Eighty Deuce
We can cure the homosexuality gene! Wasn't this a joke on the venture brothers?
The notion that, even hypothetically, someone can alter a chemical in your body and change something as intimate as who do you love is a scary one and I guess there's no getting around that. But what I think it must be said is that stuff is complex; something as complex as our behavior, even if it has a biological component, can't easily (or maybe even in principle) be reduced to chemical reactions within our body because the chemical reactions outside our body (i.e., the rest of the universe) also matters.
So it's only a matter of time before somone makes an army of gay super-soldiers then?
Debatable but I respect your opinion. Great that you are interested in these topics! I love them and my current work is on thisComplex systems and emergent properties.
Yeah, it is an interesting topic for philosophy because the concepts are still developing within the scientific community; and as the science discover new things, philosophy must take it into consideration.
The fear of determinism is as inevitable as, I believe, justifiable. So much of our morals and ethics (and institutions and social organizations) are based around the notion of freedom that you can't expect to say that such and such is not a choice, but a consequence of something no one has control over without creating reasonable concern. At the same time, you can't ignore science.
The notion that, even hypothetically, someone can alter a chemical in your body and change something as intimate as who do you love is a scary one and I guess there's no getting around that. But what I think it must be said is that stuff is complex; something as complex as our behavior, even if it has a biological component, can't easily (or maybe even in principle) be reduced to chemical reactions within our body because the chemical reactions outside our body (i.e., the rest of the universe) also matters.
Shame I can't control fire or something along with being gay. That would be rad.
First we hit 'em with the Gay Gun, then we hit 'em with the Viagra Gun and bang - they start fucking in the middle of the battle field.I can see it now, weapons in the future that switch your sexual orientation.
I can see it now, weapons in the future that switch your sexual orientation.
They will just allow parents to abort their babies instead.Interesting study, I always thought the need for mating was biological but who we choose to do it with was other factors.
Brain chemistry does make sense.
Edit: Hope they do not try to make a cure, would send wrong message.
Loving your posts, but I'm not sure about the discussion of determinism. Are you suggesting it's worth questioning? Because from my perspective everything in the universe is mathematically determined anyway, there's no way things won't happen the way they will. In the words of Kurt Vonnegut, 'the moment is structured that way'.
It's scary that altering a chemical in your body can affect who you are interested in - but every single thing about your personality and person is controlled 100% by your body in a predetermined, ultimately measurable fashion. Your personality is just a huge amount of electrical connections, for which the growth basis and structure is in your chemistry (both of which can be altered).
Edit: reading your posts further, I think we're agreeing. I just dislike the fear/stigma around determinism. I think it would be a healthy thing to move past for human culture.
I remember a Whitest Kids You Know sketch where they could modify the race, sexuality, personality, and other things of their kid. Would be a future...I wouldn't be surprised if switching sexuality becomes possible sometime in the distant future
Sounds great to me. Thanx!Depends on what you mean by digest. Haha.
It is easy to understand as it is an introductory book; it makes the effort to present the subjects with clarity and to not overburden people without a background on biology with esoteric terms, but also because it is an introductory book, it deals with subjects as distinct as evolutionary psychology, the meaning of progress and how complexity can arise without a design.
So in the end, you kind of have to organize your brain to deal with all those different topics and maybe choose the ones that picked your interest the most and go back to those chapters (and then to the "further reading" section of those chapters).
That seems like a slightly lacking reason for poisoning pregnant women.
It's not like it hasn't been tried before.
The reports also include many other off-beat ideas, such as spraying enemy troops with bee pheromones and then hiding numerous beehives in the combat area
Are you the gay equivalent of Rogue?I'd take a cure
Do you suck the life out of anyone you touc- wait don't answer that
Are you the gay equivalent of Rogue?
Do you suck the life out of anyone you touc- wait don't answer that
The republican definition of life, yes hahaAre you the gay equivalent of Rogue?
