Oh man I can't wait! Last episode was so damn great. Now, I'm kind of confused cause I joined in only a few episodes ago but is this the second season or is there one coming soon? Also I think the Dr. House is one of the cooliest characters on TV now, he's so damn awesome.
Oh man I can't wait! Last episode was so damn great. Now, I'm kind of confused cause I joined in only a few episodes ago but is this the second season or is there one coming soon?
I only started watching about 2 odd months ago, but it didn't take me long to catch up.
Hugh Laurie is awesome, it's cool a British (and he's as British as you can get) actor is representing stateside. :lol
Dr. House is the f'n man I hope he does not get to pussified. Dr. Cameron is the hottest fucking chick on TV. House is easily in my top 5 shows on tv along with lost,arrested development and 24. I have to say it again but damn is Dr. Cameron is lava hot.
House rocks. Yeah, its the finale already because it started back in late October or November, I think. It wasn't pulling awesome numbers until around January/Feb. though when American Idol brought a lot more attention to the show. It should be quite capable of sustaining itself now, though.
But anyway, this show needs an official thread next season! Still not enough people watching!
Good finale. Not quite as great as some of the episodes leading up to it, though, if only because there was a lot of anti-house elements on the show. I mean, I think the new cast member is a great way to stir the pot but House looks ready to just burst at the seams. It's going to take Dr. Cameron and two sixpacks to lower his stress level now. :lol
Still, what House pulls with the drinks early on is one of his greatest moments. He talked the talk, walked the walk, and
put a little something in the drink. The 911 call was just icing on the cake.
Next season, with House and 24 running back to back, damn fox has one hot primetime.
Actually, I kind of want to see Dr. Cutty nekkid, too. She's a MILF! Well, I'm assuming she's old enough to be one, anyway.
Also, hell yeah House is stressed. Didn't you notice, though I don't think they ever showed him directly ingesting it, there were almost always alcohol bottles laying around. He was definitely nursing the liquor the entire episode.
Was that pill House popped one of his usual painkillers, or from the bottle that was taken from the patient's house, the one the patient confiscated from that teenager? I'm thinking the latter, but I wanted to see what others thought.
Was that pill House popped one of his usual painkillers, or from the bottle that was taken from the patient's house, the one the patient confiscated from that teenager? I'm thinking the latter, but I wanted to see what others thought.