Or correctly, how little I know about the Gay activist base. The plot thickens when you express your membership to this group because now your positions make more sense.
Frankly I dont care about the Gay activist base. I support gay marriage because I feel it falls under the equal protection clause, I dont support homosexuality. I find it morally reprehensible. I do support homosexuals. I have near and dear gay friends, am interested in queer studies, especially the idea of homosociality (see Between Men by Eve Sedgwick); however, I disagree with their lifestyle choice just like I disagree with the few friends I know who are active marijuana/mdma users. That being said, I am totally 100% completely disinterested in gay activism.
What troubles me about your post are several things - your idea that they should be punished is interesting to me and also a bit scary. What exactly should they be punished for? I think what most activist fail to realize is that the other side is defending their beliefs like you are defending yours.
I am also troubled because I think you are foolish if you think for an instant that Gavin Newsom or Barbara Boxer care about anything but your vote. If they were in any other state, their stand would be tailor made to the electorate of that state. They desire the face time, the noteriety, and the free publicity because it furthers their political ambitions.
You are also foolish to think that the kind of activism, especially the kind of open celebration of homosexuality that San Fransisco gay marriages turned into, is going to make your sociopolitical group any friends. What I think you fail to realize is that most of American finds gay activism the only thing worse than homosexuality itself. Hence the widespread support for anti-gay marriage amendments. You would be a much smarter activist, a much better activist, if you let the issue of equal protection be your centerpiece and dropped the "were queer, were here, and were gonna punish you" rhetoric. Your appeals should be as reasoned adults, and not the kind of gay pride make out session on the court steps activism that turned the rest of america against your cause... which was a valid one.
I hope you get where I am going with this? I agree with your fight against what you call second class citizenship, but your activism in a liberal leaning state has turned off the majority of Americans, and the politicians who are using your cause for political gain are just furthering the damage.