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How do you control your spending habits?

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I have horrible spending habits. Bills stay paid but I still spend way too much on cds, books, and occationally dvds.

Thank god I kicked the videogame habit.
Yea, I kicked videogames too. All I have now is an SNES, which I never really play.

I still buy CDs way too much. I can't help it though, I love music.

I rarely buy DVDs. Only if it's a film I really, really love and want to see it again and again.

I guess the rest of my money goes to food/concerts/occasionaly beer and weed/whatever else comes up. Though I don't have to pay bills, I only have a minimum wage (+$0.85) job.


Obsessive use of Quicken software. Every time I buy something, I enter it into Quicken, and then it uses a series of graphs to take me on a guilt trip for spending 15% of my income on entertainment products. That usually keeps me out of Best Buy for a few days.
How do I control my spending habits? Easy, I have very little money in the first place. When I buy a cd/dvd or game it feels like fucking christmas.


Prospero said:
Obsessive use of Quicken software. Every time I buy something, I enter it into Quicken, and then it uses a series of graphs to take me on a guilt trip for spending 15% of my income on entertainment products. That usually keeps me out of Best Buy for a few days.


I'm just inherently frugal.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Think of all the free sh!t I always get when I'm paying for something. Helps ease the pain.


MrAngryFace said:
I have horrible spending habits. Bills stay paid but I still spend way too much on cds, books, and occationally dvds.

Thank god I kicked the videogame habit.

Find a way to take pleasure in saving money in the bank and in investing it, that is how I do it. It becomes a battle of whether or not I would rather put (or take out) that money from the bank or let it sit there and accumulate so I can hopefully put a down payment on a hot sexy mortgage after law school.
CDs are worse than games in some ways. I used to have like 2 legitimate cds, now I have 80 some, in less than a year. Awful bullshit but god music helps when yer trapped in HEL---arizona.


I grew up bascially poor so I just don't think to spend it now that I have it. My wife on the other hand grew up with the silver spoon. I fail to find and joy from saving money. That I just don't understand.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
I can't control myself. Thank god I paid off the overdraft and credit card. Most of my money goes on plane tickets and bills. The last thing I bought myself was some Onitsuka Tiger shoes. Last thing I bought the lady was an iBook G4 - this unbalance must be addressed ;)


darscot said:
I grew up bascially poor so I just don't think to spend it now that I have it. My wife on the other hand grew up with the silver spoon. I fail to find and joy from saving money. That I just don't understand.

The 'joy' you get from saving money, if it can even be called that, is the from security of having that money in the bank in case you need it or from putting it towards a mortgage on a house or towards your kid's education (I am including all sorts of funds when I said saving).


Kicked my video game habit.

Yup, last game I bought was Ninja Gaiden. Next game I'll buy is probably gonna be Halo 2. Just don't give a shit about games anymore, to be honest with you.


One of the hardest things about controlling money is when you suddenly switch into a job with a much higher income. Up until 2003 I'd been living on $10k-$17k/year as a grad student. When I finally got a "real" job last year, for the first month or two afterward it seemed like I bought anything I could lay my eyes on: video games, DVD boxes, limited-edition hardcover books, bottles of 18-year single-malt Scotch, expensive dinners out, etc. After about two months of that, though, I settled down and went back to my regular frugal spending habits. Partly because I wanted to save money, but also because I had such a huge backlog of stuff that there was no point in buying much more. It'll take me months to watch the DVDs I have, and I could probably finish out the gen with the video games I have unopened.


i buy all my expensive stuff when i get my pay check, Games, Cd's, DVD's, ect.. the i go another month of eating Ramen Noodles, and Jumbo Jacks!


My parents used to buy me everything. Now that I have to buy things myself I'm like... "pft.. I aint wasting money on that shit"
Well if I didnt have a 212 dollar car payment with 167 dollars insurance id be sitting pretty, but with me moving into my own place again soon im gonna need to do some saving learning.


Looking for Pants
I made a connection to my extremely high level of living with my father's spending habits. He pinches pennies whenever he can, rarely makes any large purchases, and keeps a large sum of money constantly invested. The only person that could get money out of him on a regular basis is my mother... but she has ways of doing that no one else has. I'm kinda the same way with my girlfriend.

With a standard income, attempt to put at least 10% of all pay checks into your savings account. Over the course of 20 years, all that is REALLY going to add up, especially with interest and you'll be rolling in the dough that you have saved.
I am simply poor and know how to be poor. Money is always in the back of your head, and it may stink, but you survive and thrive.
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