Bibliography can mean a lot of things, but since you said your class was very improvisation and laid back, I'll assume it's the teachers way of saying references/works cited (a biliography is all encompassing; every source, no matter the format, is included in a certain way). BTW, I'm bad at remembering this shit, so use at your own peril
MLA: Works cited arranged alphabetically based on author's name, I believe.
Works Cited
Author. "Title." Date Accessed. Date Published. Date Accessed <website URL>.
Feldman, Curt. "Jordan Mechner's second act." 8 June 2005. 8 June 2005 <>.
APA: Slightly different yo.
Feldman, Curt. (2005). Jordan Mechner's second act. Retrieved June 8, 2005, from
I'm not sure if you're using in text citations or not, but there's a start. There are plenty of websites that'll guide you along if you need it. Have fun.