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Hogwarts Legacy |OT| The Prisoners of AskforBan


Can’t Git Gud
Finished the story. Now doing side quests and stuff which I never do. Great game!!!

I was playing on balanced and now switched to performance and it’s good.

But why nobody told me to change camera (dualsense) settings to max camera sensitivity and lowest acceleration to 0 ?!
Camera is so much better now
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Well I'll be damned

Also watching this back on my PC, the Series X version I've been playing looks a little washed out now, I moved from 1080p Performance mode to my TV which is now at 4k with RT, its a consistent 60fps but it looks a little washed out imo
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Can’t Git Gud
Man... loving this game. The spells are just so satisfying. it is crazy that I continue to play it after finishing main story. 32h for main story(+a lot of extras) and now 36 in total. Trying to get to that real ending or whatever it is.

Late side quest spell spoiler:
Man.... the Avada kedavra i so powerful and so it feels to cast. Trolls go down in 1 hit

btw, in Fidelity and balance mode, it was always stable but after few hours in performance mode, I got quite degraded performance. I noticed that resolution scaling stopped working as the game was too sharp. maybe because I changed modes too much.
All was repaired after restarting the game
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Damn this game turns into one hell of a collect-athon and check list simulator if your goal is to hundred percent or platinum it. 95 Merlin trials is a stupidly high number, at first they seem rather varied, but eventually you realize that they are very Ubisoft inspired.
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I've now 100% completed the game on both PS5 (my original character) and Xbox Series X (the character my wife designed). The mere fact that I finished the game to completion and then immediately wanted to replay it already puts it in the top 5% of my games. The only games in the last 10 or so years where I've done the same has been the Mass Effect trilogy and Horizon Zero Dawn.

If I had to levy any complaints about the game, it's that using the Unforgivables doesn't amount to much. I didn't want a full blown morality system but the fact that there's no consequence to using them whatsoever kinda kills the whole mood of them being "unforgiveable" -- especially in light of Sebastian's character arc. The most you'll get when using them around companions is single lines of disapproval. Professor Fig, for example, just simply says "Let's not travel down that path, shall we?" or Natty Osai says "I do not like it when you do that". Since using them has no impact on the course of events of the game so you might as well just use them in your normal spell rotation. Especially Crucio, which is probably the second best crowd control spell in the game behind transfiguration -- but you get Crucio much earlier than transfig.

Another, but far more nit-picky, complaint is the way all collection chests are randomized. On my PS5 character, I didn't see the Christmas Tree or Jack O Lanterns until damn near the end of the game. On my Xbox Series X character, I got the Christmas Tree in the third chest I opened, and the Jack O Lanterns about a dozen chests after that. Some randomness is okay but I wish there had been some that weren't random and easily repeatable, especially given the seasons within the game.

My Ravenclaw fellow is going to end up dating Poppy Sweeting. I can just tell.

Late edit:
I forgot to mention that I love how the first major milestone mission is affected by your house. I've only seen Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff so I don't know what Slytherin and Gryffindor have. Ravenclaw's was kinda meh -- a rather predictable mission involving puzzles. But Hufflepuff's was fantastic. Anyone sleeping on Hufflepuff is missing an amazing mission.
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My save file is at 46 hours, I’m at 68% overall progress and I just discovered that the map is much larger than I thought, the whole bottom right part of the map where you have to go through the mines to get to, is massive, and I didn’t even know it existed until this moment! Lol
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This is such a comfort game. Yeah it's simple (combat aside).

I mean, it would nice if the treasure vault/caves had like money instead of an old shirt. And its funny when you enter one your character says "It might be dangerous" and it never is. Not even one monster.

And the puzzles that the NPCs cant figure out (and they say as much) when the puzzle is like Pull this switch next to the door.


My save file is at 46 hours, I’m at 68% overall progress and I just discovered that the map is much larger than I thought, the whole bottom right part of the map where you have to go through the mines to get to, is massive, and I didn’t even know it existed until this moment! Lol
I’m 27 hours in. I keep stumbling on new areas in Hogwarts alone. I can’t believe how massive and detailed this game is.


I was over at my nephew's house, and I was shocked at how great this looks on Series S. That little console is an incredible value.


Gold Member
Some annoying bugs that I'm wondering if others are also experiencing or if my game is somehow bugged:
  • In some multi-enemy fights (like the final Crossed Wands) I can't target any enemy I want, it only lets me target one or two of them until those are dead, then I can target the others.
  • The map should open in the correct view depending on where you are right? Well, for me it opens the world map even when I'm inside Hogwarts, so I always have to switch to the other view. I've also seen the opposite happen.

