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Hollywood=Creatively bankrupt

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keep your strippers out of my American football
You are telling me that studios can't come up with anything new? They have to give us another rehash? For those that don't know:

Another 'Police Academy' in works

I felt it was time to start again," said series creator Paul Maslansky. "I saw that 'Starsky & Hutch' and a number of other revivals were doing really well. 'Police Academy' has such a great history. I thought, 'Why not?' "

According to Maslansky, who will serve as an executive producer, the talent from the first seven features has expressed a keen interest in the revival, with Maslansky looking to combine both new and the "original talent" for the next "Police Academy."

link: http://www.cnn.com/2004/SHOWBIZ/Movies/07/08/film.policeacademy.reut/index.html


Queen of Denmark
Historically, the best movie ideas have come from more independent studios or already-written books. Hollywood has never really been about being all that creative.

It's funny -- I took a film class a few years ago, and besides what I stated above, we learned how the independent studios and Hollywood depend on each other to exist; many times, Hollywood gets its ideas from looking at successful independents, which forces the independents to come up with new ideas, which Hollywood then uses and bolsters to commercial success, which forces...etc. It's just an endless cycle, but it's one that I think works pretty well. After all, there are plenty of people out there who like the Hollywood movies, and then there are the minority who will seek out the more indie stuff. Everybody wins.


dskillzhtown said:
When I start getting paid to post, then you can critique my creativity. Until then, try to get that "Junior" removed.

Oh snap

I look forward to the next Police Academy movie


Another 'Police Academy' in works

I felt it was time to start again," said series creator Paul Maslansky. "I saw that 'Starsky & Hutch' and a number of other revivals were doing really well. 'Police Academy' has such a great history. I thought, 'Why not?'
He really should have asked around.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
When I start getting paid to post, then you can critique my creativity. Until then, try to get that "Junior" removed

Enjoy your new, permanent status.
"Hey where did that guy who wrote Porky's drink? AH man when that fat chick grabbed that guys crank throught the hole; that was classic. Where do they get their ideas?"

-Peter Griffin-
human5892 said:
Hollywood has never really been about being all that creative.

Exactly. The budgets are so huge that they almost always try to create a sure thing using either "proven formulas" or sequels. There will always be the odd exception, of course.

As you went on to write, all the new ideas will come from outside of the mainstream, or "independant" movies, and slowly make it's way into the mainstream if successful. For instance, look at how big anime has become in the past 5 years.


being watched
Kinda sad how many rehashes get greenlit while stuff like I am Legend sits in limbo.

Hasn't Hollywood equated risk-taking = money. Matrix trilogy, LOTR - all big risky takers cleaned up at the box office and with DVD rentals and stuff have made their studios shitloads of cash.

I mean honestly. Does anyone at a studio actually sit down and think to themselves 'Shit I know what the public want! A new Police Academy movie!".

Direct to DVD perhaps...but feature? Fuck off.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Kinda sad how many rehashes get greenlit while stuff like I am Legend sits in limbo.

Isn't it a short story though? I can understand someone being leary of that sort of conversion. And when it was first green lit, there was a flood of vampire movies, and still is to an extent. And Wil Smith probably dropped out.


being watched
levious said:
Isn't it a short story though? I can understand someone being leary of that sort of conversion. And when it was first green lit, there was a flood of vampire movies, and still is to an extent. And Wil Smith probably dropped out.

Ridley Scott and Arnold didn't think so....

Until the studio cut £20 million from the budget just as it was about to go into production.

It's one of the best scripts out there. But yeah it's been ripped off for wholesale over the last few years with all the vampire & Zombies stuff. Still if Will Smith and Jerry Buckhimer were involved, I'd rather it went unmade.



Empty cages. Surgical tables. Microscopes. A VCR and TV an A/V CART sit in the corner. Neville pops in a cassette labeled TEST RESULTS/DOMESTIC ANIMALS/KRIPPEN 5/12/98. Sits in a chair, elevates his legs, and watches as the TV plays...

ON THE TV SCREEN, we see the face of DR. JOHN KRIPPEN. An intelligent, passionate face now panicked and deadened. His eyes have seen great disappointments. And even greater horrors. He speaks to a CAMERA which he runs himself.

... The viragene appears to have no discernible
impact an birds. When injected into subjects, no
matter the size of the dosage, the result was death.
No mutation. The same results with fish and reptiles.
(gravely) We had no such luck with the feline, canine,
and rodent hosts. All accepted the viragene, all mutated.
The mice and rats exhibited no hostility when infected,
nor did the cats, not really. Their predatory instincts were
elevated, yes, but they maintained a more calculated,
cunning approach to... feeding. The dogs... sadly,
they... We saw the most alarming results with the dogs.
The viragene seems to bring out a savage instinct,
a primal brutality that goes beyond mere survival. (beat)
Just like the humans.

