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How Clinton lost Michigan — and blew the election. Interesting read.

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So, we're throwing away the blatant shit Russia did, just because you just so happen to not be a fan of Clinton?

Okay, Batman. :p

It took the combined powers of Russian hacking, the unconscionable mainstream media, the alt-right, and an inept campaign to squeak out a victory for Donald Trump. It would not have happened without any one of those, and not one of them should be shielded from blame.
So, we're throwing away the blatant shit Russia did, just because you just so happen to not be a fan of Clinton?

Okay, Batman. :p
I have a problem with the narrative that has sprung up on GAF that seeks to shift the blame from Clinton. End of the day she blew the election, Russia and the FBI helped but let's call a spade a spade. She fucked up.


Rodent Whores
I have a problem with the narrative that has sprung up on GAF that seeks to shift the blame from Clinton.

Humans don't like to think they had bad judgement. It's easier on the brain to think that it was beyond Clinton's control so as to maintain the internal narrative that we're still smart and actually don't sometimes have bad judgement.
Humans don't like to think they had bad judgement. It's easier on the brain to think that it was beyond Clinton's control so as to maintain the internal narrative that we're still smart and actually don't sometimes have bad judgement.

Once again: Pride and Hubris, the downfall of the Democratic Party.
So some of her squad literally cracked open the celebratory beer and champagne mid-afternoon on election day. Goddamn. If the consequences of that hubris werent so dire, I'd almost find it comical.


She "blew" the election because half of this country are racist shitwads. Period.

DONALD TRUMP got elected.
Humans don't like to think they had bad judgement. It's easier on the brain to think that it was beyond Clinton's control so as to maintain the internal narrative that we're still smart and actually don't sometimes have bad judgement.

Her team is right to complain about the DNC hacks and James Comey, but they seem to miss the forest for the trees: HRC never should have been anywhere close to a position where those things would cost her the election, she was running against the most self-sabotaging, disliked, inflammatory candidate in recent history, they choked away a W.
And fuck that Tim Kaine pick to hell and back, what kind of sense did it make to pair one insufferably dull public persona with another?


Bill knew she was in trouble with the kind of voters that lost her Michigan, but he was ignored by her campaign.

So many arrogant, unforced errors.
She "blew" the election because half of this country are racist shitwads. Period.

DONALD TRUMP got elected.
And she helped him achieve that through incompetence and pushing him to the general election. She gave those racist shitheads a figurehead to empower them and legitimize their bigotry.
i'm really really angry that in what seemed like the longest election in the history of the world the repeated assumption that 'clinton has a fantastic, nearly unbeatable ground game' went entirely unchallenged by press or even by the campaign itself.

HOW DID THIS HAPPEN. too much was riding on the campaigns displays of staggering incompetence and vanity. too much.

Alot of election reporting seemed to be establishment journalists talking amongst themselves either on twitter or through their articles.
Thats why one outrageous statement or action from Trump after another was met with media proclamations that his candidacy was over. Elite media has a serious problem with self selecting their own narratives and inhabiting their own echo chambers.
I swear I feel like some of you were born yesterday and this is your first election. Why would she waste her resources in a state where is she is leading by 5 points? Why would you?

I would if my primary opponent completely blindsided me and every major pollster in that very same state.
But there also were millions approved for transfer from Clinton’s campaign for use by the DNC — which, under a plan devised by Brazile to drum up urban turnout out of fear that Trump would win the popular vote while losing the electoral vote, got dumped into Chicago and New Orleans, far from anywhere that would have made a difference in the election.

So stupid- even the polls pointed towards this being extremely unlikely.
lol, like I'm going to take branding advice from the genius team who came up with gems like:

"I'm with her" (way too self-centered, not inclusive)

"Love Trumps Hate" ("Love Trump" is literally in this slogan, it doesn't parse well for many people and sounds like "Love Trump's Hate")

...and who made the awesome official logo that looks like it's pointing which way to go to get to the hospital.

I had an sinking feeling in my gut when she unleashed that "We're Stronger Together" slogan with her characteristic awkwardness and lack of charisma. That was the moment when I thought she had a good shot at blowing it.


lol, like I'm going to take branding advice from the genius team who came up with gems like:

"I'm with her" (way too self-centered, not inclusive)

"Love Trumps Hate" ("Love Trump" is literally in this slogan, it doesn't parse well for many people and sounds like "Love Trump's Hate")

...and who made the awesome official logo that looks like it's pointing which way to go to get to the hospital.


Wait, it's not Love Trump's Hate? What is it then? Geniune question. I always thought it was like "Love how Trump is hating these people, it only makes us stronger" type thing.


Rodent Whores
Wait, it's not Love Trump's Hate? What is it then? Geniune question. I always thought it was like "Love how Trump is hating these people, it only makes us stronger" type thing.

"trump" is supposed to be a verb.