Airbus Jr

Some annoying bugs that I'm wondering if others are also experiencing or if my game is somehow bugged:
  • In some multi-enemy fights (like the final Crossed Wands) I can't target any enemy I want, it only lets me target one or two of them until those are dead, then I can target the others.
  • The map should open in the correct view depending on where you are right? Well, for me it opens the world map even when I'm inside Hogwarts, so I always have to switch to the other view. I've also seen the opposite happen.
well, the first thing just sounds like you're likely just experiencing the awful auto-target mechanic. probably not a glitch. the map thing's definitely not right. maybe reinstall?...
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Oh man the sidequest in Hogsmeade to buy your own shop...top tier stuff lol, that was fun and totally unexpected.
I had a big ol' grin the whole time I was doing that because it reminded me so much of the Sheogorath questline from Skyrim.

I just wish the reward for finishing it was something a bit more substantial than what we get. By the time we reach the point we can do this quest, money is not too big of an issue anymore. Or at least wasn't in my playthrough.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I'm never getting platinum, because I just don't care about collecting most of this stuff. I just want to feed my cabbages.

I also figured out you can use left and right on the d-pad to jump between maps.
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I'm never getting platinum, because I just don't care about collecting most of this stuff. I just want to feed my cabbages.
I didn't mind the collections so much but it's the need to complete the first quarter of the game on four different characters, one for each house, that will keep me from getting all the achievements.. I enjoyed playing through it twice, I can't really be bothered to blow through another 4-6 hours two more times to see the other two house quests. Even putting it on Story mode difficulty to make it as easy as possible doesn't appeal to me.

Maybe sometime in the future.


Gold Member
well, the first thing just sounds like you're likely just experiencing the awful auto-target mechanic. probably not a glitch. the map thing's definitely not right. maybe reinstall?...

Nah, the first thing is that certain enemies literally cannot be targeted, neither automatically nor manually. The game basically doesn't recognize that they exist so they can't be attacked (but they can still attack you). But I googled this and found that this seems to be an issue with that specific fight, although it can seemingly happen in any multi-enemy fight.

Hmm, I don't think a corrupt install could cause such a specific issue as that map thing while everything else works fine.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Nah, the first thing is that certain enemies literally cannot be targeted, neither automatically nor manually.

When the game bugs out like that throw down some cabbages. Cabbages bring reckoning to all God's creatures. They spread glorious communism to all who breathe.


Am I the only one completely missing the aspect of really being a part of the world and student at the school?

You're just running around doing quests and finding secrets like it's a AAA Lego Harry Potter game. It's fun enough but I feel like I'm playing a different game than all the people calling GOTY lol.


Gold Member
So is nobody else seeing this bug?

  • The map should open in the correct view depending on where you are right? Well, for me it opens the world map even when I'm inside Hogwarts, so I always have to switch to the other view. I've also seen the opposite happen.

It's not a huge deal in itself (just a bit annoying to always have to switch map views), but it just makes me think that maybe my save is somehow bugged, and if that's the case I'm not sure I want to keep playing in case other stuff is broken too.

EDIT: Found one other person on the entire internet who seems to have experienced it:

EDIT 2: Maybe this is a bug introduced with the latest update: https://hogwartslegacy.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/HL-6064

EDIT 3: Or maybe it's this: https://hogwartslegacy.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/HL-3768

Could someone test this and see if it happens to them too? I do have the minimap disabled.

Also, are certain Foo Flames supposed to be available without you actually having discovered them? Specifically the various Hogwarts exit ones seem to just automatically be unlocked even though I'm sure I haven't been to them.
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Am I the only one completely missing the aspect of really being a part of the world and student at the school?

You're just running around doing quests and finding secrets like it's a AAA Lego Harry Potter game. It's fun enough but I feel like I'm playing a different game than all the people calling GOTY lol.
You are not. I find it very disappointing. There is not even a curefew in the school, even though one mission pretends otherwise. Environments are great, but the whole social and school aspects are not even half baked. In modders we trust I guess.


To show how popular this game is, even my dad bought this and he doesn’t play video games. I gave him a PS5 for Christmas this past year. He told he spent many hours trying to get past statue battle in the tutorial.

Let me repeat this: he spent many hours in the tutorial battle with the statues. I watched him through remote play and told him on the phone about the red symbol appearing on screen before the statue attack and he needed to hold triangle as it appeared. He proceeded to hold triangle to cast the spell without there being an attack prompt on screen. He then wondered angrily why he keeps getting killed and why the statues keep reappearing without completing the requirements of what’s needed to progress.

I may end up having to go to his house and just do it for him.

As for me, I got to the common room of the first house. It took me under an hour to get through the tutorial.
I ended up dropping the game after 8 hours. The pacing was just too much of a slog. I think I had a total of 30 minutes of combat in 8 hours ? I was beyond over leveled, gear to the eyeballs, etc.

