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How do you guys deal with...

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You will forget about it once you go your separate way and start meeting new people.

It is a tough phase in life, I'm going through it right now.


Well, I stay aware of those that I find myself looking forward to seeing. The types of people that I'd end up missing. Generally I'll, in the least, stay in touch with them. There are exceptions, sure, but I've only missed the particular group atmosphere and not necessarily individuals.

Outside of school, though, I know the feeling you're talking about. Often my vacations are the worst. I'll meet and spend time with people that live miles/countries away and never think to get their e-mail or anything. Then I get home and end up missing them like hell. It's killer because even if you wanted to hunt them down, it would be so difficult.

evil ways

When you have college, or work and a girlfriend, separating from your group of close friends tends to be easier. I usually only think about it and miss my high school days and friends whenever I'm not occupied with something. Most of my friends like about 10-20 minutes of my place, but we usually only run into each other in the mall or the supermarket or visit eachother during the holidays.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
It's weirder when they start getting married and having kids.

Anyways, make new friends. This is where you learn how to choose, make and keep friends in a more genuine sense. A lot of highschool friendships are based out of fate almost, life just throws you together in the same spot so you're friends.

It's also easier to stay friends because if you have a fight you're still forced to see each other at school everyday, so you'll generally just accept it as easier to forgive and forget than to hold a grudge.

But now you'll have to actually willfully choose to stay friends, and you'll most-likely only have the real will to do that when it's motivated by a genuine liking of the person for who hey are, so your friends now should be pretty awesome.

You'll miss some old friends now and then, but life kinda sucks like that soemtimes. Accept it and move on, there isn't an instant cure for everything in the world. Also don't say to people "you remind me of this old friend of mine", that is so lame, appreciate people as unque individuals.


Dice said:
It's weirder when they start getting married and having kids.
I'm terrified of that. Especially since I don't think I'll get married until I'm at least in my 30s. I don't think an early marriage would fit who I am today, but who knows what's around the corner.

One of my friends is already moving to Australia and immediately getting married (he had met her on vacation). And another, even closer to me, is getting really serious with his live-in girlfriend. And fuck, I'm only 20.


Since I disliked 90% of my fellow graduating class, and most of them were losers anyway, I stopped talking to them once we tossed hats.


Yea I had that feeling when graduating high school. "Aww damn it, I cant believe I wont be able to see all these hot girls ever again." Got past that after a couple of days. Havent gradauated from college yet though. I think Ill be able to keep in touch with the people I want tho.


I'll tell you one thing...

As you walk onto other things venturing out far away. One of the most wonderful feelings is out of the depths of far away seeing a friendly familiar face. (Offcourse, not someone you had problems with). Even faces you use to see around school but never spoke to will suddenly be someone you've known forever. Its awesome...

Just set your goals and try to move on. There are things you can't change, this is the time when you realize your literally on your own now. Trust me, its better this way then to get all worked up because people never call you or no one has the time for anyone anymore. Infact that would do the opposite, set you guys a part.

Its hard because in grade school everyone is force into everyones company so its always convienient to be with your friends. However, after that you quickly realize that trying to force the same time you guys spent back in the day with now just stunts what ever things your doing in college or other plans. Not to be shaddy or anything but thats why its best to go far away to college. Nothing to hold you back or get in the way and to really test yourself out there.

But ff your fortunate enough to still be around those people, more power to you. But its better to move one, its not forever, you'll see them again if a higher power permits.

Oh, and if this is about any girlfriend or boyfriend. END IT. College will widen your options greatly. :D


For the most part, I stuck to the same group of friends i've had since elementary/middle school. The few new friendships that i made I still have to this day (I graduated 6 years ago.) I'm not done with college yet, but alot of them are, and its always nice to see how certain people have changed. People you never thought to speak to you can find yourself having long conversations with.
yoshifumi said:
i'm in touch with the people i care to stay in touch with.

bingo. besides the people i truly appreciate being around, everyone can else can fuck off and die for all i care. i probably have about 4-5 CLOSE friends that are from HS, now. everyone else is from work, college, or some party.


neptunes said:
graduating from a school and seeing the people you've known for long time(+4 yrs), move on?

It's hard...

Honestly? I made new friends. At college, at work, and I'm starting to do it again now that I've moved a few hundred miles. Ten years after, I don't even remember most of the people I went to high school with - and I went to a private school with ~120 students.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Finishing high school was a non-event for me. It was just so.... meh, "so what? it's just school." Nothing hard about moving on from that or losing contact with other people, I suppose I was used to that though by the time I finished school.

I'm still in weekly contact with at least three friends I had in high school though.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I've made new friends when I moved to a university thousands of kilometres from where I went to highschool. You will find that the friends that you make there are different from the friends you made in highschool. The big difference is that most people in university/college actually have a goal and probably all have leadership quality. If you felt you were kind of the leader-figure among your friends back in highschool, you might not be so lucky in university/college because everybody there just have a more profound understanding of things than your usual highschool kids.


I basically quit talking to the people I wasn't really close with. Still keep in touch with everyone I actually liked. I don't really find it hard to deal with since I still keep in touch with those I want to keep in touch with. My university stinks though. I haven't really made any close friends that I want to keep in touch with so after the semester is over, I basically never talk to them again. I still hang out with my high school friends.
Jeez, most of these guys aren't good sources of advice, anti-social much?

Anyway, I'm leaving a lot of younger friends behind, but those that I really, really want to see, I can, with ease. As far as leaving friends, the college I plan on going to happened to be flavor-of-the-year. I'd say roughly 50-60% of my graduating class is going there.


Tre said:
As far as leaving friends, the college I plan on going to happened to be flavor-of-the-year. I'd say roughly 50-60% of my graduating class is going there.

Damn. I have a hard time believing that. Must be a huge school.
You realize the people that you really want to keep in contact with, because you'll make that extra effort.

That being said, IM and e-mail have made it a lot easier to keep in contact. I know my sister (10 years older then I am) had troulbe maintaining contact, while its been very easy for me.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I didn't hate leaving high school too much, but I really think I'm going to be sad when my college group splits up :(


Although it sounds incredible, after a few months, you will barely even THINK about your high school friends. College is an amazingly transformational experience, and no matter how much you try to stay in touch, I think you will find yourself changing rapidly into an entirely different person...as will your friends. Friendships are only stable over time when both sides either a) don't change much (which is true of later-in-life friendships) or b) change in the same direction. The chances of b) happening are slim to none. Even if you go to the same school, you will meet and live with different people, have different experiences, and change in different ways.

It's OK, though -- you'll make more friends, and be too busy with work and fun to think about your old friends too much. The people who are REALLY special to you will stay in touch, and you'll find yourself making time to spend with them as well. The people whom you never seem to call...well, that is the filter of your true priorities being applied to your life. Enjoy your time now, exchange numbers, and say your goodbyes...but be ready and willing to experience new things and people this fall.

College friendships have a better prognosis, but it's REALLY hard to be super-close to people who are more than a year or so behind you. Once I was out in the working world (even before, to some extent), it was just flat-out funny to hear people talk about their lives being so complicated and stressful because of exams or which party to go to next week. At the time, it's the hardest thing you can imagine -- "oh my GOSH I have two finals in ONE day!" -- but it's funny how having real responsibilities (family, career, etc.) puts the college experience into perspective. I couldn't stay in touch with ANYONE from high school when I went to college -- way too f?cking kiddie. The first time you go back to a HS football game after you graduate, you'll understand.


Thanks guys, I really appreciate your help.

I'll try to get out of this feeling.

It's just were all going our seprate ways...
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