Do you suck the life out of anyone you touc- wait don't answer that
So all the homosexuality metaphors in X-Men movies were legit?
The republican definition of life, yes haha
If there was a specific gene, and there was a way to alter it, would it be ethical to decide your child's orientation?
I thought everyone did this.You can absorb embryos through people's skin?
I can't quite put into words why the idea of a 'cure' for homosexuality fills me with dread.It would be great if people could have a choice about their orientation so hopefully some kind of treatment comes out of this.
I can't quite put into words why the idea of a 'cure' for homosexuality fills me with dread.
This post irks me somewhat. "Choice about their orientation" and "treatment" don't seem work together for me.It would be great if people could have a choice about their orientation so hopefully some kind of treatment comes out of this.
But when you say (and if I'm quoting out of context, I'm sorry) "genes are now seen as a substrate for intricate expression patterns caused in part by the environment." isn't another way of saying that the enviroment, i.e., what happens outside our bodies, also matter?
Also, if you could link me to something that clarifies what "expression pattern" means, it would make me very happy!
van Steensel said:The highly coordinated expression of thousands of genes in an organism is regulated by the concerted action of hundreds of transcription factors and chromatin proteins, as well as by epigenetic mechanisms. Understanding the architecture of these vastly complex regulatory networks is one of the main challenges in the postgenomic era. New microarray-based techniques have become available for the genome-wide mapping of in vivo protein-DNA interactions and epigenetic marks. Data sets obtained with these techniques begin to offer the first comprehensive views of genetic and epigenetic regulatory networks.
The implications of being able to "cure" homosexuality make me extremely uncomfortable, can we cure homophobia instead? that'd be great
That'd be the way it would be used in 99% of cases, realistically those most interested in a cure are those who aren't very fond of homosexualityI understood the post more like "someone who is straight wants to be gay? okay! someone who is gay wants to be straight? you go." and not like "hey turn everyone who is gay straight"..but maybe I am to optimistic?
Well being straight is considered the norm, I can't imagine anyone choosing to be gay. Plus there would be ridiculous things like parents choosing for their children.I understood the post more like "someone who is straight wants to be gay? okay! someone who is gay wants to be straight? you go." and not like "hey turn everyone who is gay straight"..but maybe I am to optimistic?
Actually manipulating orientation is probably far-fetched, but it's not that implausible to believe that if a reliable screening method were eventually available for a consistent set of symptoms relatively early into the pregnancy, parents could make the decision to abort it based on that information.
Don't crocodiles genders get determined on the temperture of where they're born? Stuff like this isn't new to nature at allThere's a lot of resistance to acknowledging biological basis to human behavior, which makes no sense since we have many "conditions" which are known to originate from the brain being wired in a different way.
Can you abort your child on the basis of not being male / female? There's gotta be some sort of measures in place to prevent that from happening. Even if being homosexual is not "normal" there's nothing preventing a gay child from growing up to function in society.
But how would you come to that choice?It's not about "curing" anything, but rather giving people a choice they never had.
I understood the post more like "someone who is straight wants to be gay? okay! someone who is gay wants to be straight? you go." and not like "hey turn everyone who is gay straight"..but maybe I am to optimistic?
It's not about "curing" anything, but rather giving people a choice they never had.
He must have not met the american right.
Yeah, until you're required to go through antigay inoculations to get certain jobs in certain companies, then you're required to have them if you want to work for the government, then they become standard inoculations given to ever kid....
Epigenetics is both nature and nurture.Hopefully, for encouraging and fruitful discussions. People tend to dislike (fear?) any claims about biology being on top of nurture though, so let's wait and see if this study is further supported by others.
You can abort on the basis of wanting to abort. You don't need a reason to abort other than you don't want the kid.
Epigenetic is both nature and nurture.
Geez... I'm glad for choice but it's such a terrible reason.
I would hope for a future where we can embrace our differences but if we could determine stuff like sexuality before birth and act upon it I am afraid for our future.