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How can I get 'cut up' like Bruce Lee quickly?

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I'm 5'7" and weigh about 130lbs. How can I get cut up like Bruce Lee?

I've tried lifting weights, doing pushups, and stomach crunches for like... two months straight before, but I didn't get ANY results. I didn't even feel any stronger; like the me from two months before had an equal chance of killing the me two months later in a fight to the death. I also have a major problem with gaining weight. I can eat tons of food and junkfood but I still maintain the same weight. In fact, I've been the same height and weight since my first year of highschool. If you're wondering I'm 23 now.

I'm not looking to get huge muscles. I just want some serious muscle-definition like Bruce Lee. Can someone reccomend a sure-fire workout plan to do that WITHOUT using excerise equipment and weight-gainers. My brother is about 6'2". A while ago he started working out with weights and used a lot of weight gainers/supplements from GNC. He got to the point where he could almost pass as a WWE if you gave him a mask, but he stopped using all the supplements/gainers and he practically shrunk back to where he was when he started. =P

Bob White

The standard light weights and high reps should help you. But that doesn't work for me. When I run, I get somewhat tone. It cuts the fat quick. So running may help too.

Bruce Lee is the man.


If I did 300 pushups a day would that help? I don't mean all at once. I mean like... maybe 50 every hour? :D


Yeah, some people are skinny twigs for life and they can't do much about it. My brother is one. I suspect you of being another.
Boogie said:
Yeah, some people are skinny twigs for life and they can't do much about it. My brother is one. I suspect you of being another.

Don't believe this shit. I was a skinny twig for a large portion of my life, last year I was at 6'2 150lbs. After going to the gym, eating more (and healthier) and taking protein shakes...I'm 190 @ 6'3. My ideal weight. You can do it too, it takes dedication and time. Don't expect massive results in a 2 months. Over a year of the above routine you'll be pretty cut. IMO its easier to go from a skinny twig to toned than a fat ass to toned. You don't have to worry about burning off excess fat, just toning and building the muscles that you have. The results for me were a lot more apparent too.


You *might* start putting weight after 25, that's when your metabolism slows down a bit and every thing goes downhill from there.

I really should get back to the gym more often. I'm thin, but I do get some muscle definition if I keep up workouts.


Boogie said:
Join the Marines :D


trippingmartian said:
Genetics and diet play a factor as well. What was Bruce Lee's diet like?

Genetics run pretty deep in my family. People in my family are short. I'm the second tallest person in my family with my dad being about two inches shorter than me. My grandfather on my mother's side was nearly seven feet tall. I think that rubbed off on my brother. Also, everyone in my family wears glasses. It's a curse my siblings and I haven't been able to shake. My sister just had her first baby last year and her husband wears glasses as well. It's almost a given that my niece will need glasses. =/
Vieo said:
Genetics run pretty deep in my family. People in my family are short. I'm the second tallest person in my family with my dad being about two inches shorter than me. My grandfather on my mother's side was nearly seven feet tall. I think that rubbed off on my brother. Also, everyone in my family wears glasses. It's a curse my siblings and I haven't been able to shake. My sister just had her first baby last year and her husband wears glasses as well. It's almost a given that my niece will need glasses. =/

Yeah, everyone in my family wears glasses too :(

My dad was skinny most of his life, he's built like a tank now. It's not impossible, and its not limited to genetics. You can change your body, it takes dedication though...not easy at all. For a while I thought I was stuck being a twig, finally shook that notion and took charge. It made all the difference. Funny thing is that my dad is 5'8 and my mom and 5'0, my sister is 5'3 yet I'm 6'3 (actually I'm pretty sure I'm taller, haven't checked in a long time). Supposedly I got me tallness from my grand father from my dad's side, who was extremely tall. Definitely happy about that, as I can change my physique but I can't really do much about my height :)


Bob White said:
The standard light weights and high reps should help you. But that doesn't work for me. When I run, I get somewhat tone. It cuts the fat quick. So running may help too.



Or you could always check the "Body like Bruce Lee?" Google Ad at the bottom of the page. That's sure to be helpful.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Vieo said:
Genetics run pretty deep in my family.
that's a classic :lol
Boogie said:
Or you could always check the "Body like Bruce Lee?" Google Ad at the bottom of the page. That's sure to be helpful.
GAF has ads? I guess i blocked them with adblock ages ago...


