Bowser said:
Hey DJ, did you hear that Bobcats/Hawks trade rumor on 610?
Atlanta Gets:
Primoz Brezec
#5 pick
Toronto's 1st round pick next year
Charlotte Gets:
#2 pick
Unnamed player (a player for Atlanta to unload)
If this is true, I can't even believe Bernie would consider this. Apparently Charlotte does not want to include Brezec in the trade but Atlanta is insisting on him or no deal.
Personally, I'd tell Atlanta to shove it and stay at #5.
I didn't hear that, and it sounded good until I saw Brezec was involved. I don't trade Primoz for the number 2 pick straight up, much less in that deal. There is so much wrong with that trade, good player + decent pick + extra pick for better pick + trash? It just doesn't add up at all. It's not like Charlotte could even benefit by taking a scrub player for cap space like most teams could (assuming they wait out the contract). If that trade goes through then I guess Shav Randolph thinks he's an NBA play....what? Shav's going pro ANYWAY? Nevermind then
edit---madcow---that's what I figured would happen

thanks anyway. I'd love to find Rome online somewhere, if anyone has a clue feel free to let me know.
edit2--Bowser, I'd consider #5 + the toronto pick straight up for #2 pick, and that's about it. I don't think Williams is worth giving up a TON for, and at 5 we'll still get either Paul/Felton/Williams at PG. The only problem is at 5 we won't have our choice of PG, we'll get whomever the Hornets and perhaps another team leave for us. To our advantage though, the Hornets will take the wrong guy. Whomever they draft, I feel confident the player they pass over will be the better player in the long run

In all seriousness, just like I'm not huge on Bogut/Williams, I also don't think the difference between the three PGs is that great either. I'll be happy with one of the three PGs and a shooter at 13. We already got screwed in the lottery, there's no reason to scramble and make a bad situation worse. We did well by getting those extra first round picks, we need to make them count.
I would be wiling to go 5 + toronto (lottery protected) pick for 2, but I would NOT go 5 + 13 for 2, and I wouldn't even consider trading Primoz unless someone traded us a gem for him. I'm pretty high on Primoz personally.