It's more about what you eat than what you lift. Of course, lifting is essential too, but you excersize to get your body ready to change, and then you mold your diet in a fashion that will make it change.
First of all you won't build muscle and burn fat at the same time. One requires a caloric deficit, the other requires a caloric surplus. So you have to pick which you want first.
If you're trying to get cut, without losing muscle mass, you'll need to be excersizing every day. Don't do the same thing every day though. Do pushups one day(various types...and do them at the same time, preferably in the morning..don't spread it out over the course of the day, as your muscles will start trying to heal as soon as you finish. You want to let them do that), then run the next, then do crunches and wall squats the next, then ride the bike or run the next, then find SOMETHING to work your biceps...just find something that's decently heavy to curl and if theres anything in your house you can hang from to do chinups, that's great too(in addition...not instead of). In terms of diet, you still need to get plenty to eat. Eat lots of lean meats (chicken, tuna) to keep from losing muscle mass, and eat frequently and eat relatively small meals. This keeps your metabolism going and will help you burn fat.
If you want to build muscle, follow what I said above in terms of workouts, but cut out one or two of the cardio days, as they will cause you to burn more calories than you want to. Eat a LOT of protein, eat quite a lot of carbs, eat like a pig(eat healthy things not candy ir sodas or things like that...but stuff high in protein, complex carbs, low sodium(will decrease muscle definition, so avoid sodium if you can). Natural peanut butter is a great source of GOOD calories. Don't buy jiffy or anything like that, get welch's natural peanut butter. It has a little bit of salt added, but it tastes the best out of all the natural peanut butter types I've tried. Just don't get the one with honey, and don't bother refrigerating it. It says to refrigerate, but if you eat it within a few months it wont go bad, plus refrigerating it makes it get really hard and nasty.
Good luck, and it takes time, you won't be able to do it in a few days or weeks, it'll take months.
EDIT - To expand on what acid viper said...unless you pretty much dedicate your life to fitness, it's VERY VERY hard to look like bruce lee. For his size, he was INCREDIBLY strong, and had an EXTREMELY low body fat%. I've read some of the things he used to do to stay in shape and some of it was flat out rediculous. The man was an absolute machine.