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How are you dealing with people who voted for Trump?

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Unlike most people I can't wait until I go home for the holidays, all of my family hates Trump and voted against him. There's going to be so much shit talking, the only thing that worries me is my grandma is going to be so distraught I just know it.
I'll treat this like every other election and not give a fuck. If your entire personal relationships come down to politics, you got some shitty relationships.


Junior Member
I'll treat this like every other election and not give a fuck. If your entire personal relationships come down to politics, you got some shitty relationships.
Easy to not care about racism and sexism when it doesn't affect you.

Stay on your low horse.

Fox Mulder

All of this. Tolerating these people is why liberals lose and have everything taken from them. It's time to wake the fuck up.

Bring on the us verses them and have demographics decide. We were told for years that the era of whites only voting republicans to the White House was nearing an end simply due to demographics.

Trump won the presidency with less votes than when Romney lost. We just didn't go vote and secure the base with a good enough candidate.


Let's get this straight. They're all racists. They're all misogynists. They're all homophobes. They're all Islamophobes. Every single one of them.

How can I say that? Because they voted for Trump.

Sure, not every one of them might think of themselves that way. They might not go around using the n word. I'm sure some of them have "black friends". Maybe they really think that they respect women.

But they were all willing to vote for Trump. They voted for a man who launched his campaign by saying that all Mexicans were rapists and drug dealers. A man who has been recorded bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. Who has demeaned women repeatedly throughout his public life. Who called for the execution of five innocent black teenagers. Who wants to ban all Muslim people from entering the country.

If you vote for him, you're a bigot. You believe all of those things. Or worse, you're willing to accept them just on the fear that Hillary would have taken your guns or whatever.

I don't want to hear about how we should be more accepting of Trump supporters. Or how calling them out just makes them double down. We've tried for 50 fucking years to coddle racists; to avoid calling them racists or bigots because we can't hurt their precious feelings. Guess what? It hasn't fucking worked. It's just lead to those racists views becoming more and more entrenched. We need to take a strong hand to all bigoted views. We need to call shit out.

When people say that everyone should be more open to Trump supporters, that sets off red flags with me. I mean hell, I'm a straight white man, and I'm terrified. I can only imagine how much worse everyone who is black, or hispanic, or gay, or Muslim, or a woman of color, or multiple of the above is feeling right now. And if you can't feel compassion for what all of those people are going through as they've seen nearly half their country willing to throw them to the wind, then maybe you're part of the problem.

Completely agree.


Let's get this straight. They're all racists. They're all misogynists. They're all homophobes. They're all Islamophobes. Every single one of them.

How can I say that? Because they voted for Trump.

Sure, not every one of them might think of themselves that way. They might not go around using the n word. I'm sure some of them have "black friends". Maybe they really think that they respect women.

But they were all willing to vote for Trump. They voted for a man who launched his campaign by saying that all Mexicans were rapists and drug dealers. A man who has been recorded bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. Who has demeaned women repeatedly throughout his public life. Who called for the execution of five innocent black teenagers. Who wants to ban all Muslim people from entering the country.

If you vote for him, you're a bigot. You believe all of those things. Or worse, you're willing to accept them just on the fear that Hillary would have taken your guns or whatever.

I don't want to hear about how we should be more accepting of Trump supporters. Or how calling them out just makes them double down. We've tried for 50 fucking years to coddle racists; to avoid calling them racists or bigots because we can't hurt their precious feelings. Guess what? It hasn't fucking worked. It's just lead to those racists views becoming more and more entrenched. We need to take a strong hand to all bigoted views. We need to call shit out.

When people say that everyone should be more open to Trump supporters, that sets off red flags with me. I mean hell, I'm a straight white man, and I'm terrified. I can only imagine how much worse everyone who is black, or hispanic, or gay, or Muslim, or a woman of color, or multiple of the above is feeling right now. And if you can't feel compassion for what all of those people are going through as they've seen nearly half their country willing to throw them to the wind, then maybe you're part of the problem.