The LARGE IMAGE shows us video footage of a GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG in a strong metal CAGE. The SMALL IMAGE is footage taken through a MICROSCOPE of the dog's BLOOD CELLS.

An LED READ-OUT at the bottom of the screen shows date and time (5/4/98/6:20 a.m.) . Krippen's VOICE provides commentary on one AUDIO TRACK, the SOUNDS from the dog in the cage on the other. There will be abrupt cuts and jumps, the tape having been hastily prepared.

LARGE IMAGE: SCIENTISTS inject the dog. SMALL IMAGE: STRANGE NEW CELLS mix with the others. (5/4/98/6:25 a.m.).

Hemocyte viral genetic agent introduced
into normal canine circulatory system.

ABRUPT CUT. LARGE IMAGE: the Shepherd is happy and playful. SMALL IMAGE: the strange cells appear to be gobbling up select others. (5/4/98/7:02 p.m.).

Just over twelve hours. The viragene has
eliminated any diseased or unhealthy cells
in the host.

ABRUPT CUT. LARGE IMAGE: the Shepherd is lethargic, depressed. SMALL IMAGE: the strange cells are eating healthy red blood cells. (5/4/98/11:10 p.m.).

Sixteen hours. The viragene turns to
healthy blood cells for fuel.

ABRUPT CUT. LARGE IMAGE: the SHEPHERD is magnificently healthy. Very active. Hyper-alert. He glows with remarkable strength. An eerie blue-greyness in its eyes. Its fangs appear sharper, more savage. SMALL IMAGE: fresh blood is introduced and we see the strange cells GROW AND MULTIPLY. (5/5/98/l:38 a.m.).

One liter of transfused blood introduced into
canine system. The viragene feeds and
multiplies at a rate of .25 percent per minute.
Multiplication rate increases exponentially to
amount of blood injected into host. Note
increases in muscle strength, bone mass, pulse,
adrenaline flow.

ABRUPT CUT. LARGE IMAGE: the Shepard is weak, emaciated, irritable and hostile. He barks and lunges at the scientists near his Cage. SMALL IMAGE: The strange cells are desperately searching for blood cells, devouring them like candy. (5/7/98/2:00 a.m.).

Viragene consumes blood at an
astonishing rate. If more blood is not
introduced, subject will perish.

ABRUPT CUT. LARGE IMAGE: the Shepard is dying. An awful blackness in its eyes. SMALL IMAGE: the strange cells have eliminated all healthy blood cells. They move anxiously, searching, desperate to survive. They lose momentum and cease movement. (5/7/98/3:33 p.m.).

No additional blood has been given to the
host. Subject terminates.

ABRUPT CUT. LARGE IMAGE: The dog's dead form lies motionless. A scientist carefully injects it with blood. SMALL IMAGE: fresh blood cells swim past the dead cells.
They flicker to life. (5/9/98/4:24 p.m.).

No heart, respiratory, or brain function in
forty-eight hours. Fifty cc's of blood
injected into expired host.

LARGE IMAGE: the Shepherd's limbs TWITCH with life. The bluegreyness returns to its formerly lifeless eyes.

Reanimation occurs in 15.6 seconds.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
and Omega Man = every other last man on earth movie that came before it.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
more or less, last man on earth among a planet of vampires... in case you didn't already gather that much.


being watched
Mama Smurf said:
Anyone want to give a brief overview of the I Am Legend story? Never heard of it.

Robert Neville is the last man on Earth.

And everyone else are vampire / zombie type creatures.

One bit I liked in the book is where Neville trys to unravel what makes Vampires tick in regard to aversion to garlic ect which wasn't in the Omega Man.

My second nomination for scripts that must be made, although this one is in limbo because of property rights ect is James Cameron's A Crowded Room. This really is a powerhouse that he was going to direct after The Abyss I believe.

Hard to see how they'd make it. Different actors playing the split personalities or one actor powerhousing his way through the whole thing.



if people still continue to pay to see remakes and sequels then you cant blame hollywood for releasing them.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
If it helps Steve Guttenberg out, I'm all for it. I saw him on Stern a few months ago where he was playing some kinda trivia game for money. After losing somewhere around $200, he had to go out to his car to get more. I could just imagine him standing out on the street asking people to borrow money ("Did you ever see Short Circuit?"). It was so sad.


being watched
I wouldn't be surprised if some bright spark decided to remake Bladerunner or Alien before long. "Well I can do it better then Ridley".
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