Hideki Kamiya video reveals five more leads have quit Platinum, including Bayonetta 3’s director

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire

Speculation has swirled in recent weeks about the future of PlatinumGames’ staff, after Kamiya announced a new studio backed by Capcom, which is partly made up of former Platinum developers.

This was followed by recent speculation that many of Platinum’s other lead creators could have followed Kamiya out of the company, after they removed references to Platinum from their social media profiles.
On Tuesday, Kamiya seemingly confirmed several high-profile Platinum exits with a ‘bonus’ segment on his latest YouTube video, which features (in his words) footage of a “former PlatinumGames directors’ drinking party”.

In addition to Kamiya, the party was attended by Bayonetta Origins director Abebe Tinari, Bayonetta 3 director Yusuke Miyata, Astral Chain director Takahisa Taura, Metal Gear Rising director Kenji Saito, and Anarchy Reigns and Resident Evil character designer Masaki Yamanaka.

Other than Tinari, who previously confirmed his departure from Platinum last month, this would mark the first confirmation that the studio has lost Taura, Saito, Miyata, and Yamanaka from its ranks, all of whom recently worked on Platinum projects such as Bayonetta 3 or Bayonetta Origins.

“Games are made by people,” Kamiya says in the video. “Wherever they go from here, they’ll create things that only they can… please look forward to their work!”

It’s not clear where the directors have gone next, or if they will be joining Kamiya at his new studio. But a social media update from Taura suggested the Astral Chain designer could be founding his own studio.

VGC has asked Platinum for comment on this story.


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Let me just say something here, cause both here and the purple retarded forum people seem to have a hard-on for shitting on Platinum.

Platinum released some bad games and some truly amazing games. In my opinion, their best game ever is Astral Chain (2019) followed by MGR (2013?). Also I like Nier and W101. Hate fucking Bayonetta with a passion.

Edit: And I love Vanquish!

People here and in the gay purple forum seem united in the belief that Platinum went to shit…when? After Automata? But what about Astral Chain? No, that million seller doesn't count because?

Then, another thing. How do you think all these game directors came to be who they are? Fucking magic predestination? No, evidently it seems that Platinum can grow talent in-house, as we have seen in the NG4 trailer, they have young and hungry people working their ass off.

Let me ask you then, what the fuck has Kamiya done in the past, say 10 years? All his games have those cringey mini games and shooting missions, its like he has to include some shitty homage to 1980s arcade games. Fucking good riddance if you ask me.

And please don't fucking start with “but but but Transformer and Ninja Turtles were shit”. Yes sure those games were shit. And Kamiya was there all along producing that shit, so what?

Nintendo, please bring Astral Chain 2 out soon!
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Let me just say something here, cause both here and the purple retarded forum people seem to have a hard-on for shitting on Platinum.

Platinum released some bad games and some truly amazing games. In my opinion, their best game ever is Astral Chain (2019) followed by MGR (2013?). Also I like Nier and W101. Hate fucking Bayonetta with a passion.

People here hand in the gay purple forum seem united in the belief that Platinum went to shit…when? After Automata? But what about Astral Chain? No, that million seller doesn't count because?

Then, another thing. How do you think all these game directors came to be who they are? Fucking magic predestination? No, evidently it seems that Platinum can grow talent in-house, as we have seen in the NG4 trailer, they have young and hungry people working their ass off.

Let me ask you then, what the fuck has Kamiya done in the past, say 10 years? All his games have those cringey mini games and shooting missions, its like he has to include some shitty homage to 1980s arcade games. Fucking good riddance if you ask me.

And please don't fucking start with “but but but Transformer and Ninja Turtles were shit”. Yes sure those games were shit. And Kamiya was there all along producing that shit, so what?

Nintendo, please bring Astral Chain 2 out soon!
Agree completely. I could never enjoy Kamiya-directed projects. Bayonetta 1 could’ve been the best action game of all time, but he had to add god-awful timewasters in there, why do i have to play angel attack after every chapter? The space harrier level was truly awful shit, same with the bike level. My only rationale for his random elements in games is that he does not have enough confidence in his work, or that his main mechanics are not sufficient to carry an entire game all alone.
If these directors were his Protégés, then good riddance.
Platinum had a habit of shit partnerships, maybe they could correct course now and leave nintendo behind as it was clearly stifling their creativity.


Bayonetta was the right game at the right time, as Capcom put DMC on the back burner and NG was a no show after 2 too. There was not much to choose from at the time. It all went cover shooters. In retrospect I don't like the game that much. The awful rail sections and QTE, the cutscenes and dialogue that really start to get annoying after the halfway point. I went back to DMC4, which was a technically far more impressive game, and actually liked that more.