My father actually put a sign up on the front door last Sunday that reads "If you haven't voted for Mr. Trump please leave the premises." (I'll try to snap a picture this weekend for posterity.)

I told my fiancee last night when we stopped by to visit last night after voting to not bring up politics because it would end badly, especially since neither of us voted for the Don. Unfortunately she made a small slip-up and fell down that rabbit hole anyway. (I was in the restroom at the time so I missed the bulk of it.)

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Thankfully in NYC i don't have to deal with them often because they are surrounded by well, New Yorkers. I really feel for the rest of you guys.


I apologize if this seems like rambling, but I've not slept in well over 24 hours. But here it goes:

We've become the republican party having the hierarchy switched. I imagine that many republicans felt about democrats just like we feel about them now. Being in the losing side sucks, because we are always going to be thinking of the worst case scenario. We had people in GAF expressing a want to suicide because of the election results. Let this sink in: Some thought that suicide would be the best option to escape the nightmare scenario they hypothesize. It's a terrible place to be in. We have people on Facebook and Twitter post the phone number of the suicide prevention hotline.

Whether we like it or not, Trump has won fair and square. I have my reservations of course, but until proven otherwise, I will believe in our electoral process. As such, the only thing we can do is hope and pray and maybe even reconcile with the other side of the isle to make things work. We have to encourage Trump's success because if he fails, if the senate and congress fail, we will all fail. We will all feel the consequence of it. It's fine to be angry, to want to cry, to feel cheated even. But we have to move forward, and we have to make the best of what we have. We need to look ahead and start the roadway to the next election so that we can vote for someone that will fight for what we believe in.

Alienating the republicans is not the way to go. We can't label them racist - there's a lot that just wanted an outsider - any outsider - into government to disrupt the status quo. Even if that person happened to be a man with bad character. If we alienate them again, if we choose to label them all with a broad brush, if we think lesser of them because they are sometimes less educated - we're only going to end up on the losing side of an election again. Instead, we need to make people see what we see, and tell them how fighting for what we believe in is also fighting to make life better for them. It shouldn't be an us vs them mentality, I think it needs to be just an us mentality.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Let's get this straight. They're all racists. They're all misogynists. They're all homophobes. They're all Islamophobes. Every single one of them.

How can I say that? Because they voted for Trump.

Sure, not every one of them might think of themselves that way. They might not go around using the n word. I'm sure some of them have "black friends". Maybe they really think that they respect women.

But they were all willing to vote for Trump. They voted for a man who launched his campaign by saying that all Mexicans were rapists and drug dealers. A man who has been recorded bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. Who has demeaned women repeatedly throughout his public life. Who called for the execution of five innocent black teenagers. Who wants to ban all Muslim people from entering the country.

If you vote for him, you're a bigot. You believe all of those things. Or worse, you're willing to accept them just on the fear that Hillary would have taken your guns or whatever.

I don't want to hear about how we should be more accepting of Trump supporters. Or how calling them out just makes them double down. We've tried for 50 fucking years to coddle racists; to avoid calling them racists or bigots because we can't hurt their precious feelings. Guess what? It hasn't fucking worked. It's just lead to those racists views becoming more and more entrenched. We need to take a strong hand to all bigoted views. We need to call shit out.

When people say that everyone should be more open to Trump supporters, that sets off red flags with me. I mean hell, I'm a straight white man, and I'm terrified. I can only imagine how much worse everyone who is black, or hispanic, or gay, or Muslim, or a woman of color, or multiple of the above is feeling right now. And if you can't feel compassion for what all of those people are going through as they've seen nearly half their country willing to throw them to the wind, then maybe you're part of the problem.
Thank you. Thought I was in crazy town for a second with all these dumbass moderates playin devils advocate for the most transparent bigotry this country's EVER seen.


All of this. Tolerating these people is why liberals lose and have everything taken from them. It's time to wake the fuck up.

