
I feel so bad that the poor oppressed middle america white people are mad that they are getting called on their shit.
why did they vote for a white supremacist then?
You are making excuses. You refuse to call a spade a spade.Their ridiculous beliefs are your problem, though. Until at least 2020.
I'm not making excuses. I'm stating the fact that if we don't change some of their minds then we risk getting more future leaders like Trump. Whether you like it or not, that's just the truth. We have to convert some of them.
I feel so bad that the poor oppressed middle america white people are mad that they are getting called on their shit.
You are making excuses. You refuse to call a spade a spade.
Frankly I'm not really interested in trying to convert them right now, if that's even possible. What would it take for them to not vote for a platform like that? Do they need to lynch people at their rallies? Change the GOP logo from an elephant to a swastika?
My parents in law voted for Trump.
They will never see their granddaughter again.
I am totally serious.
They voted for her life to be at risk. Why would I let them endanger her further?
And yes, my wife is fully in support and feels if anything more strongly about it, since she's known them longer.
And now we've got President Trump for at least 4 years, so who's really playing the violin here?
honestly I don't think a lot of people have either heard a ton of that stuff from his campaign or haven't taken it seriously. Yes, there is a lot of information on the internet, but a lot of people just pay attention enough to know who the candidates are.
Kind of like how GAF is very clued in on video games, but a lot of gamers don't know half the stuff we do.
"Why won't you work with Trump voters guys?"
"Because they just gave us a giant middle finger"
"Okay, enjoy Trump then"
Nah, I'm not interested in accommodating bigotry. This isn't a difference of political opinion. I will not compromise on human dignity. They can get on board or they can get left in the dust.I'm not saying it's easy. Just necessary.
honestly I don't think a lot of people have either heard a ton of that stuff from his campaign or haven't taken it seriously. Yes, there is a lot of information on the internet, but a lot of people just pay attention enough to know who the candidates are.
Kind of like how GAF is very clued in on video games, but a lot of gamers don't know half the stuff we do.
Nah, I'm not interested in accommodating bigotry. This isn't a difference of political opinion. I will not compromise on human dignity. They can get on board or they can get left in the dust.
If thats the path you choose to go down, thats up to you, I hope for your own mental well being that you can find a healthier path.
You're talking as if we won this election. We just got left in the dust here. We need to bolster our ranks, not draw a hard line in the sand. Conservatives aren't just gonna disappear.
"I think hamburgers are bad" is an opinion.
"I don't think people of color are human" is not a fucking opinion.
Not a difference of opinion. It's a difference of allowing people to live their goddamned lives and electing someone who is an actual threat to someone's well being
Look at the thread of people being assaulted and threatened. This isn't about difference of opinion for sake of "flavor", it's about peoples' well-being at stake.
I guess when people's political opinions can have concrete and immediate impacts on your life, you tend to feel very strongly about people whose views will lead to direct negative consequences for you and yours.
So yeah, fuck Trump supporters.
Different opinions? Voting for Trump is supporting a platform built on racism, hatred and bigotry. Voting for Trump is voting for a man who sexually assaulted women.
Anybody who votes for that piece of shit only have themselves self to blame.
For someone that claims to have read the thread, you sure do seem to have missed the part where "different opinions" includes stuff like "you should be banned from entering the country" and "you deserve to be treated like a second-class citizen".
But what's really important is that we're POLITE about people dehumanizing us, right?
Life would be more fun if I never interact with the people who voted to deny my sister getting married.
The humanity of non-white persons is not an opinion or debate
You're talking as if we won this election. We just got left in the dust here. We need to bolster our ranks, not draw a hard line in the sand. Conservatives aren't just gonna disappear.
You're going to tell me to "get a grip" after an openly racist, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic, grossly uninformed jerk now has the ability to do pretty much whatever he wants? Trying my best to control myself right now and not get banned because this attitude makes me upset.
This "minorities need to step in line and get with it and love these people" attitude is really fucking obnoxious.
Our ranks aren't going to be bolstered through bringing in people that will waffle the moment they realize coal and energy isn't coming back.
