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How are you dealing with people who voted for Trump?

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Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Ever thought of having some empathy for minorities who have already been placed in greater peril through the simple fact of Donald Trump's election?

EDIT: Sorry, that was a bit glib. To expand on that:

If these people are so small-minded, so provincial in their thinking, so utterly unable to empathize with people who are not exactly like them that they were elect a man who rose to power demonizing entire swathes of the U.S. population, then I'm done with them. They have demonstrated, by their own actions, that they are not to be trusted.

EDIT 2: And by the way, my "doctor" agrees with the sentiment.

Being done with people and wishing upon them misery are one thing, wishing them misery and reveling in it is another. I think its incredibly counter productive to give up on people and worse so to put yourself in a situation where you actively wish them harm.
This thread is frightening. So much hatred directed at friends and family members simply for having different opinions.

I get along just fine with friends and family that don't agree with my political points of view. Life wouldn't be half as interesting as it is now if everyone I interacted with agreed with me about everything.

"I think hamburgers are bad" is an opinion.

"I don't think people of color are human" is not a fucking opinion.
This thread is frightening. So much hatred directed at friends and family members simply for having different opinions.

I get along just fine with friends and family that don't agree with my political points of view. Life wouldn't be half as interesting as it is now if everyone I interacted with agreed with me about everything.

Not a difference of opinion. It's a difference of allowing people to live their goddamned lives and electing someone who is an actual threat to someone's well being


This thread is frightening. So much hatred directed at friends and family members simply for having different opinions.

I get along just fine with friends and family that don't agree with my political points of view. Life wouldn't be half as interesting as it is now if everyone I interacted with agreed with me about everything.

It's insanely hypocritical too, it's pretty nuts.


This thread is frightening. So much hatred directed at friends and family members simply for having different opinions.

I get along just fine with friends and family that don't agree with my political points of view. Life wouldn't be half as interesting as it is now if everyone I interacted with agreed with me about everything.
Look at the thread of people being assaulted and threatened. This isn't about difference of opinion for sake of "flavor", it's about peoples' well-being at stake.
I mean...if you "put yourself first" at the expense of minorities and at the cost of empowering white supremacy etc., I'm not really that interested in "what's in your heart". Your actions speak. Own them.

I'm not even American so I'm giving my opinion. I agree, but I wouldn't always equate putting yourself first with not caring at all. I think white supremacy is probably not even entering the minds of most voters.


This thread is frightening. So much hatred directed at friends and family members simply for having different opinions.

I get along just fine with friends and family that don't agree with my political points of view. Life wouldn't be half as interesting as it is now if everyone I interacted with agreed with me about everything.

I guess when people's political opinions can have concrete and immediate impacts on your life, you tend to feel very strongly about people whose views will lead to direct negative consequences for you and yours.

So yeah, fuck Trump supporters.


but believes in Chael
I have some family that finally got health insurance because of Obamacare and they voted for Trump.

I started laughing and they didn't have a clue what was wrong with me.

I didn't tell them. I know I'm an asshole.


I think white supremacy is probably not even entering the minds of most voters.

Trump ran on a white supremacist platform. There is no way it could've been missed. People who voted for him or didn't vote at all either agreed with it or they didn't see it as a big deal. Sorry, but that will be the legacy of the electorate that allowed this to happen.
This thread is frightening. So much hatred directed at friends and family members simply for having different opinions.

I get along just fine with friends and family that don't agree with my political points of view. Life wouldn't be half as interesting as it is now if everyone I interacted with agreed with me about everything.

Different opinions? Voting for Trump is supporting a platform built on racism, hatred and bigotry. Voting for Trump is voting for a man who sexually assaulted women.

Anybody who votes for that piece of shit only have themselves self to blame.


I am dutch but my parents and me especially my parents are sad, my dad said it very simple "why is there so much hate?"and you see it here in Europe i see at work, i see it on the streets, i see it when i go shopping.

Seeing something i never thought to see in my lifetime seeing neo-nazi's on a big rise and it is getting bigger each year, in the netherlands it is stirring for a long time and thanks to geert wilders it is keep getting bigger and bigger.

Looking at other EU countries i see a rise in Germany,France and i think a bunch more i missed. You see it everywhere it is very dishearting that history is repeating itself also in our lifetime 70 years of peace and yet we see hatemongers,bigots,fascists,racists,xenophobia coming back in a big way.
I am just going to ignore them or at least not engage in political talk with them for awhile. They need to see the seeds that they have sowed bear fruit first before anyone can truly reason with them. people can protest all they want and should, but Republicans control everything and they will pass at least some of what many here consider bad policies and repeals.

I could simply tell them this sends a horrible message to our kids, something we have seen the ramifications of before and especially after the election, and they will (and have) say "then parents should do a better job teaching their kids". Which misses the point completely...but to them hand waves the misconduct and language of Donald.

It's going to get worse before it gets better, and we have to be there to guide them to a better alternative when the time comes. if we burn the bridges now it is going to be tougher to build them back later.
I'm not even American so I'm giving my opinion. I agree, but I wouldn't always equate putting yourself first with not caring at all. I think white supremacy is probably not even entering the minds of most voters.