Boogie said:
Or you could always check the "Body like Bruce Lee?" Google Ad at the bottom of the page. That's sure to be helpful.

Bleh. I just clicked that link. Nothing but drugs and supplements. I want to do everything the natural way without any of that weird stuff like machines that send electric shocks to your muscles. =P

Remember that dude from the Bible? I think his name was Samson. From the things that he did, you know he had to be cut up and Boflex wasn't even around then.


aoi tsuki said:
Cue acidviper chiming in with advice, calling you a stupid noob and an idiot.

I only call people stupid noobs if they give bad advice which can cause serious injury or death.

stoopid noobs said:
- walking @ 4.0mph on a treadmill
- to lose fat try running 40-50 minutes, the longer the better

A Bruce Lee body is pretty tough actually. You would need to increase your metabolism very high. He must have eaten a lot of food and been unable to sit still.


Vieo said:
Bleh. I just clicked that link. Nothing but drugs and supplements. I want to do everything the natural way without any of that weird stuff like machines that send electric shocks to your muscles. =P

Umm, yeah, that was sarcasm on my part.

Remember that dude from the Bible? I think his name was Samson. From the things that he did, you know he had to be cut up and Boflex wasn't even around then.

Hey, good idea. Screw all that hard work and excercise. Just grow your hair out. That'll work.
It's more about what you eat than what you lift. Of course, lifting is essential too, but you excersize to get your body ready to change, and then you mold your diet in a fashion that will make it change.

First of all you won't build muscle and burn fat at the same time. One requires a caloric deficit, the other requires a caloric surplus. So you have to pick which you want first.

If you're trying to get cut, without losing muscle mass, you'll need to be excersizing every day. Don't do the same thing every day though. Do pushups one day(various types...and do them at the same time, preferably in the morning..don't spread it out over the course of the day, as your muscles will start trying to heal as soon as you finish. You want to let them do that), then run the next, then do crunches and wall squats the next, then ride the bike or run the next, then find SOMETHING to work your biceps...just find something that's decently heavy to curl and if theres anything in your house you can hang from to do chinups, that's great too(in addition...not instead of). In terms of diet, you still need to get plenty to eat. Eat lots of lean meats (chicken, tuna) to keep from losing muscle mass, and eat frequently and eat relatively small meals. This keeps your metabolism going and will help you burn fat.

If you want to build muscle, follow what I said above in terms of workouts, but cut out one or two of the cardio days, as they will cause you to burn more calories than you want to. Eat a LOT of protein, eat quite a lot of carbs, eat like a pig(eat healthy things though....ie: not candy ir sodas or things like that...but stuff high in protein, complex carbs, low sodium(will decrease muscle definition, so avoid sodium if you can). Natural peanut butter is a great source of GOOD calories. Don't buy jiffy or anything like that, get welch's natural peanut butter. It has a little bit of salt added, but it tastes the best out of all the natural peanut butter types I've tried. Just don't get the one with honey, and don't bother refrigerating it. It says to refrigerate, but if you eat it within a few months it wont go bad, plus refrigerating it makes it get really hard and nasty.

Good luck, and it takes time, you won't be able to do it in a few days or weeks, it'll take months.

EDIT - To expand on what acid viper said...unless you pretty much dedicate your life to fitness, it's VERY VERY hard to look like bruce lee. For his size, he was INCREDIBLY strong, and had an EXTREMELY low body fat%. I've read some of the things he used to do to stay in shape and some of it was flat out rediculous. The man was an absolute machine.


apparently lee had around 4% bodyfat. if true, i dont think you will make that unless you have a very strict diet and do lots of exercise


Bleh. This all sounds like too much work. I'm willing to put in 20 minutes a day of exercise time. So what can 20 minutes get me? :D
sans_pants said:
apparently lee had around 4% bodyfat. if true, i dont think you will make that unless you have a very strict diet and do lots of exercise

It's also been said that his incredibly low body fat percentage could have contributed to his death.

Your body still needs a minimum percentage of fat stored for various means, among them to help fight illness.

I couldn't imagaine being that ripped up...as for me it would be impossible. I'm far to bulky for that.

6-8, 300lbs doesn't translate well to a shredded physique.


Vieo said:
Bleh. This all sounds like too much work. I'm willing to put in 20 minutes a day of exercise time. So what can 20 minutes get me? :D

Oh look, Vieo isn't willing to put the time, dedication and work in to get results, and just created this thread hoping for a quick fix.

