake, and stuck our entire team under IMMENSE stress and FRENZY. This \
to save your A$$ from getting in trouble at Nintendo. I still like you \
Erich, which is more than I can say for the rest of the team that you \
screwed because of this. But I guess your standing at Nintendo is more \
important than the friendships you had here. You always knew we had telent \
and you recognized that. I know you wanted to work with us again one \
day maybe outside of Nintendo, I think you screwed up those chances though. \
While I am screaming.. I might as well say this: Niel Voss.. your music is \
freaking KICK A$$.. you are one really damn talented boy. BUT, you are one \
of the laziest music guys I think there is :) You could go far if you wanted \
to, but you just lack the GO for it. It is a shame. I wish you all the luck \
and would reccomend you to ANYBODY just because even though everything is last \
minute, and like pulling teeth, the end result is AMAZING. \
I am leaving H2O after this project to work at 3DO. I hope this will be a \
good move for me. I love H2O, As amazingly disorganized of a company it is. \
I LOVE the people, I have so many good friends \
there. It will be hard to move on. Of course they will stay my friends. \
They were more than just co-workers.. they were FRIENDS. They were the \
people I lived with, spent my days and nights with.. went to bars with, \
camped with, drank with (alot), did other bad things with (wont elaborate :)). \
They are true great friends, and I love them all and will miss them dearly. \
Allthough Vancouver is only a 2 hour flight away, I hope I can visit often. \
My best friends would include. Ross, Max, Scott, Jake, Bretz, Roland, Johnny, \
Sarah.. these are the people I love the most. And I wish you success. My 4.5 \
years at H2O were basically, making games.. drinking alot, playing pool alot, \
going to bars and raves and dancing while really screwed up in the head. THAT \
HAS TO BE THE MOST FUN I HAVE EVER HAD, and probably ever will. The good old \
days. These guys are in Vancouver right now because I got stuck finishing \
this project in San Francisco (Which by all means I LOVE and am staying (hence 3DO)) \
Well boys and girls, I just thought I would immortalize some thoughts I have at \
the moment into a rom which will be burned forever. This game sucks. The music \
is great but the game itself is not how we wanted it unfortunately. I mean, it \
is a good game, but some things could be polished, as well as sped up. Could \
use another month to finish this thing off AFTER all the bugs are fixed. oh well, \
woh is me. \
I would love to give special loves and kisses to the following. \
My Girlfriend Amy Bond, My Family (Joy, Allyson, Jon Pridie, Brant Sangster), \
My really really best old friends Selim Arikan, Cory Haberly, Jason Vasilash, \
Alfred Huger, Oliver Friedrichs. \
Goodbye H2O, it was a blast, and I mean that with all my heart. \
(C) 1999 July 1 David Pridie \
If you are reading this, you can obviously see this disclaimer. \
All this material belongs to David Pridie. If you find it and want to post \
it in ANY media format, you must get my permission or feel my wrath :). \
This text if it is ever read, is intended to be read by hackers whom have \
dumped the contents of this rom and viewed it. That is ALL it is for. \
And maybe some of them will remember me from the C64 and PC days, Martial Artist \
of PE/TDT/RAZOR 1911/INC/FLT/TRN/FBR, I was in them all.. and I made trainers \
and intros mostly. I thank that scene for teaching me how to program, because \
without it I don't think I would be where I am today. \
Well that does it 4.5 years and Two games later (Tetrisphere and New Tetris). \
Unfortunately I wont be working on Nomans Quest.. but oh well. \
*****************************END MARTIAL ARTIST RANT ********************
Very interesting globaly. I specially liked the part when he talks about Niel Voss' music. It's kind of odd though that nobody at H2O realized that there was a small part of incoherent garbage right in the middle of the rom.

Anyone has found out that kind of hidden messages in other videogames?


Junior Ace
"Well boys and girls, I just thought I would immortalize some thoughts I have at \
the moment into a rom which will be burned forever. This game sucks."



puck1337 said:
That's wicked. Are there more of these things out there? That are known, that is.
I've once read the dumped text file of Metal Gear Solid. It was basicly the codec conversations, but it included some never spoken text also; not much thought.
This thread has actually happened a couple of times (no surprise given how old the link is).

For what it's worth, he was right on the money about Neil. Mr. Voss is a great guy but he really does have some sort of +5 to all rolls involving hiding in the shadows. ;-)


The Saturn version of Syphony in the Night included a text file regarding how hard it was to program for the Saturn, or something.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
i remember examining EXE files of older EA PC games and they said "If you can read this, send your resume to this address!" which I thought was cool. Too bad they wouldn't hire a 10 year old :)


The arcade version of MK II has a bunch. In with all the real game's text is crazy stuff like "Ed Boon Wins", "Kano Wins", and more.


Tetrisphere was a cool game. Is this the guy whose photo is at the end of the DC Unreal Tournament credits? I don't have UT anymore but I remember seeing an R.I.P message at the end, and 2001 would've probably been around the same time. I think that guy even got a bot modelled (or at least named) after him in the DC version.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
i used to see "martist" in the channel i hung out on IRC with marty and company... i've even spoken to him before about tetrisphere and how awesome it is. (this was in 1998).

too bad he died. RIP.



john tv

Same here. He spotted me at the Nintendo party back in... who knows when (98? 99?) and came over to say hi. Really, really nice guy. It's a shame he passed away. :(


I can't believe nobody's mentioned the big hidden ROM message, the one in Front Mission: Gun Hazard for the SNES. In one of the sound channels, there's a slightly racist (iirc) and angry voice recording.

Also, Sexy Parodius for the PSX has a pretty long .doc file on the disc. I think it's just little messages from the staff, but I've never managed to get it translated. (Fennec said he'd do it on IRC but he sux and never did! :()
Albert Odyssey for the Saturn had one that came up if you put the game into a CD-player, or into the Saturn and went to the music playing area.


Hates quality gaming
Final Fantasy Tactics, Japanese version.



I'm 68000, Z80, 8086, 6502, 65C816, R3000, C, C++, and Delphi programmer
Suzuki Kazuo<suzuki@cup.com>.
Send me a cool e-mail. Y(^_^)


It came up in the Half life thread last week...

In pak0.pak file in your orginal halflife (not steam) if you open that file with a "pak" program and go to sounds/nilinath. There you will find wavs saying various things about the halflife story, listen to it few days ago, really cool.
shibbs said:
It came up in the Half life thread last week...

In pak0.pak file in your orginal halflife (not steam) if you open that file with a "pak" program and go to sounds/nilinath. There you will find wavs saying various things about the halflife story, listen to it few days ago, really cool.

If you look through the other sound files the sci's. grunts and barney had a load of stuff they didn't say. Also it appears that at one point your hazard suit was supposed to talk a lot more but i guess they thought it was too intrusive but all the sounds are still there. The vox has a loooooaaaaddd of sound files as well
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