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How are you dealing with people who voted for Trump?

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I feel so bad that the poor oppressed middle america white people are mad that they are getting called on their shit.


My parents in law voted for Trump.

They will never see their granddaughter again.

I am totally serious.

They voted for her life to be at risk. Why would I let them endanger her further?

And yes, my wife is fully in support and feels if anything more strongly about it, since she's known them longer.
why did they vote for a white supremacist then?

honestly I don't think a lot of people have either heard a ton of that stuff from his campaign or haven't taken it seriously. Yes, there is a lot of information on the internet, but a lot of people just pay attention enough to know who the candidates are.

Kind of like how GAF is very clued in on video games, but a lot of gamers don't know half the stuff we do.


Their ridiculous beliefs are your problem, though. Until at least 2020.

I'm not making excuses. I'm stating the fact that if we don't change some of their minds then we risk getting more future leaders like Trump. Whether you like it or not, that's just the truth. We have to convert some of them.
You are making excuses. You refuse to call a spade a spade.

Frankly I'm not really interested in trying to convert them right now, if that's even possible. What would it take for them to not vote for a platform like that? Do they need to lynch people at their rallies? Change the GOP logo from an elephant to a swastika?



I feel so bad that the poor oppressed middle america white people are mad that they are getting called on their shit.

And now we've got President Trump for at least 4 years, so who's really playing the violin here?

You are making excuses. You refuse to call a spade a spade.

Frankly I'm not really interested in trying to convert them right now, if that's even possible. What would it take for them to not vote for a platform like that? Do they need to lynch people at their rallies? Change the GOP logo from an elephant to a swastika?

Calling a spade a spade turns them against you though. Then they vote against you. Then we get Trump.

I know you're not interested. Most liberals aren't, and weren't. How'd that work out for us?

We must work to educate them. Some of them can be educated. I was a republican voter my first few elections until some smart people finally helped me understand how destructive the party was. A spade is a spade—we just need to teach them that without making them dig their heals in.


My parents in law voted for Trump.

They will never see their granddaughter again.

I am totally serious.

They voted for her life to be at risk. Why would I let them endanger her further?

And yes, my wife is fully in support and feels if anything more strongly about it, since she's known them longer.

That's about where I'm at. I don't have a kid yet but by god I'm contemplating what the fuck to do if/when I have one. I'm skipping out on Thanksgiving at least.

Part of me thinks if they see some real consequences of their hatred maybe then they'll learn. Probably not, though.


honestly I don't think a lot of people have either heard a ton of that stuff from his campaign or haven't taken it seriously. Yes, there is a lot of information on the internet, but a lot of people just pay attention enough to know who the candidates are.

Kind of like how GAF is very clued in on video games, but a lot of gamers don't know half the stuff we do.

I'm not sure accidentally supporting a white supremacist because you were too goddamned dumb to hear the things flooding our news for the last year is any better. I mean if you even heard a quarter of what he said you should be appalled.
honestly I don't think a lot of people have either heard a ton of that stuff from his campaign or haven't taken it seriously. Yes, there is a lot of information on the internet, but a lot of people just pay attention enough to know who the candidates are.

Kind of like how GAF is very clued in on video games, but a lot of gamers don't know half the stuff we do.

I think there's some truth in this.

Many voters were likely just aware of some of his main policies, like fighting illegal immigration or keeping terrorists out. Would racists support these policies? Absolutely, and they did. Are the policies inherently racist? In theory, no, but in practice (e.g. racial profiling) it could very well turn out that way. But voters may not have considered those implications.

The people who are taking these policies (and the hate-fueled campaign that many other voters likely didn't follow) and using them as a vehicle for hate against people of other races regardless of the fact they are legal citizens (and human beings!) are utterly deplorable. But those people are not the majority of voters.

I'm not excusing the ignorance of voters, but saying they knowingly supported racism might not be true for many of them. And what's the harm in letting these people know what they've done without throwing insults in their faces?


Nah, I'm not interested in accommodating bigotry. This isn't a difference of political opinion. I will not compromise on human dignity. They can get on board or they can get left in the dust.

You're talking as if we won this election. We just got left in the dust here. We need to bolster our ranks, not draw a hard line in the sand. Conservatives aren't just gonna disappear.
Going to take that L is what I'm going to do.

We got stomped. And our bubbles got burst.There's a lot for democrats and progressives to learn here.