Hands up now, who's surprised?
Vieo said:
Bleh. This all sounds like too much work. I'm willing to put in 20 minutes a day of exercise time. So what can 20 minutes get me? :D

Nothing. I used to go to the gym for an hour and a half 3-4 times a week.


Boogie said:
Oh look, Vieo isn't willing to put the time, dedication and work in to get results, and just created this thread hoping for a quick fix.

Hands up now, who's surprised?

The only real natural talents I've ever had in life are the ability to weasel my way out of any situation and the ability to 'cut corners' or rather find the least possible amount of work/time to put in on something and still get a gain that I'm happy with.

I can't help it. You've heard the expression "As the crows fly.". My mind always automatically finds the straightest line to the goal when faced with a challenge. =P

Matlock said:
Call me back when you can do one-fingered pushups for that Marine who bitched you last year.

Let's not forget. I'm the one who did the zinging.


Vieo said:
The only real natural talents I've ever had in life are the ability to weasel my way out of any situation and the ability to 'cut corners' or rather find the least possible amount of work/time to put in on something and still get a gain that I'm happy with.

I can't help it. You've heard the expression "As the crows fly.". My mind always automatically finds the straightest line to the goal when faced with a challenge. =P

Well here's the deal. I'm dropping the hammer. On you, and all those who create these threads asking for workout advice, forcing the knowledgeable people here to go to great lengths to give advice that you're never going to use. (Note: this doesn't apply to those serious about it, ie. Jinx, who wants to know the most efficient regimen to use).

So forget all this fancy advice about how much protein to intake, and what muscle groups to exercise how often. Here is the Bottom-Fucking-Line:

YOU HAVE TO WORK FOR IT. I am fucking ripped. I have maintained myself in amazing shape over the past 7 years. I am fit, I am muscular, I am jacked. And how I got this way wasn't by asking for advice on internet message boards. I went out and fucking did it. I train my ass off for two hours, twice a week, in the most intense kickboxing and martial arts class you could possibly experience, and I throw in a few runs in the week in between.

It's all blood, tears and sweat, and if you can't commit to that, don't even fucking waste our time. If you can't be bothered to actually get off your ass and just do it, then keep your mouse's pointer far away from the "Post New Topic" button.

SnowWolf said:
I would like more details please! :)

Check the archives.
morbidaza said:
If you want to build muscle, follow what I said above in terms of workouts, but cut out one or two of the cardio days, as they will cause you to burn more calories than you want to. Eat a LOT of protein, eat quite a lot of carbs, eat like a pig(eat healthy things though....ie: not candy ir sodas or things like that...but stuff high in protein, complex carbs, low sodium(will decrease muscle definition, so avoid sodium if you can). Natural peanut butter is a great source of GOOD calories. Don't buy jiffy or anything like that, get welch's natural peanut butter. It has a little bit of salt added, but it tastes the best out of all the natural peanut butter types I've tried. Just don't get the one with honey, and don't bother refrigerating it. It says to refrigerate, but if you eat it within a few months it wont go bad, plus refrigerating it makes it get really hard and nasty.

but if you wanna build muscle mass shouldnt you also rest every other day, and make sure u get good rest? and lift ALOT more weight but less reps?

Boogie said:
Well here's the deal. I'm dropping the hammer. On you, and all those who create these threads asking for workout advice, forcing the knowledgeable people here to go to great lengths to give advice that you're never going to use. (Note: this doesn't apply to those serious about it, ie. Jinx, who wants to know the most efficient regimen to use).

So forget all this fancy advice about how much protein to intake, and what muscle groups to exercise how often. Here is the Bottom-Fucking-Line:

YOU HAVE TO WORK FOR IT. I am fucking ripped. I have maintained myself in amazing shape over the past 7 years. I am fit, I am muscular, I am ripped. And how I got this way wasn't by asking for advice on internet message boards. I went out and fucking did it. I train my ass off for two hours, twice a week, in the most intense kickboxing and martial arts class you could possibly experience, and I throw in a few runs in the week in between.

It's all blood, tears and sweat, and if you can't commit to that, don't even fucking waste our time. If you can't be bothered to actually get off your ass and just do it, then keep your mouse's pointer far away from the "Post New Topic" button.

Check the archives.

"You got Pecs? i got Teks!"

wow relax guy, you shouldnt be so hard on him. I think you need to lay off the steroids.



