No offense, but there is no other way to narrate a story that span for 2000+ years between past and modern days without audio logs and holograms, there is simply no other way in any form of media or any other scifi operas if we remain on the "realistic" side of things.Yeah but I honestly thought they could have presented it better. Not everyone is going to pay attention to logs and audio logs. Like I completely missed out on Gaia/Hades struggle for authority.
Many great moments in videogames were narrated via audiologs\holograms, i remember when in halo 1 you discover the flood or the audiologs in bioshock 1.
it can be too much too handle for some type of players, but it was the only way to handle so many information and microdetails to make everything believable.
Horizon story is not perfect, but the delivery method was never a problem for me because devs can only do that, and some of the holograms\audiologs were fucking great and emotional.
like when child aloy see the dad cheering his son for his birthday or when ted faro kills all the alphas
Too bad that you missed how hades works with gaia, that was one of the most interesting pieces of information.
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