I still won't listen to swamp gas ravings and conspiracies, but on the issues I've accepted letting this play out until Trump runs into some real legal red lines. I've heard what he's said over the past two years, but I'll hold off on reactions until there is tangible action.
If thats the path you choose to go down, thats up to you, I hope for your own mental well being that you can find a healthier path.

It's not really up to me. I didn't pick this fight; they did. They are the ones who, in both word and deed, declared themselves my enemies. I would much rather not have had this fight, but here we are.
This "minorities need to step in line and get with it and love these people" attitude is really fucking obnoxious.

"Well you lost so really it's proved that you need to do so" no, fuck that I've sacrificed enough of my dignity and pride for a bunch of people who won't do so in turn.

They can get in line behind my ass when they realize Trump isn't going to save them.
You're talking as if we won this election. We just got left in the dust here. We need to bolster our ranks, not draw a hard line in the sand. Conservatives aren't just gonna disappear.

Except for the fact that Clinton won the popular vote.

And that voter suppression demonstrably played a role in the outcome in several key states.

Did Trump win according to the system we have? Sure. But let's not pretend that fact somehow validates him in anything but the strictest legal sense.

Joe T.

"I think hamburgers are bad" is an opinion.

"I don't think people of color are human" is not a fucking opinion.

I haven't done anything more than present a brief opinion of the thread as I see it and answer the OP's question and this is your response, an insulting comparison of opinion vs fact in an attempt to... do what, demean my opinion? Is this the world you want to live in, where we treat half the population like garbage simply because they didn't vote for the same candidate we did?

Not a difference of opinion. It's a difference of allowing people to live their goddamned lives and electing someone who is an actual threat to someone's well being

I've seen a couple of journalists covering the election, both of whom appeared to have Democratic leanings, say this within the last 24 hours and I think it sums things up nicely: America is still America. Trump hasn't used the presidency to impact your life for better or worse yet, so let's all cool our jets and stop assuming the worst.

You voted for Trump, and when I say you I mean the country as a whole. Hillary and Obama both had very disparaging things to say about Trump during the campaign, but that's over now and they've all been very gracious towards each other since then. They understand what's best for the country is the appearance of unity and cooperation, not division and hatred. Regardless of your opinion of the president elect, it's time for the general public to get behind this message, too. When he uses his new position in office to do something you disagree with then by all means, let him/others know how you feel about it, but until then let's try and act like civil human beings.

Look at the thread of people being assaulted and threatened. This isn't about difference of opinion for sake of "flavor", it's about peoples' well-being at stake.

I've seen so much hatred spewed forth, not just in this thread, but the forum and social media in general, and most of it is coming from Hillary supporters who are bitter with the election results. I'm in my late 30's and as someone who has held a more liberal outlook during my life let me tell you, I am disappointed and ashamed to see Hillary supporters act like the regressive and oppressive people they've been speaking out against. It is indeed hypocritical and the party will have a hard time coming back from this loss if this is the new norm. If you want to make the world a better place then stop filling it with insults, resentment and anti-social behavior. Two wrongs don't make a right and all that jazz.

I guess when people's political opinions can have concrete and immediate impacts on your life, you tend to feel very strongly about people whose views will lead to direct negative consequences for you and yours.

So yeah, fuck Trump supporters.

It's been repeated ad nauseam, but this is the kind of attitude that helped Trump get elected. You view Trump in a negative light and you choose to fight back with anger/hatred directed at everyone that voted for him. Don't you see how dangerous this attitude is?

Different opinions? Voting for Trump is supporting a platform built on racism, hatred and bigotry. Voting for Trump is voting for a man who sexually assaulted women.

Anybody who votes for that piece of shit only have themselves self to blame.

You can simplify the election like that all you want, but no, they don't, the American people have themselves to blame and that includes the Hillary supporters who failed to educate the friends/family members they now treat like garbage. You are being more divisive than the president elect you call a piece of shit and you can't even see it.

For someone that claims to have read the thread, you sure do seem to have missed the part where "different opinions" includes stuff like "you should be banned from entering the country" and "you deserve to be treated like a second-class citizen".

But what's really important is that we're POLITE about people dehumanizing us, right?

Fighting what you believe to be criminal activity and socially regressive political stances with anger, hatred and criminal activity of your own doesn't make the world a better place, it makes it worse. So, yes, take the higher ground, or do you believe Hillary was foolish to have taken that line from Michelle Obama during her campaign? Let's not forget what she was fighting for even though she ultimately lost.

Life would be more fun if I never interact with the people who voted to deny my sister getting married.

Then your issue is with those people and not with Trump or his supporters as he hasn't spent a single day in office yet and won't for a couple more months.

