At the end, when he was already hiding in his wet and dark Fuhrerbunker and his beloved Eukodal was no longer available, the dictator was in a frail state. He had lost his teeth, he was drooling and he was hallucinating. Hitler, the man who believed in what he called the Aryan master race, had ended up a junkie.
In Der totale Rausch: Drogen im Dritten Reich (The Total Rush: Drugs in the Third Reich), author Norman Ohler attributes the downfall of Hitler to drugs, primarily Eukodal, a preform of heroin. From time to time, the veins of the pure vegetarian also contained the anabolic steroids of pigs. And his dealer was none other than his personal doctor, Theodor Morell.
In the book that is shaking up the history of the Third Reich, Ohler explains that several high-ranking Nazis were addicted to opioid drugs, while civilians and frontline soldiers took Pervitin, a pill form of Crystal Meth. Before the Final Battle of World War II, the Nazis were in search of a miracle drug to transform men into predators, Ohler writes, quoting Gerhard Orzechowski, a leading pharmacologist of the Navy. According to the book, the Third Reich was a reigning Drug Empire
Pretty interesting new book which points out something many people sort of knew already: the Nazis were high basically all the time, which is somewhat at odds with their crafted image.