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Hollywood Writer Sues Microsoft Over Yoga Game


how much would he get anyways... i mean the royalties from this game must be like $20 or something. lmao..


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
It's not like this was really much of an original idea anyways.

Almost every design group I've been in has thought of doing an exercise game at one point or another during brainstorms for games that women might like. Then we'd always laugh at the idea as utterly unprofitable and go on to something else.


Strangely enough, there is a quiz for Yourself! Fitness on Microsoft's retail site... Something that doesn't happen frequently for games not published by Microsoft, though it has before. But one for Yourself! Fitness... That's kinda odd.

Musashi Wins!

I may have mentioned this in another thread, but I did buy this for a family member. She uses it infrequently, but that's no surprise to me. What I will say in it's defense is that it is VERY well done for what it is. Based on some basic excercise based tests, lifestyle questions, etc. it creates a daily, interactive workout complete with in depth tutorials about the excercises. It tracks your progress, and is adjustable to your goals and even equipment owned. Basically, it does what it sets out to do better than almost any console niche software I've seen. It's basically unique in that and in it's genre...which is (I guess) finding further applications for what has become in many homes an indispensable piece of tv related hardware.

Damn it for being a shitty game (something it really isn't), but judged on it's own merits it's made quite well. Better than most games, for that matter. Perhaps that aim doesn't meet with wide approval but I don't understand the outright hatred.
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