You're defining liberal tolerance here, bud. There's a reason you lost, and it's not because 50 million people are racist, though if you want to delude yourself, you have that right. Look into having meaningful discussions with those that you disagree with and try to find some common ground, rather than just blanket hating.
You're defining liberal tolerance here, bud. There's a reason you lost, and it's not because 50 million people are racist, though if you want to delude yourself, you have that right. Look into having meaningful discussions with those that you disagree with and try to find some common ground, rather than just blanket hating.

The new Vice President thinks that gay people are a scourge and would happily torture them. Yes it is the liberals that need to learn tolerance

This rewriting of history already happening that Trump wasn't running a campaign of hate is infuriating but when villains win that's what happens I guess.


I live in Arkansas. Gonna go to work just like any other day. People have been voting against their interests in this state for years. Bible belt, whaddya goin to do?

Yep. Same state, going to work as well. All I'm seeing are people trying to act like getting medical marijuana is really what'll keep them sane. Overall though, it's sad. Can't even talk to people.
I'll explain my point of view, my concerns and I will hope that I get through to them. I'll try and bridge the gap and bring people to my side of thinking. In those instances where that doesn't work I will peacefully accept that I've done my part. I'll go and participate in protest when key progress milestones are threatened and I will take the high road when my adversaries stoop to personal insults.
Once again, 50+ million people voted for a racist knowing he was racist, so they support racism. End of story. I don't want to be friends with people who support Trump, sorry.
You're defining liberal tolerance here, bud. There's a reason you lost, and it's not because 50 million people are racist, though if you want to delude yourself, you have that right. Look into having meaningful discussions with those that you disagree with and try to find some common ground, rather than just blanket hating.
The vice president rerouted AIDS research in to conversion therapy camps that torture people like me

The vice president made it legal to discriminate against people like me despite it tanking his economy

FUCK. COMMON. GROUND when the opposition wants to strip me of my civil rights and torture me for how I was born.

I don't give a SHIT about being tolerant to people who voted in this monster.

Either they were too ignorant to look up the most basic policies or they were complicit in supporting my degradation as a human being.

Where's my tolerance? Where's my support? Where's my outreach?

Fox Mulder

You're defining liberal tolerance here, bud. There's a reason you lost, and it's not because 50 million people are racist, though if you want to delude yourself, you have that right. Look into having meaningful discussions with those that you disagree with and try to find some common ground, rather than just blanket hating.

Nope. Where was this sentiment of tolerance, common ground, and meaningful discussion from republicans after Obamacare won, twice.

I really really want to say more about the vile garbage spewed from one side for 8 fucking years, but I'll just continue to blanket hate.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
You're defining liberal tolerance here, bud. There's a reason you lost, and it's not because 50 million people are racist, though if you want to delude yourself, you have that right. Look into having meaningful discussions with those that you disagree with and try to find some common ground, rather than just blanket hating.

Maybe not all 50 million are racists, but all 50 million believe in some way of holding back minorities, LGBTQ community, women's rights, etc.


thanks for the laugh
Thank you. Thought I was in crazy town for a second with all these dumbass moderates playin devils advocate for the most transparent bigotry this country's EVER seen.

sorry for the brief moment of introspection. it must've been awful for you.
You're defining liberal tolerance here, bud. There's a reason you lost, and it's not because 50 million people are racist, though if you want to delude yourself, you have that right. Look into having meaningful discussions with those that you disagree with and try to find some common ground, rather than just blanket hating.

Oh hey so why did you vote for the person that insulted all types of minorities and want to remove basic human rights for people?

Oh, what was that? Fuck you I want my privilege and country back? Is that what you said? Okay.

Wait? Something else? Oh. You don't care for minorities or women? That's what you said? Gotcha pal. Thanks

Huh? I'm a nigger? Oh. Well you know I still have my hand out for you bud.


Because what this country needs is more segregation right?