The humanity of non-white persons is not an opinion or debate

Nor is the humanity of 60 million American Trump voters, which includes those non-white persons.
You're talking as if we won this election. We just got left in the dust here. We need to bolster our ranks, not draw a hard line in the sand. Conservatives aren't just gonna disappear.

Our ranks aren't going to be bolstered through bringing in people that will waffle the moment they realize coal and energy isn't coming back.

We need to compound urban outreach and generate enough to turnout a few hundred thousand more voters. That's it.
You're going to tell me to "get a grip" after an openly racist, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic, grossly uninformed jerk now has the ability to do pretty much whatever he wants? Trying my best to control myself right now and not get banned because this attitude makes me upset.

That's not how our government works.


This "minorities need to step in line and get with it and love these people" attitude is really fucking obnoxious.

Yet no one is actually saying that.

All we're saying is some of those people's minds can be changed. Perhaps a majority of them even. Getting tunnel vision and attacking someone before you really know what they're all about is only gonna create more enemies. That's the last thing minorities need.

Our ranks aren't going to be bolstered through bringing in people that will waffle the moment they realize coal and energy isn't coming back.

We need to compound urban outreach and generate enough to turnout a few hundred thousand more voters. That's it.

It certainly wouldn't hurt to convert more white people to the side of reason, though. And that's absolutely possible to achieve.


You're talking as if we won this election. We just got left in the dust here. We need to bolster our ranks, not draw a hard line in the sand. Conservatives aren't just gonna disappear.

Whatever dude, keep giving them a pass. Like I said, I'm not interested. If we never put our foot down nothing will change.

Yet no one is actually saying that.

All we're saying is some of those people's minds can be changed. Perhaps a majority of them even. Getting tunnel vision and attacking someone before you really know what they're all about is only gonna create more enemies. That's the last thing minorities need.
You THINK their minds can be changed. I'm not convinced. Frankly if the bullshit we saw these last few months doesn't change their minds I don't know what will.
Yet no one is actually saying that.

All we're saying is some of those people's minds can be changed. Perhaps a majority of them even.

Let me stop you right there.

No, it isn't, because minorities have been fighting on this platform for decades, and look what it's brought us.

"We will educate them and teach them they are wrong and in time we will bolster our ranks with allies" and that has never, ever, fucking worked.


I have family and friends that voted for one or the other. I couldn't give a shit how they voted. They're the same people today that they were on Monday and my feelings won't change.
I get annoyed when people shrug their shoulders and say, "It's a democracy, gotta roll with it." Nah.

1. If this was a democracy, Clinton would be president.

2. We are not a democracy. We are a republic. The founders were afraid of rule by the people because they tend to be reactionary and, frankly, stupid. On the one hand, Trump's populist rise to power proves them right. On the other hand, his election demonstrates a fatal flaw in our current system.

So no. I don't accept it. It's not democracy, and it's not a great example of a functioning republic either.
Ezra Klein wrote a great article about how the founding fathers were scared of a charismatic demagogue, and how USA elected a charismatic demagogue. Thought you might be interested in it.



Nor is the humanity of 60 million American Trump voters, which includes those non-white persons.

Hillary did not campaign on Trump voters lacking basic human rights like the right to life and safety from abuse.

Trump did campaign on that for people of color and women.

The fact that you don't seem to understand that really sums up what happened this year.


Let me stop you right there.

No, it isn't, because minorities have been fighting on this platform for decades, and look what it's brought us.

"We will educate them and teach them they are wrong and in time we will bolster our ranks with allies" and that has never, ever, fucking worked.

What it's brought you is a quality of life that is better than it has been at any other point in this country's history. As bad as things currently are, they used to be so much worse. That's the sad reality. We're making progress—we're just not making it fast enough. We're capable of doing so much better.

More allies from the privileged majority would help. And would lower our chances of ever having another monster like Trump in the White House.


It's been repeated ad nauseam, but this is the kind of attitude that helped Trump get elected. You view Trump in a negative light and you choose to fight back with anger/hatred directed at everyone that voted for him. Don't you see how dangerous this attitude is?

You think people voted for Trump because minorities are mean?


I would disassociate myself with those people even if they are family.
If they voted to further destroy Earth's ecosystem until it is irreparable from climate change, I want their influence away from my children.

Hillary did not campaign on Trump voters lacking basic human rights like the right to life and safety from abuse.

Trump did campaign on that for people of color and women.

The fact that you don't seem to understand that really sums up what happened this year.