Platinum didn't really went to shit. They were always hit and miss. I mean, Anarchy Reigns was their third game or so. For me it was a shit game with a horrible netcode. They also did some licensing shit, probably in order to generate income. Those were generally bad, though Transformers was fun. Even their debut game, Mad World, saw a mixed reception. So idk when they were supposed to go to shit.

They struck gold with Konami and Square even though I don't like MGR that much (I do respect the hand they were dealt with this project), and Mikami created Vanquish which I consider their best game.


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Yes I forgot Vanquish!

MGR and Vanquish are the reason why I still have an Xbox One X plugged in.


I know its not a popular opinion here but i didn't like a single game from them.
They always felt low budget and quality, especially the graphics and controls.
For my tsste in games, Platinum had a short window of being a name associated with stupid fun games like Bayonetta and Vanquish, even Madworld was fun in bursts (though I didnt buy it, I "borrowed" it from the internet). They had a certain style and presentation.
Then it felt like they seemingly and very quickly went down hill. From cancelled games, poor quality games, games with terrible gameplay, games with awful performance (not just Switch games), just low effort feeling games as a whole.

Think I remember years ago there being struggles in the boardroom, people leaving or something, but yeah, Platinum has more disappointments than positives imo, which sucks because again, I have and do really like some of their games and at one point we're hired to help save Metal Gear Revengance which was in limbo for years.


The Platinum name doesn't mean much to me anymore so...eh? The only thing from them over the past decade I genuinely like is Nier: Automata and that's hard carried by people not with Platinum.

Maybe they'll do better elsewhere and maybe Platinum can do better without them. Getting away from Nintendo's garbage hardware will probably help too.



I feel it’s only a matter of time. Quite sad, I think their output was mostly solid. People shit on these, but I say even Transformers Devastation was a lot of fun, and people I trust have said Korra and to a lesser extent their Ninja Turtles game are fairly good. Hopefully they and Metal Gear Rising can one day get a release on modern systems (Bayonetta has been well treated in this regard).
Futatusugi, Nakanishi, and Kusunoki were at Grounding Inc. which co-developed Crimson Dragon with Land-Ho?
I don't need you to tell me who left Team Andromeda thanks. Next, you'll be crediting Team Ninja for making Wanted Dead, AM#2 for making Toyko Shutoko Battle or RARE for making Time Splitters *rollseyes*


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I don't need you to tell me who left Team Andromeda thanks. Next, you'll be crediting Team Ninja for making Wanted Dead, AM#2 for making Toyko Shutoko Battle or RARE for making Time Splitters *rollseyes*

So what are you saying is that Team Andromeda went to shit at some point, or were they always shit from the beginning?


Platinum Games wasn't great even when those people were there. The best game they ever produced was:


A forgotten classic. If only we could just get a cleaned up remaster that ditched the motion controls. Emulators are decent but a lot of the 2D artwork elements are kinda rough.

Rising is still probably the best game platinum ever produced though.

Edit: Also the Madworld OST is rad for those unfamiliar. I still listen to it occasionally.

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So what are you saying is that Team Andromeda went to shit at some point, or were they always shit from the beginning?
That's what you are saying. A lot of the TA staff stayed on in SEGA and went to work on the PC side that later became Smilebit
Lots of staff get moved teams merge or change and lots of staff look to try to run their studios

All I will say is that the last few Platinum games haven't been very good and I don't hold up any hope for Ninja Gaiden 4. But then I guess people like you credit Capcom for the likes of Bayonetta anyway, so no doubt look to blame Capcom when Ninja Gaiden 4 turns out crap *rollseyes*
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I will credit Kamiya for being shit if he gets Capcom to approve a sequel to Okami and it turns out mediocre.

I have more faith in whats left of Platinum than in Kamiya.

And I guess if you think all of Platinum game including MRG are shit, then no surprise, you will also hate NG4 too lol. Not sure what you expect.
I will credit Kamiya for being shit if he gets Capcom to approve a sequel to Okami and it turns out mediocre.

I have more faith in whats left of Platinum than in Kamiya.

And I guess if you think all of Platinum game including MRG are shit, then no surprise, you will also hate NG4 too lol. Not sure what you expect.
I think Capcom in a much better place than Kamiya-san is right now

Btw, Learn what 'last few' actually means


The guy is really good at coming up with new ideas but the 2 biggest franchises he worked on became better games after they were given over to someone else.
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