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Okami's initial sales were "huge failure", says director Hideki Kamiya. "Clover would have probably continued" had it been more successful.


May I have a cookie?
Kamiya can't catch a break, he pours his heart into his creations, but most of them enjoy niche success at best, and more than a few have bombed hard.
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I got the plat trophy when i bought the PS3 remaster... but I completely understands. If there's a game that almost BEGS for more boss variety, it's Okami (every boss twice [3 or 4 bosses, at maximum] and Orochi three times? Are you kidding me?!)

Astral Dog

Bought it four times. First on PS2 at release. Then the HD-version on PS3 (which I ended up platinum). Then on Switch. And then a physical copy on PS4 to replace my PS2 physical copy I sold. Love this game. One of my all time favourites. It's a shame it bombed. Kamiya has spoken about it several times in the past and expressed his disappointment with the low sales. He had a lot of passion for Okami and to see it go up in flames like that and get your studio closed? I think this one personally got to him.
we can look it that way and be bitter or be happy Capcom ended up making lots of 💰 with Okami, 4 million sold ,with 2.4M on modern platforms alone

It took many years, but eventually Okami became pretty popular, remember when Xenoblade was released on Wii and nobody bought it? was not until the Switch version was made that gamers got the message

Doesn't mean they will make a sequel or anything, without Clover but imo it doesn't need one
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AssCreed would have probably not continued had it been a disaster, which it should have been since at least Black Flag. And yet people keep buying them and now we got the Fresh Samurai. We continue to play ourselves.
I always found Okami overrated and one of the most boring games ever made. It was a shame that Viewtiful Joe didn't sell better mind :(


Ōkami is a perfect example of why some video games would benefit from having an editor.

There's a great, inspired, beautiful game in there but you have to sift through so much recycled fluff and excessively indulgent bloat that sometimes it feels like it's just not worth it.


Ōkami is a perfect example of why some video games would benefit from having an editor.

There's a great, inspired, beautiful game in there but you have to sift through so much recycled fluff and excessively indulgent bloat that sometimes it feels like it's just not worth it.

I feel the same about most Zelda games.
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