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How do you chat up girls you dont know?

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I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Ok, the only way I can chat up a girl I dont know is if my friend knows that girl, but if I see a girl that is hot and want to talk to her, i dont really know the right way of going about it, so Im gonna ask you guys for some advice. How can you start a conversation with them?


I sat down next to one at school and said, "I've seen you here all year but I've never talked to you" and she asked "why?" and I said, "Because girls are intimidating"

The next thing you know, BUTTSECKZ


Wolfy said:
I sat down next to one at school and said, "I've seen you here all year but I've never talked to you" and she asked "why?" and I said, "Because girls are intimidating"

The next thing you know, BUTTSECKZ



I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Wolfy said:
I sat down next to one at school and said, "I've seen you here all year but I've never talked to you" and she asked "why?" and I said, "Because girls are intimidating"

The next thing you know, BUTTSECKZ


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I always go through this when there is an attractive girl I want to talk to. About 3 weeks ago there was this nice looking girl at the DDR machine. Now I had just finished playing and she was waiting alone for her turn. I was VERY tired and just sat in the racing game next to the machine and watched her play. I spent like 2 minutes just saying "talk to her...talk to her...talk to her.." in my head, finally I knew I had to do it. So when she finished one of her songs, I asked her how long she had been playing. She told me and we just started talking DDR. It went really well and she even invited me to get a bite with her at the Wendy's across the street.

Its really hard for some people (mainly ME) but you just have to push yourself to do it. you don't have to come up with some slick line, just go in there talk about whatever is going on. Like if I saw a girl at Mcdonalds, I would say something about the food. My method has always been to use my enviroment as the starting point. I just wish I wasn't stuck in this on again/off again thing with my girlfriend from senior year...so confusing. I need more practice though, there are some really good looking women down here at the UT campus, but some of them are just too hot. I can't quite work up the nerve on them yet. :(


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Wolfy said:
I sat down next to one at school and said, "I've seen you here all year but I've never talked to you" and she asked "why?" and I said, "Because girls are intimidating"

The next thing you know, BUTTSECKZ


aoi tsuki

You... talk to them? i was getting some cilantro at the supermarket and a fairly attractive girl near me was picking out cucumbers and i said slyly "Oh you don't want that one, it's a little too big for you". She looked at it smiled and said "Well, I think I can handle it". She asked me what i had in my hand, we started talking about cooking for a good ten minutes and then went our separate ways. i wasn't trying to pick her up or anything, i just felt like saying something. If you just talk to more women casually, it makes it easier to do when you intend to hook up.

Look at it this way, if you hear a guy talking about a rare game or anime or whatever, would you just go on about your business, or would you try to get into the conversation. What i'm saying is that if you see someone interesting (and obviously this doesn't always mean sexually), talk to them. If it something good comes out of it t then great, if not then you'll probably never see them again, and if you do, one of you probably won't recognize the other.

"Hey sweet thang! Can I buy you a fish sandwish?"

aoi tsuki

No, i use it for a lot of things actually. Pan fried red potatoes, salmon puttanesca (sp?), or just on some eggs for breakfast. Funny thing is i haven't made salsa in years.

i get a fair amount of women (usually older) asking me what i'm cooking when i get produce. i just wish they were more attractive.


Wolfy said:
I sat down next to one at school and said, "I've seen you here all year but I've never talked to you" and she asked "why?" and I said, "Because girls are intimidating"

The next thing you know, BUTTSECKZ

And guess who was on the receiving end!

Chatting to a girl isn't any different from chatting it up with a stranger in the store or whatever; there's just maybe a different intent behind the conversation.

El Papa

aoi tsuki said:
No, i use it for a lot of things actually. Pan fried red potatoes, salmon puttanesca (sp?), or just on some eggs for breakfast. Funny thing is i haven't made salsa in years.

i get a fair amount of women (usually older) asking me what i'm cooking when i get produce. i just wish they were more attractive.

salmon puttanesca, that's really interesting. I've only used cilantro in mexican food especially salsa, I load up on it. Wait, I did use if for salmon one time. BBQ lemon pepper salmon with shrimp, made it right on the beach, was great. I'll have to try it with more non-mexican foods, it really adds flavor and complexity. GAF chefs unite!


Generally speaking (there's always exceptions, but): the girls hanging out in arcades or looking at anime are going to be the kind of girls that are lucky to be talking to anyone of the opposite sex in the first place. Just impress her with your vast knowledge of obscure anime and you can make nerd babies together.



You do it by going up to every girl you see and talk to them within 3 seconds of seeing them. It's just like driving a car, you freak out when you start out because you think every car is going to hit you, and you drive 20 mph. Eventually you find out that every car doesn't hit you ( I hope ) and you start getting speeding tickets ;) Find the "autopilot" in girls that you get when you get experienced with your driving.

way more

I don't talk to stranger that well but from what I know.

Make your statement so it can be the last thing you say and still walk away as a witty guy.
Say something funny.

And thats all I know about women.


Mason said:
the girls hanging out in arcades or looking at anime are going to be the kind of girls that are lucky to be talking to anyone of the opposite sex in the first place. Just impress her with your vast knowledge of obscure anime and you can make nerd babies together.



That is so true. Not just men are sad anime fans anymore.


Looking for Pants
Grizzlyjin said:
there are some really good looking women down here at the UT campus, but some of them are just too hot. I can't quite work up the nerve on them yet. :(

You go to UT too? Interesting... with 25,000 woman walking around... we do have some great looking ones. We also have the opposite.


First tragedy, then farce.
UT women kick ass.

and are slutty as hell.

However, the real hot, super slutty women go to Texas State... just drive to San Marcos, tell them you go to UT and they will fuck your brains out because they think you will marry them and make lots of money.
It can be easy if you know how to exploit a situation. Everyone has a hook to get their interest. Look at the person, see what they are wearing, see what they are holding, see where they are, and pick a subject.


Girl has a book and is not reading it. Ask her about it.

Girl is wearing a rock shirt. Ask her about it.

Girl is waiting for a bus. Ask her about something related to busses.

Another thing you might want to do is complement if she has or is wearing something unique.

Thing is, people love talking about themselves. If a girl cannot talk about herself for more than a minute she probably is lame anyway.

Shit, I once siad hi to this girl with a SLR film camera and asked her about it. She then went off about photography for 10 minutes where I couldn't get a word in edgewise...she then thanked me for the best conversation she had all weekend!

Thing is, never be negative unless she is negative first. Without question never be condesending or fake either.


*drowns in jizz*
Just talk. This one girl I swear Ive around for like 2 years, for some reason we're always in the same place on campus, we just crossed paths way too much. Oh, and she was hot and seemed very repectable.

I saw her sitting in the food court a couple days ago. I went up, sat in front of her, and asked , exactly 'ok, what the hell is your name'. She laughed, then basically said she's been wanting to ask the same thing. We talked for like 45 min, got her #, etc etc. I'm not looking for anything right now, but it satisfied my sense of curiosity. She's someone worth knowing.

Morale.. just bite the bullet.
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