I don't mean to be rude, but, are you being serious right now? Do you know if anyone else interpreted it the same as you did?
Wait, it's not Love Trump's Hate? What is it then? Geniune question. I always thought it was like "Love how Trump is hating these people, it only makes us stronger" type thing.
It was supposed to be like, Love triumphs over hate. Trump can mean defeat, like, "this is my trump card".
"Deplorables" was identical to the "47%" gaffe and's crazy how so many people failed to see the similarity. Many of the same people who berated Romney for dismissing so much of the electorate defended the deplorables comment when both statements were functionally true and both objectionable for the same reasons. Hillary's was probably worse because of the immediate negative connotation with "deplorable."

The 47% comment was false as was Hillary's number that she pulled out of her behind. In Romney's case, that 47% doesn't all vote like sheep for the Democratic party as he suggested. Plus, they're less dependent on the government vs. a white collar welfare queen like Mitt Romney.


"trump" is supposed to be a verb.

I don't mean to be rude, but, are you being serious right now? Do you know if anyone else interpreted it the same as you did?

Why did I think it was "Love Trump's hate" and not "Love trumps hate"? It's a mystery.



"Love Trumps Hate" ("Love Trump" is literally in this slogan, it doesn't parse well for many people and sounds like "Love Trump's Hate")

This was lame (the play on Trump's name), but this interpretation never once crossed my mind. But now that I hear it, it's hilarious.


Jesus Christ, I can't believe people in this very thread still don't believe Hillary and the DNC didn't fuck up this election. The DNC groomed her for years and years and still couldn't figure out how to get her to win an election against an orange, putty-faced, inhuman monster. Hubris still abounds all around.

With the continued lack of self-reflection among Hillary supporters, I'm honestly starting to think Trump will end up being a two-term president. Mark this post.
Jesus Christ, I can't believe people in this very thread still don't believe Hillary and the DNC didn't fuck up this election. The DNC groomed her for years and years and still couldn't figure out how to get her to win an election against an orange, putty-faced, inhuman monster. Hubris still abounds all around.

I'm honestly starting to think Trump will end up being a two-term president. Mark this post.

I'm actually wondering if it will be 2 terms of Pence after Trump. The Democrats seem like they literally have no clue at this point. And they have dug themselves an amazing hole by having a minority of state legislatures, governorships, the gerrymandered House, the Senate, the Presidency, and soon the Supreme Court. It's basically complete Republican control from top to bottom and I don't see any Democratic response of any kind. They couldn't even get off their asses to try and make that Louisiana runoff election a competitive one, knowing they have control of absolutely nothing at all levels of government.
Wait, it's not Love Trump's Hate? What is it then? Geniune question. I always thought it was like "Love how Trump is hating these people, it only makes us stronger" type thing.

First mistake is focusing one of your major slogans on your opponent. It should be about the candidate and what they stand for.


You know that's photoshopped eh?

Like the blue isn't even the same and the apostrophe is blatantly jagged and not the same font.

So yes it is a mystery.

It looks like she drew that with a marker. If it was photoshopped, it would be a comma without the marker lines. And even people in this thread have admitted to not understanding it until now.
I'm actually wondering if it will be 2 terms of Pence after Trump. The Democrats seem like they literally have no clue at this point. And they have dug themselves an amazing hole by having a minority of state legislatures, governorships, the gerrymandered House, the Senate, the Presidency, and soon the Supreme Court. It's basically complete Republican control from top to bottom and I don't see any Democratic response of any kind. They couldn't even get off their asses to try and make that Louisiana runoff election a competitive one, knowing they have control of absolutely nothing at all levels of government.

So how likely is it that they can change some laws around so Dems are permanently a minority in the government? I want some home in Dems wanting to vote given the results of this election, but it seems to me they'll just be as complacent as when Bush got in his second term.
So how likely is it that they can change some laws around so Dems are permanently a minority in the government? I want some home in Dems wanting to vote given the results of this election, but it seems to me they'll just be as complacent as when Bush got in his second term.

Gerrymandering has already given the Republicans control of the House in semi-perpetuity. Technically the district lines get redrawn regularly but since the Democrats control fuck-all it's hard to imagine a redistricting that would ever favor them.

Voter ID and other voter suppression laws are also helping them control the Senate and Presidential elections and without control of state legislatures and governorships the Democrats can do fuck-all about those.

In general this disaster has been a long time in the making but the unexpected collapse of Hillary has created a sudden and immediate crisis instead of a continuing slow decline.


In general this disaster has been a long time in the making but the unexpected collapse of Hillary has created a sudden and immediate crisis instead of a continuing slow decline.

Yeah, the Dems have been weak structurally for a long time. Obama's strong wins in 2008 and 2012--as well as his popularity--hid the deep problems the Democratic party has. With Obama leaving office, there's no one to prop up the party anymore, and its weakness on a state and national level is now clear for all to see.
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