I'm not sure how it couldn't. Trump wasn't subtle in any way shape or form, he was blatant and loud about everything

I don't believe for a second it never crossed there minds
This thread is frightening. So much hatred directed at friends and family members simply for having different opinions.

For someone that claims to have read the thread, you sure do seem to have missed the part where "different opinions" includes stuff like "you should be banned from entering the country" and "you deserve to be treated like a second-class citizen".

But what's really important is that we're POLITE about people dehumanizing us, right?
Being done with people and wishing upon them misery are one thing, wishing them misery and reveling in it is another. I think its incredibly counter productive to give up on people and worse so to put yourself in a situation where you actively wish them harm.

I want their plight to serve as an object lesson for future generations. To be perfectly frank: I didn't make myself their enemy. They made themselves mine.
This thread is frightening. So much hatred directed at friends and family members simply for having different opinions.

I get along just fine with friends and family that don't agree with my political points of view. Life wouldn't be half as interesting as it is now if everyone I interacted with agreed with me about everything.

Life would be more fun if I never interact with the people who voted to deny my sister getting married.
Some are, some aren't. This dumb idea that everyone who voted Trump is a racist bigot is such simplistic and wrongheaded way of looking at this.

No, it's the truth.

Either they are explicitly bigoted, or they looked at Trump's bigotry and decided it was okay as long as they got something out of it.

I don't have room for either of those types of people in my life.
Some are, some aren't. This dumb idea that everyone who voted Trump is a racist bigot is such simplistic and wrongheaded way of looking at this.
You tell me the complex, nuanced way of looking at this. Especially after Republicans denounced him (sadly, they went to support him after he became the main candidate) and other Republicans wouldn't vote for Trump because of his bigoted views rather than fall into a team effect as party sheep.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I want their plight to serve as an object lesson for future generations. To be perfectly frank: I didn't make myself their enemy. They made themselves mine.

If thats the path you choose to go down, thats up to you, I hope for your own mental well being that you can find a healthier path.


I'm calling them COMRADE, today.

We will see how I deal with them tomorrow as my mental state continues to erode.


I get annoyed when people shrug their shoulders and say, "It's a democracy, gotta roll with it." Nah.

1. If this was a democracy, Clinton would be president.

2. We are not a democracy. We are a republic. The founders were afraid of rule by the people because they tend to be reactionary and, frankly, stupid. On the one hand, Trump's populist rise to power proves them right. On the other hand, his election demonstrates a fatal flaw in our current system.

So no. I don't accept it. It's not democracy, and it's not a great example of a functioning republic either.


Look at the thread of people being assaulted and threatened. This isn't about difference of opinion for sake of "flavor", it's about peoples' well-being at stake.

I've got a few videos on my social media feeds of black dudes beating up on white dudes who had Trump stickers on their car. Human beings can be shitty regardless of political affiliation.

Trump's not actually going to be able to do any of the racist shit he promised because most of it is unconstitutional. Even if he tries the outrage will be insane. None of that shit is happening, and a lot of the people who voted for him knew that and just didn't like Hillary. Or are fiscal conservatives. Or are just ignorant because they grew up with a failure of an education system. Vilifying the moderates and lumping them in with the evil people is just gonna make them rebel against what you tell them even more.

We need to convert some of those motherfuckers.


I've got a few videos in my social media feeds of black people beating up on white dudes with Trump stickers on their car. Human beings can be shitty regardless of political affiliation.
Well, I guess that balances out having a white supremacist as the leader of the country. Glad we ironed this out.


Well, I guess that balances out having a white supremacist as the leader of the country. Glad we ironed this out.

That's not what I was trying to say and you know it.

That type of snarky, dismissive attitude is one of the reasons a lot of people migrated to Trump in the first place.


How am I dealing with them? Not by directing hate, violence, and anger back at them. The election is over and Donald Trump is our next president. Yes I do not approve of this and realize that this will most likely have dire consequences for many people. But there are many Trump supporters who are not bad people.

Yes, they support a racist. But the reasoning is not their prejudice but their fear. They worry for their futures and someone has convinced them that supporting this man and his hate will solve their issues. Someone has wrongly convinced them that Hillary would have harmed them even more than Trump.

Do not unleash your anger upon Trump supporters unless you see acts of hate and bigotry like those mentioned in many threads across GAF. Instead, channel your anger into taking down the people who have spread these lies: The GOP Politicians who control every branch of government. Hit them where it hurts: The Local and State Levels. The movement to take back Congress begins now. The election might not be for 2 years but this is when the process starts.

We know who is responsible for this and how to take them down, make sure everyone else does as well.


That's not what I was trying to say and you know it.

That type of snarky, dismissive attitude is one of the reasons a lot of people migrated to Trump in the first place.
Nah, people writing off racism as some monolith of society/human nature that can never be fixed, and must be coddled and accommodated, is why we're here.


He measures in centimeters
I am really struggling with this question as I have children and we know or are friends with people who voted Trump. I keep working through excuses for them in my mind but they all ring hollow and none of them make me feel comfortable with having my kids exposed to their implicit or explicit support of Trump's racism and bigotry. This is not about political differences - this a fundamentally different way in which we value the worth of our fellow humans who aren't exactly like us.