Am I the only one who thought of the final scene from "Enter the Dragon" when reading the title for this thread?

To get cut up like Bruce Lee, you just need this guy:
acidviper said:
No, you just use different muscle groups every day.

/hijack on/
You seem well versed on muscle growth and all that. What's your opinion on static contration, strong range, and their scheduling of workouts?


Manics said:
Bruce Lee died young, you may not want to follow what he did.

Bruce Lee died of a hyperallergic reaction to some aspirin.

And you can't get cut like Bruce Lee 'quickly'. His body was forged through years of dedication and supreme hard work.

I mean... this guy lived the stuff. If you want a really good looking body, then it'll take 1.5-3 years hard work and conditioning. If you want a sinew and tendons like Bruce Lee, you better quit your job and exercise the rest of your life.

Rock Lee from Naruto isn't just based on Bruce Lee's awesome fighting skills and his name... his genius of hardwork gimmick is derived from Bruce himself.


Bleh. I just clicked that link. Nothing but drugs and supplements. I want to do everything the natural way without any of that weird stuff like machines that send electric shocks to your muscles. =P

Considering if Bruce was alive today, he'd be using them, i don't see why u see urself not using them. Especially since you want quick results.

First of all you won't build muscle and burn fat at the same time. One requires a caloric deficit, the other requires a caloric surplus. So you have to pick which you want first.
Bullshit. Bruce Lee did it and just about every single body builder in the world right now.

Bleh. This all sounds like too much work. I'm willing to put in 20 minutes a day of exercise time. So what can 20 minutes get me?
Interval training for 20 minutes a day, plus sensible diet. Should get you pretty cut. If you keep with. I would suggest taking protein shake right after the run too. This will get u cut but u won't look as good as Lee cause he also lifted weights. It would be better if ur willing to alteast lift weights 3 times a week in edition to your running.

Also remember, there are people that can get as cut up as Bruce lee without as much effort as he put into it. Its the efficieny of his body that set him apart. I don't think the thread starter had that intention, he just wants to look cool. If he does want to be like him in ability though, buy the book "Expresson of the human body" and get ready for years of the hardest training of your life hahahhaa.


morbidaza said:
First of all you won't build muscle and burn fat at the same time. One requires a caloric deficit, the other requires a caloric surplus. So you have to pick which you want first.

Depends how big you are, but it's definetly possible to be losing weight, gaining muscle and losing fat all at once...

infact, building muscles will help you take the fat off... and if you're big enough, you'll lose more fat then gain in muscles.

What you're confusing your statement with is that the body cuts into the muscles for energy... if no direct energy source is available... i.e. what's recently been eaten.

But if your body needs the muscles, there's no reason for the muscle to atrophy; it make take energy from the muscle, but when you're resting, the body if it senses the need for the muscles will take energy from fat to repair and replenish the muscles, and even build them.


Time ta STEP IT UP
It probably took Bruce Lee years to get cut up. I mean, that guy was cut. He's quite an inspiration, but you can't expect to look like him in a matter of a few short weeks or months. In your position it's basically impossible without steroids, and I would not suggest taking steroids, but I guess I'm just old school. It's pretty sad having to say that. :-/

Anyway, I was in your shoes once. I went to the gym and worked out. I would always do free weights first and shock my muscles as best I could, then I would isolate them on the machines. 4 free weight excersises for whichever muscle group I was working that day and then 2 or maybe 3 excercsises with machines.

But I'm not going to list out what I'm doing these days at the gym, because if you want any help in this area you should probably go to the gym and figure it out yourself. That's what a lot of people do, that's what I did, and it works. Don't listen to what someone else said worked for them, we're all different. That's the problem with these "Strict, Easy to Learn, Universal Workouts" that everyone claims worked for them. Such a work out might not and probably won't work for you.

As an example of some bullshit workout routines, go to www.abcbodybuilding.com. Unless the site has changed within the past few months, their workout section is basically bullshit. I was looking at some of their workout routines, and all I have to say is that you would gain absolutely nothing from their self-proclaimed "barn door back building workouts" without the use of steroids. Please stay away from the internet when it comes to looking for a personal workout routine. PLEASE.

Go to the gym, start light and work your way up. Sorry, you can't really do anything in a short amount of time at the gym. If you could, trust me, everyone would look like Bruce Lee by now.
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