We need to compound urban outreach and generate enough to turnout a few hundred thousand more voters. That's it.
That's not how our government works.
You're talking as if we won this election. We just got left in the dust here. We need to bolster our ranks, not draw a hard line in the sand. Conservatives aren't just gonna disappear.
You THINK their minds can be changed. I'm not convinced. Frankly if the bullshit we saw these last few months doesn't change their minds I don't know what will.Yet no one is actually saying that.
All we're saying is some of those people's minds can be changed. Perhaps a majority of them even. Getting tunnel vision and attacking someone before you really know what they're all about is only gonna create more enemies. That's the last thing minorities need.
Yet no one is actually saying that.
All we're saying is some of those people's minds can be changed. Perhaps a majority of them even.
It is while the Republicans have control of the House and Senate.
You THINK their minds can be changed. I'm not convinced. Frankly if the bullshit we saw these last few months doesn't change their minds I don't know what will.
Ezra Klein wrote a great article about how the founding fathers were scared of a charismatic demagogue, and how USA elected a charismatic demagogue. Thought you might be interested in it.I get annoyed when people shrug their shoulders and say, "It's a democracy, gotta roll with it." Nah.
1. If this was a democracy, Clinton would be president.
2. We are not a democracy. We are a republic. The founders were afraid of rule by the people because they tend to be reactionary and, frankly, stupid. On the one hand, Trump's populist rise to power proves them right. On the other hand, his election demonstrates a fatal flaw in our current system.
So no. I don't accept it. It's not democracy, and it's not a great example of a functioning republic either.
There are exceptions to everything. Congratulations.I voted for George W. Bush in 2004.
Some minds can be changed.
Nor is the humanity of 60 million American Trump voters, which includes those non-white persons.
Let me stop you right there.
No, it isn't, because minorities have been fighting on this platform for decades, and look what it's brought us.
"We will educate them and teach them they are wrong and in time we will bolster our ranks with allies" and that has never, ever, fucking worked.
It's been repeated ad nauseam, but this is the kind of attitude that helped Trump get elected. You view Trump in a negative light and you choose to fight back with anger/hatred directed at everyone that voted for him. Don't you see how dangerous this attitude is?
Hillary did not campaign on Trump voters lacking basic human rights like the right to life and safety from abuse.
Trump did campaign on that for people of color and women.
The fact that you don't seem to understand that really sums up what happened this year.
I've seen so much hatred spewed forth, not just in this thread, but the forum and social media in general, and most of it is coming from Hillary supporters who are bitter with the election results. I'm in my late 30's and as someone who has held a more liberal outlook during my life let me tell you, I am disappointed and ashamed to see Hillary supporters act like the regressive and oppressive people they've been speaking out against. It is indeed hypocritical and the party will have a hard time coming back from this loss if this is the new norm. If you want to make the world a better place then stop filling it with insults, resentment and anti-social behavior. Two wrongs don't make a right and all that jazz.
Liberals. Liberals are mean. Or at least smug.You think people voted for Trump because minorities are mean?
Full on contempt. They're all dead to me.
Liberals. Liberals are mean. Or at least smug.
I can't rule out the possibility. There's been a lot of insult-flinging on both sides of this campaign, and all it does is make people less likely to listen to the other side.So you think people voted for a racist, misogynist, dangerously incompetent man because liberals are mean and or smug?
That's not how our government works.
I can't rule out the possibility. There's been a lot of insult-flinging on both sides of this campaign, and all it does is make people less likely to listen to the other side.
I can't rule out the possibility. There's been a lot of insult-flinging on both sides of this campaign, and all it does is make people less likely to listen to the other side.
Liberals. Liberals are mean. Or at least smug.
Fighting what you believe to be criminal activity and socially regressive political stances with anger, hatred and criminal activity of your own doesn't make the world a better place, it makes it worse. So, yes, take the higher ground, or do you believe Hillary was foolish to have taken that line from Michelle Obama during her campaign? Let's not forget what she was fighting for even though she ultimately lost.
Republican President, Senate and House?
That's exactly hwo it's going to work, sorry to tell you.