That will surely help in 4 years, when Trump get's reelected...


Unfortunately most of my family voted for Trump. My mother was saying "i would have voted for just anybody else over trump, even Bernie. But if my option is Hillary, I have to vote Trump to keep her out."

Whatever. I'm so tired now. Fought with my parents already. Extended family voted for Trump too. Can't wait for Thanksgiving. I'm just tired right now.

I won't cut them out of my life. I'm not going to be prematurely hateful toward them or anything. But goddammit, as soon as his actions start reflecting the fears that many of us on GAF have, I'm going to go on a rant and hold this shit over their heads exclusively.

If Trump just turns out to be a bad president and that's it, I'll be happy. I guess.
Well as a Trump supporter I'll go the opposite and just tell Hillary supporters it was an entertaining race and that there are many positives from the Clinton nomination. I wont block somebody or disassociate with a friend or family member simply because they supported Hillary
Wondering where the hell insulting veterans, having a long history of outspokenly misogynistic thoughts and actions, promoting racist policies, undermining democracy and the highest establishment of law enforcement by outright dismissing the FBI's conclusions on Hillary Clinton and claiming reasonable charges to jail his opponent, and having zero political experience in very trying times actually gets reconciled back into being a great leader. And all from the party that long claimed stake in moral superiority and higher character standards (though to be honest I never bought this notion, just pointing out the hypocrisy). This is the motherfucker that publicly stated that he could shoot someone in New York City and not lose any supporters, and by all measures he was right. What a nightmare.

The populist mindset in the USA right now is clearly horrible. I really, really hope I can count on the openly anti-Trump GOP members to do their due diligence in muzzling the guy alongside what's left of the Democrats in government, but I'm not holding my breath.

Donald Trump lit a huge fire under my ass and I may very well be consumed by it.


All of this. Tolerating these people is why liberals lose and have everything taken from them. It's time to wake the fuck up.

A lot of voters were clearly shamed by accusations of racism, to the extent that they lied to pollsters about their beliefs. If I understand you correctly, democrats should have doubled down on these accusations to win the election? How would that have worked out, exactly?
Well as a Trump supporter I'll go the opposite and just tell Hillary supporters it was an entertaining race and that there are many positives from the Clinton nomination. I wont block somebody or disassociate with a friend or family member simply because they supported Hillary
Why did you vote Trump?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Well as a Trump supporter I'll go the opposite and just tell Hillary supporters it was an entertaining race and that there are many positives from the Clinton nomination. I wont block somebody or disassociate with a friend or family member simply because they supported Hillary

So why did you support Trump? Are you a single issue voter or do you believe in more than one of his stances?

E92 M3

Honestly don't know what to do Gaf.

My immediate family all voted for Trump. Heated exchanges were made and words were said. Long story short, I broke off ties to my family.

Idk what to do...

That's not smart. It's just politics and arguing over it won't change anything. Family is more important than politics.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Treat them with respect as usual. People are allowed to have difference of opinion in my country. Even if I don't like the results, get behind the president and hope he is the best president.
This morning, my boss, a trump supporter, clapped me on the shoulder and said "we witnessed a revolution last night". I'm the only white male in my office.

It went dead silent. It was pretty awkward.

I voted h dawg btw
He must've been thinking you were a fellow white supremacist lol


That's not smart. It's just politics and arguing over it won't change anything. Family is more important than politics.
Yup I agree with you. Family is important and most times family won't agree on things but you are still family.


Treat them with respect as usual. People are allowed to have difference of opinion in my country. Even if I don't like the results, get behind the president and hope he is the best president.

Getting behind President Trump is a bridge too far for me. Open opposition of the President is an American tradition and most policy positions he's espoused aren't defendable.

That said, I'm not going to fuck around and label all of his 50 mil voters racist.

That also said, I'm an upper middle class white dude. I have never been so aware of my privilege and it's never been so painful and shameful as today.
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