It’s great I could explore as much as it let me, and it gave you rewards for doing so, but the game wore on me hyper fast to keep grabbing flying papers, and Batman scan every 2 feet to inspect a thing I skip all the lore on. The “side quests” so far were just beyond dull.

I liked the story and where it was headed, but I really wanted more of the combat. My buddy said the last 30% of the game is just overloaded with combat so it sounds like it is a pacing issue .

I may come back to it over the summer when and if we get the usual summer drought, but it seems like this was a typical bloat open world experience.

If I could erase my mind and do it all over I would’ve just powered out story only and ignore the rest so I didn’t get burnt out so fast.
The game definitely has pacing issues. People complained about Twilight Princess being too long to get to an actual dungeon (which was in reality maybe half an hour) but this has nothing on it.

I'm 10 hours in and it's still tutorializing me on shit I figured out in the first 20 minutes.
So is nobody else seeing this bug?

It's not a huge deal in itself (just a bit annoying to always have to switch map views), but it just makes me think that maybe my save is somehow bugged, and if that's the case I'm not sure I want to keep playing in case other stuff is broken too.

EDIT: Found one other person on the entire internet who seems to have experienced it:

EDIT 2: Maybe this is a bug introduced with the latest update: https://hogwartslegacy.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/HL-6064

EDIT 3: Or maybe it's this: https://hogwartslegacy.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/HL-3768

Could someone test this and see if it happens to them too? I do have the minimap disabled.

Also, are certain Foo Flames supposed to be available without you actually having discovered them? Specifically the various Hogwarts exit ones seem to just automatically be unlocked even though I'm sure I haven't been to them.

I have the minimap off and have this issue, too.

I just thought it's just the typical clunky UI.


I didnt mind taking it slow in the beginning at all. The game really opens up at some point and from then on, the discovery is awesome, I like all the open world sidequest stuff. The voice acting and direction is really bad, but it is what it is.

Im 35 hours in now and at the halfway point (or a little further) and the game is still opening up new stuff in the Room of Requirement. I love it!
To show how popular this game is, even my dad bought this and he doesn’t play video games. I gave him a PS5 for Christmas this past year. He told he spent many hours trying to get past statue battle in the tutorial.

Let me repeat this: he spent many hours in the tutorial battle with the statues. I watched him through remote play and told him on the phone about the red symbol appearing on screen before the statue attack and he needed to hold triangle as it appeared. He proceeded to hold triangle to cast the spell without there being an attack prompt on screen. He then wondered angrily why he keeps getting killed and why the statues keep reappearing without completing the requirements of what’s needed to progress.

I may end up having to go to his house and just do it for him.

As for me, I got to the common room of the first house. It took me under an hour to get through the tutorial.
If you can just show him how to put difficulty level on Story, the game literally skips fights that the player fails on that difficulty. So your dad only needs to fail once and the game will move on.


Gold Member
You sure its a bug? If you are closer to the ground, you have infinite boost, the yellow boost bar never goes down.

Oh really? Need to check it out, depends on how close to the ground we are talking about :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Are there any other side quests related to the founders besides the one where you get the crucio spell?


Wish we could visit the chamber of secrets and fight the basilisk as a secret game boss
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If you can just show him how to put difficulty level on Story, the game literally skips fights that the player fails on that difficulty. So your dad only needs to fail once and the game will move on.
Thanks! I’ll pass it along. I wonder if he had difficulty set to default (Normal).
Story and all sidequests and challenges are complete. Now I'm at the least fun part of any videogame, which is running around the same areas many times each, trying to find those last few collectibles. But I'm an achievement whore so don't even try to talk sense into me.
Game is excellent. I’d be fine without all the woke shit shoved in your face to try and placate a community that will never buy the game anyway, but it is what it is. Having a great time just wandering around and doing quests, and I love the combat. The level of detail is outstanding and it’s got the best environment design I’ve seen since Ghost of Tsushima.


Gold Member
Finished the main story and got to the credits. Did 91 percent of the side quests according to the corresponding trophy, so I figure I'm more or less done. Took me 35h. I loved it.

I'm not a completionist, so things like merlin trials, catching beasts, ancient magic,... I only did when I came across them while traveling for side quests. Even then I felt like I did enough of them to keep being enjoyable, but also give me the added benefits of the bonuses they provide in the challenge menu.

I always finished the side quests before continuing the main ones and I ended the game level 35.

Just in time for my psvr2 to arrive really. Great times. Between Plague Tale, GOW:R, Dead Space, this, psvr2 and all the other great games coming until summer, I feel these are some of the best times for single player gamers like me since long.
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Can’t Git Gud
That PlayStation quest was annoying as fuck :p
Level 33,5 here and I was really disappointed when that quest didn’t give any exp too
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