I can not reconcile their most fundamental values with how I think children need to be nurtured and educated.
I reminded them of who they voted for and what they stood for.

I'll be respectful... If they don't bring up Trump I won't bring up how they are okay with racism and sexism. If they do I'll be there to remind them.


How am I dealing with them? Not by directing hate, violence, and anger back at them. The election is over and Donald Trump is our next president. Yes I do not approve of this and realize that this will most likely have dire consequences for many people. But there are many Trump supporters who are not bad people.

Yes, they support a racist. But the reasoning is not their prejudice but their fear. They worry for their futures and someone has convinced them that supporting this man and his hate will solve their issues. Someone has wrongly convinced them that Hillary would have harmed them even more than Trump.

Do not unleash your anger upon Trump supporters unless you see acts of hate and bigotry like those mentioned in many threads across GAF. Instead, channel your anger into taking down the people who have spread these lies: The GOP Politicians who control every branch of government. Hit them where it hurts: The Local and State Levels. The movement to take back Congress begins now. The election might not be for 2 years but this is when the process starts.

We know who is responsible for this and how to take them down, make sure everyone else does as well.

Finally a decent post.


This thread is frightening. So much hatred directed at friends and family members simply for having different opinions.

I get along just fine with friends and family that don't agree with my political points of view. Life wouldn't be half as interesting as it is now if everyone I interacted with agreed with me about everything.

The humanity of non-white persons is not an opinion or debate


Nah, people writing off racism as some monolith of society/human nature that can never be fixed, and must be coddled and accommodated, is why we're here.

Most Trump voters don't believe they're doing that though. Our job isn't to coddle them, it's to make them see the truth. Then they'll be on our side.

Not all of them, obviously. But a large portion.
Most Trump voters don't believe they're doing that though. Our job isn't to coddle them, it's to make them see the truth. Then they'll be on our side.

Not all of them, obviously. But a large portion.

So minorities are supposed to compromise while everything is directed against them?

"Ohh, you're being nice to me? Now I'll vote so that you can have rights" *thumbs up*


So minorities are supposed to compromise while everything is directed against them?

No. Never stand up for actual racism, sexism or bigotry. Call it when you see it. My point is that it most Trump voters didn't support him because of racism, sexism or bigotry. They had other reasons. Straight attacking them as racists, sexists or bigots is only going to strengthen their resolve against the democratic party. The truth of the matter is these people's lives would be better with democratic leadership. We need to help them understand that.

The actual racists though, fuck them. Leave them behind in the dark ages where they belong.


Most Trump voters don't believe they're doing that though. Our job isn't to coddle them, it's to make them see the truth. Then they'll be on our side.

Not all of them, obviously. But a large portion.
Their ridiculous beliefs are not my problem. The fact remains that they voted for a plain-as-day bigot.

You say we need to make them see the truth, as if "Mexicans are rapists" and "I'm famous so I can grab her by the pussy" are some coded dog whistle shit. Nah, it's right there for everyone to see. And they still voted for him.

Stop letting bullshit slide. Don't make excuses for them.


Their ridiculous beliefs are not my problem. The fact remains that they voted for a plain-as-day bigot.

You say we need to make them see the truth, as if "Mexicans are rapists" and "I'm famous so I can grab her by the pussy" are some coded dog whistle shit. Nah, it's right there for everyone to see. And they still voted for him.

Stop letting bullshit slide. Don't make excuses for them.

Their ridiculous beliefs are your problem, though. Until at least 2020.

I'm not making excuses. I'm stating the fact that if we don't change some of their minds then we risk getting more future leaders like Trump. Whether you like it or not, that's just the truth. We have to convert some of them.
No. Never stand up for actual racism, sexism or bigotry. Call it when you see it. My point is that it most Trump voters didn't support him because of racism, sexism or bigotry. They had other reasons. Straight attacking them as racists, sexists or bigots is only going to strengthen their resolve against the democratic party. The truth of the matter is these people's lives would be better with democratic leadership. We need to help them understand that.

The actual racists though, fuck them. Leave them behind in the dark ages where they belong.
Pure unadulterated bollocks.

They knew what his platform was about, cosigned it and voted for it. No revisionism here.

Human rights are not a bargaining chip to be placed against lower taxes, and if that's your stance, you can get the V.

I've never heard anyone in my life tell me people of color aren't human, and I have family who voted for Trump.

Actions speak louder than words. Your family was screaming and you can't hear a thing.


molnizzle gets it. All I've seen since the election is people fighting hate with hate.

Some people hate racists ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But to be less snarky since I'm top of the page: I'm not sure what the solution is now. We elected someone whose first instinct was to reach across the aisle and compromise and what we got was a full force "no" from everyone involved for 8 goddamned years. Our first black president is going to have to hand off power to someone who catered to white supremacists and was endorsed by the KKK. The base who voted for Trump spit in the face of most of us. You think we should just be OK with that? What good is fighting hatred with love at this point. They need to know what they did was a bridge too far. It was wrong. Full stop.
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