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How accurately does your GA life reflect your real life?

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Like do you talk/act like you do on GA as you do IRL? I don't really act that much different, infact I've introduced some friends to terms like "weaksauce" etc.


force push the doodoo rock
more drama in real life. more sex in real life. more actual gaming in real life.


I wouldn't call it a GA "life" for starters. All I do is post and respond. It's just something I do in the real world.

But to supply an answer to the thread topic: it varies.

DJ Sl4m

In person I'm all about working out, music and helping someone out if they need it.

Online I'm all about working out conversations, music production and remixing conversations, but when I'm stressed out I have a tendency to pick an arguement just for relief eventhough I usually speak from an angle I don't believe in because I know it's almost guarenteed replys :p This is true

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I don't really call people down on things in real life like I would here. Either because I can't be arsed with the hassle or it's some guy who'd beat the crap out of me or whatever.

Otherwise pretty similar I reckon. People in real life have worked out who I am from what I post, people who know I come here I mean, and it's not like I post much personal information.
What if I were to say I accidently sorta kinda transferred my brain to the Internet and this is actually who I am now?

Well, that would be kinda sad, wouldn't it? I mostly act like this I think?


well i do share my personal opinions on GA, and i do post what i would say anyother day. i can't speak for every one but i do live different life styles and personalites in life. so the answer yes and no.

White Man

I mostly talk about books and music in real life, as well as philosophy if I could find an intelligent conversation partner. I'm kind of shy.
Cyan said:
I'm less talkative in real life, but my opinions and ways of speaking are more or less the same. Although I'd never use words like "owned" in real life.

I work with engineers. Generally the reference isn't lost on them.

DJ Sl4m

Mama Smurf said:
This is exactly how I see you online.

Really ? Wow, that's surprising to me.

I remember one time argueing with DarienA about an old guy busting his own ass and making a fool of himself in baseball, because I was stressed and worried about my grandfather who was in ICU at the local hospitol at the time.

Heck I knew I was wrong, but I needed the vent and was overly emotional about the ederlys potential for an untimely death I suppose.

My grandfather did get better then, but he was let go from the hospitol a few weeks ago with Hospice :(

Thanks man, that really makes me feel good, and trust me, as much as I've helped out in the workout threads, the forum has helped re-motivate me to get back working out regularly again.

aoi tsuki

Date of Lies said:
Almost exactly the same.

Except here I can express myself better and more clearly (because it's in writing).

About the only time i'm different online is when i'm a 15-year old lesbian.

DJ Sl4m

bishoptl said:
I'm pretty much the same. Less swearing though, having kids will do that to you.

Yea ?

You ever paste a bumper sticker on your kids forehead saying "M3mb3r" ?

lol, sorry I couldn't resist that one........ :lol


I swear a lot more. I'm a lot more opinionated, but I'm a lot less talkative overall. I'm just as sarcastic if not more IRL, but I have this "nice, quiet guy" thing around me I can't seem to shake.

Or maybe it's "crazy, quiet guy." I dunno.


I'm pretty much the same - I'm as open and talkative (or not) here as I am normally. I do however think I'm a bit bitchier here than normal... I've definitely become less patient and more prone to dumb arguments here than I used to be. I'd like to blame the forum switch and claim the new layout lead to my jerking it up a notch or two, but really I think I just need to take a holiday from the forums for a few days.


I think I'm more blunt/meaner online, but when I'm nice I'm just as nice as I am in real life, which is pretty nice.

That's right you punk bitches. STFU.


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Reasonably accurately I think. Although I think if I saw anyone from here in real life, I would probably say "That's not how I pictured you" which would probably happen to me as well I spose.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I don't argue nearly as much IRL. I feel compelled to respond here when somebody says something especially poorly thought out or ill informed, but when it happens in real life I generally just move on without making the effort.


I think mostly everyone is more belligerent here than in real-life. I definitely am. I don't bother with compassion if I can't see someone's face, I guess.


Interesting at some of the similarities between the GA persona and in person, and some of the GA personalities I like so that’s a good thing. In person, I don't have the chance to talk to anyone about nintendo, sega, sony, square, capcom, ATI, Nvidia, video cards, memory, tech demos, graphic art demos, etc... Not saying its a good thing. It kind of blows..

Only people I know I can talk to about that stuff are the sales clerk...shiver…I feel just as dirty as buying a 5200 Ultra 256...


I used to be a very exaggerated "persona" a couple years back, and I was far more popular because of it. Really, the forums allowed me to escape my parents divorce and my ever growing pile of undone homework. Now that I've come to terms with what was going on at that point in time, my urge to be a "forum regular" diminished and my posts are now far more accurate in reflecting who I am. I don't even make my posts flowery like I do in Emails, reports, and letters.

As such, noone's all that interested in them :p


Making an "online persona" is too much work.

So I guess you could say I'm just as lazy in person as I am on here, but I'm not up to portraying some image... I'm just me.


I'm not nearly as obnoxious IRL as I am on IRC/GA :p

I just use the forum and chat as a way to channel my inner jerk.


Miguel said:
I'm not nearly as obnoxious IRL as I am on IRC/GA :p

I just use the forum and chat as a way to channel my inner jerk.

That's how most people on the internet act because they know there is pretty much no in hell they would get their ass kicked like they would IRL. The fear of a beatdown or going to jail makes people behave better then would otherwise.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
By day I'm making posts on GA, by night I don my latex suit complete with artificial nipples cruising the street in my highly customized 4-Cylinder 'Tedmobile' in pursuit of reasonably priced beef jerky.


Queen of Denmark
More or less exactly the same...the anonyminity of the Internet allows me to be a bit more confrontational than I normally am, as well as helping me articulate a bit better, but other than that I feel I represent my "real life self" here fairly well.


bionic77 said:
That's how most people on the internet act because they know there is pretty much no in hell they would get their ass kicked like they would IRL. The fear of a beatdown or going to jail makes people behave better then would otherwise.

I don't go total asshole though. I'm just more annoying :p. Usually cause everyone I talk to in real life aside from my best friend doesn't give a rats ass about sports. So my sports whoring around here makes up for it. :)
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