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Holy swirling midfuck!! Finally saw MEMENTO!!

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FANTASTIC FUCKING MOVIE!!!! This movie literally has altered my state of mind over the last 24 hours (began watching it late last night, some again this morning, and finally finished it earlier).

The surreal feeling not only from watching the movie, but from imagining living with Leonard's condidtion is something which words cannot describe. It seemed as though he were living in some kind of perpetual hell, and in a way I think that the film challenged the notions of trust as much as memory itself (or perhaps it exposed the link between them).

Guy Pearce is the fucking man as usual (never noticed his striking voice before this film however), and being as this is the first film I've seen (that I'm aware of) from Nolan, lets just say that he officially has my greenlight of freedom to do whatever the fuck he choses with Batman. It would have been hard to handle a script this unique/complex any better than he did, and although the "from back to front" approach will always be grating to some extent (covering a lot of the same territory over and over again), the movie was never any harder to follow than the material dictated.

Now, for some spoilerific questions:


1. Assuming that Leonard was unaware his wife didn't die because he was struck in the head before the police arrived etc, how was he able to recount the "Sammy Jankis" wife-insulin-suicide scenario (which Teddy alleged was in fact Leonard's wife, whom he had killed with the insulin thanks to his disease)??

2. To further that point, how come he couldn't remember the fact that his wife was diabetic despite the fact that all his memories prior to the incedent were intact?

3. If Sammy Jankis didn't have a wife, why did he remember her in his pre-trauma memories?

4. Dodd was...someone associated with the drug dealer (Natalies bf)??


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Okay I'm about to ask a really retarded question, so brace yourselves.

I remember a few years ago someone was talking about a movie where you could watch the scenes on the DVD in reverse order and it told a new story or something... for some reason I'm thinking they were talking about Memento (which I've been intending to watch for awhile)... is this true or am I on crack?
Cheez you're correct. The main narrative of Memento is told backwards, but the DVD allows you to play the scenes chronologically reversed, which is essentially telling the story from it's begining.


Still Tagged Accordingly
"Holy swirling midfuck!!"

Just thought that was funny. I assume that's meant to be "mindfuck".

When I saw "midfuck" in the title I visualised some guy having sex with a woman and halfway through pulling out and turning on the DVD player to watch Memento.
Ned Flanders said:
Now, for some spoilerific questions:

1. Assuming that Leonard was unaware his wife didn't die because he was struck in the head before the police arrived etc, how was he able to recount the "Sammy Jankis" wife-insulin-suicide scenario (which Teddy alleged was in fact Leonard's wife, whom he had killed with the insulin thanks to his disease)??

As the movie explains, the real cases of short term memory loss should be able to form memories eventually with extreme repetition. The ones that can't were considered fakers in the reality of "Sammy Jenkis".

As Teddy explained (and as the official website material backs up), there was no Sammy Jenkis story. He was just retelling his own wife's insulin-suicide scenario.

2. To further that point, how come he couldn't remember the fact that his wife was diabetic despite the fact that all his memories prior to the incedent were intact?

I can only venture a guess at this, but my bet would be on mental trauma. This guy is more or less the Punisher, and anything that ruins the flawless ideal of his past life is to be ignored. As Leonard's memories become unjumbled later, he does seem to remember the diabetic situation, and then he acts to make sure he forgets it again.

3. If Sammy Jankis didn't have a wife, why did he remember her in his pre-trauma memories?

He's not remembering Sammy Jenkis. Sammy is just some fellow at the same institution Leonard was at. As the movie alludes to and the website explains, Leonard kept a meticulous notebook at all times, and wrote the Sammy Jenkis story himself. With the help of the cop he manages to escape, but basically loses himself in the role of the avenging angel.

4. Dodd was...someone associated with the drug dealer (Natalies bf)??

Yeah. Basically the other side of the sandwich in the deal.

FWIW, of the two originally released Memento editions out there (canadian and american), the canadian version had the sequential playback option while the american had the website copy. The latest edition might have both.


Ned Flanders said:
The main narrative of Memento is told backwards,

See this is what got me, I watched it thinking it was told backwards (and the main narrative is) but what I didn't know is that it was told both backwards and forwards at the same time, over the one time period.

Mind go boom now


SFA_AOK said:
See this is what got me, I watched it thinking it was told backwards (and the main narrative is) but what I didn't know is that it was told both backwards and forwards at the same time, over the one time period.

Mind go boom now

Well, it's not quite over one time period so much as it's two different timelines meeting somewhere in the middle. That is, the black and white scenes all take place before the color ones.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
the menus in the special edition kick ass

Why are these women laughing at you?


I have the dvd, but I could never find the option to play the movie chronologically. The menu is confusing as hell. Does anyone know the option you choose?


MrCheez said:
Too cool, gotta run out and rent it. =) Thx for the info!

Dont go running out to rent it just yet. The only one in which you can watch it (original way, theatrical release) and (chronological order, special edition) is to get the 2-disc special edition of the movie. The chronological order is hidden on disc 2.

way more

That movie is sweet, and a great example of post-modern themes. The special edition cover and casing explain his condition more bluntly, check them out if you get the chance.

I think we all agree that the Sammy Jenkins story was just his repressed memories so he wouldn't have to deal with the fact that he killed his wife.
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