Hillary's interview w/ A. Cooper: Sander's supporters are still incredibly divisive

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Rapid Response Threadmaker

And it's clear what she means in the context of the message that she isn't talking about supporters of him today, but back during the election.

90% of Sander's Primary Voters voted for you Hillary. A much higher number than your supporters voted for Obama back in 2008.

This just comes off incredibly bitter and divisive(!) for the democratic party (which I can admit while being a lofty goal that needs to happen, the single payer plan by Bernie is also doing this to a degree).


Full Transcript

COOPER (voice-over): Just a quick other questions. Senator Sanders, obviously, he has a strong voice now in the Democratic Party, comes under a lot of criticism from you in the book. What political sin did he commit other than choosing to go run against you?

CLINTON: Well, it's not the political sin he committed. It was the failure to move quickly to unify the party and his supporters. And I know a little bit about this.

COOPER (voice-over): After it was clear that he was --

CLINTON: It was clear I was going to be the nominee like in March or April. It was beyond any doubt in June. And in '08 we ran a much closer, tougher primary contest between President Obama and myself. It was really close. And I immediately endorsed him, and I went to work for him. I spent countless hours, Anderson, convincing my supporters who felt equally grieved that they had to support Barack Obama. I was still arguing with big rooms of supporters at the Denver Convention. I didn't get that same, you know, respect and reciprocity from Senator Sanders or from his supporters. They're still, you know, incredibly divisive. And I'm interested in what he can do to help elect Democrats. He's not a Democrat, he makes that clear. But we need to do everything possible to win governorships in New Jersey and Virginia this year, and we need to do everything possible to flip the Congress in 2018. He could be helpful if he so chose, and that's what I'm calling on him to do.



And it's clear what she means in the context of the message that she isn't talking about supporters of him today, but back during the election.

90% of Sander's Primary Voters voted for you Hillary. A much higher number than your supporters voted for Obama back in 2008.

This just comes off incredibly bitter and divisive(!) for the democratic party (which I can admit while being a lofty goal that needs to happen, the single payer plan by Bernie is also doing this to a degree).

Yes, Hillary and her wing of the party are very bitter and it's hurting the party. We need to move forward. The Dems tried it Hillary's way. We got President Trump despite the fact that the vast majority of Bernie supporters came out to vote for her.

It's time to be more inclusive.


Hillary playing the victim again. What else is new?

Sander's supporters are "divisive" because they don't support a centrist like Hillary. They're not even close on the political spectrum. The arrogance of this woman thinking that she deserves support just because she says so.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
there is no lie in what shes saying

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I think there is a faction of people who very much dislike her and who nominally supported Sanders in the primary who continue to be pretty nasty about this in a lot of online discourse. I do not think these people represent a lot of actual voters


Rodent Whores
While it's funny that a higher percentage of Clinton supporters voted for McCain 2008, what I see people missing a lot is the fact that maybe a decent chunk of that 9% of his supporters who didn't vote for Clinton did not do so because they are not traditional Democrats, i.e. they're independents and Republicans.

Which just emphasizes just how much crossover support Sanders had, and his ability to attract people both inside and outside of the Democratic Party.
Bernie fans that are still whining that Bernie would have won the general and that Hillary wasn't progressive enough are just sheep for the Russian trolls that are controlling the narrative in American politics. Also there's a whole lot of latent sexism in that group.


She can say whatever she wants. There was a lot of factors in her losing. Comey letter, Bernie or bust people, 47% of Americans not even voting, fake news pushed to hurt her by Russians.

You can blame her for not going to states she should have, but no need to dog pile it on.
She's not wrong given a number of posts I have read (Not specifically from this site) about people who seem to hate anything Clinton/Mainstream Democrat. Lest we forget the whole "Bernie or Bust" crowd that he didn't do much to contain until it was late into the campaign year.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Yeah I detect no lies. This forums Bernie stans are a good microcosm of the issue at large.