Except Trump lies, flip flops on what his statements, and is racist.


I've seen so much hatred spewed forth, not just in this thread, but the forum and social media in general, and most of it is coming from Hillary supporters who are bitter with the election results. I'm in my late 30's and as someone who has held a more liberal outlook during my life let me tell you, I am disappointed and ashamed to see Hillary supporters act like the regressive and oppressive people they've been speaking out against. It is indeed hypocritical and the party will have a hard time coming back from this loss if this is the new norm. If you want to make the world a better place then stop filling it with insults, resentment and anti-social behavior. Two wrongs don't make a right and all that jazz.

So tell me which part of a campaign based around sexist, racist, homophobic ideologies, filled with people doing their best 'Seig Heil', built by a party that has done everything in its power to obstruct the lives of LGBTQ individuals, that has beaten and kicked out minorities supporting them, that hasn't blinked when their candidate was accused of (and has bragged about) sexually assaulting women because of his status, that has insulted the family of a fallen soldier, that is backed by Police forces that are angry at the notion that they need to be held accountable especially when dealing with POC...

Which part of that am I being too mean about? The sliver that apparently never heard about any of this or totally objected to all of it, but is just worried about taxes?
My mom voted for Trump. Try that on for size. Apparently, she brought it up when talking to my sister to gloat, and holy hell. Never known my sister to have a shouting match with anyone. Family reunion this year's gonna be a goddamn bloodbath.


Pretty rich if people who constantly trashed Obama say that everyone needs to unite and just accept it.

Absolutely nothing wrong with disliking the person elected.
So you think people voted for a racist, misogynist, dangerously incompetent man because liberals are mean and or smug?
I can't rule out the possibility. There's been a lot of insult-flinging on both sides of this campaign, and all it does is make people less likely to listen to the other side.
the number of people who vote Republican for president is very consistent year to year. trump was always going to get about 60 million votes. he didn't win the election, the democrats lost it. they nominated a bad candidate who couldn't energize the base and overcome widespread voter suppression in swing states.

we are in the middle of a culture war and Republicans are deeply racist, sexist and bigoted. they voted for a person who represents the worst of humanity because they agree with him and want to see all of the progress we've made erased.

fuck these people and fuck trump. there is no meeting them in the middle. they will never compromise. our only course of action is to beat them and take back our country.


I can't rule out the possibility. There's been a lot of insult-flinging on both sides of this campaign, and all it does is make people less likely to listen to the other side.


"You know that comes off as super racist right?"



I can't rule out the possibility. There's been a lot of insult-flinging on both sides of this campaign, and all it does is make people less likely to listen to the other side.

Mm. Then I'll repeat my sentiment.

Fuck Trump supporters. Fuck. Them. If you would vote for Donald Trump to "stick it" to "smug liberals", you're fucking scum to me. I'll leave it to someone else to coddle the bigots, the misogynists, and the fools.
Fighting what you believe to be criminal activity and socially regressive political stances with anger, hatred and criminal activity of your own doesn't make the world a better place, it makes it worse. So, yes, take the higher ground, or do you believe Hillary was foolish to have taken that line from Michelle Obama during her campaign? Let's not forget what she was fighting for even though she ultimately lost.

I won't be engaging in actual criminal activity, primarily because I am a coward.

"Socially regressive political stances"? Show your work, man. This is some "you have to be tolerant of intolerance" bullshit. I am under no obligation to break bread with white supremacists or people who enable them.

As for "When they go low, we go high", two points:

One, she said that while constantly running (justified) attack ads against Donald Trump, and
Two, we see how that turned out.


Republican President, Senate and House?

That's exactly hwo it's going to work, sorry to tell you.

A lot of republicans dislike Trump though, and some of the stuff in his "contract" goes directly against their self interests. I question how much of that garbage he'll actually be able to achieve. Hopefully none of it...
There is so much slippery slope nonsense in here. No, you should not react or fight back at hate and anger with more hate and anger, but that doesn't mean you need to sit there and accept it. This constantly trying to assign blame, toss labels on groups, figure out who is what is just absolutely ridiculous and solves jack and shit. Congratulations, you've decided there is now a "moderate liberal" group who just wants you all to "accept racists and bigots". Great, now what does that label do other than just marginalize another group of people? Don't you see how this happened to begin with? Stop labelling people, stop attacking people, fight back with logic, common sense, a measured understanding but firm denial of hateful beliefs. I just don't get this, it's all so circular and pointless and starts the whole cycle up again.
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