Hillary die hard fans on this site were bullying Sander's supporters like crazy. Some of them self-banned themselves after the election.
Hillary playing the victim again. What else is new?

Sander's supporters are "divisive" because they don't support a centrist like Hillary. They're not even close on the political spectrum. The arrogance of this woman thinking that she deserves support just because she says so.



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Bernie fans that are still whining that Bernie would have won the general and that Hillary wasn't progressive enough are just sheep for the Russian trolls that are controlling the narrative in American politics. Also there's a whole lot of latent sexism in that group.

As we can plainly see, Clinton supporters aren't divisive like Bernie supporters were.



Kinda seems weird to say one side is divisive when clearly the entire issue is contentious on both sides (bernie and hillary). Its like a person that argues and debates till they turn blue and then afterwards criticize you for being argumentative, as if her and her supporters arent taking part in the same debate with them. Generalizing peoples base of supporters seems to be something she is not too careful about

And it's clear what she means in the context of the message that she isn't talking about supporters of him today, but back during the election.

Seems to me she means that they are still divisive at this point and she's calling on senator Sanders to do more to unite them as Democrats for the best of the party.

Regardless if we like it or not there are two parties in the US system. Senator Sanders likes to consider himself and independent but his views align with the Democrats.

Some would argue that by continuing to "other" himself from the party and not calling out his more outspoken and ardent supporters about their divisiveness he is doing more harm than good.

I think Mrs. Clinton is making that argument.


Why don't people ask this of other losing Presidential candidates? What is unique about this one?

She wrote a book and is trying to sell it? Nothing wrong or unique about it.

Also, people complain about losing candidates all the time. Plenty of people bitched about Romney and McCain.
Hillary die hard fans on this site were bullying Sander's supporters like crazy. Some of them self-banned themselves after the election.

Those two things aren't necessarily related and there's shitty people on both sides. Look no further than every thread mentioning Bernie in the title.

Why don't people ask this of other losing Presidential candidates? What is unique about this one?



She's not really wrong but all she's doing at this point is keeping the divisiveness alive and in the spotlight.

Nothing she's saying is helping.


I mean even if I assume she is correct about Sanders divisiveness in the early period of the election, I'm only seeing her dredging this up over and over again now. His attitude on Colbert last week was very much about moving forward, for example.


Bernie fans that are still whining that Bernie would have won the general and that Hillary wasn't progressive enough are just sheep for the Russian trolls that are controlling the narrative in American politics. Also there's a whole lot of latent sexism in that group.

Neither of those things you just said have any connection to russian trolls and sexism, what argument do you have to support the idea that those beliefs = russian sexism?
I wish Hillary AND Bernie would both disappear.

They can't co-exist and promote the Democratic Party successfully.

They are both a burden on progress.

(I know Bernie is "Independent", but he relies on Democrat voters.)


Bernie fans that are still whining that Bernie would have won the general and that Hillary wasn't progressive enough are just sheep for the Russian trolls that are controlling the narrative in American politics. Also there's a whole lot of latent sexism in that group.

Hillary die hard fans on this site were bullying Sander's supporters like crazy. Some of them self-banned themselves after the election.

Horse shit. I'm so fucking sick of this myth of the bullied Gaf Sanders supporter.

Much like any other subject that get brought up on Gaf. If you can't support your argument or outright lie, then you are going to get called out.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Horse shit. I'm so fucking sick of this myth of the bullied Gaf Sanders supporter.

Much like any other subject that get brought up on Gaf. If you can't support your argument or outright lie, then you are going to get called out.

You weren't using this site in 2016?


Clinton's ship has sailed and Sanders is as popular as ever. If there's anyone being divisive right now it's the one releasing a book blaming everyone for division except themselves.


Why are we still talking about two candidates when it's more applicable to say that it's a policy and platform division? The Democrats themselves are divided, but people are more comfortable placing the blame on two candidates than the party as a whole.
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