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How do you put on weight?

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i need to put on at least 20-30 lbs but i just cant do it..i try so hard..i eat so much..it doesnt help :-(


Hollywood Square
Plan B. Find a genetically-mutated super spider and let it bite you. All other side effects (organic web shooters, Spidey sense) are a plus.


You'll want to focus on the neglected food groups such as the whipped group, the congealed group and the chocotastic!

Instead of making sandwiches with bread, use poptarts. Instead of chewing gum, chew bacon ...

You could brush your teeth with milkshakes!

And remember, if you're not sure about something, rub it against a piece of paper. If the paper turns clear, it's your window to weight gain.


Holds a little red book
You'll grow fatter naturally as you age. Doing so when you don't need to will just make obesity later more of a problem.


I'd wager that you don't eat consistently day in, day out. Combine 4-6 meals a day with a 4-day weight training program and you'll gain pretty easily. Especially if you're not already at your 'normal' weight relative to height.

Add some protein to your diet and you'll bulk up in no time. If you're lazy then just go on the internet all day, don't move your ass at all and order fast food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Chili Con Carnage!
Drinking Beer is my personal favourite way to get really fat, really fast...it will all be in the gut though.

El Papa

Don't eat McDonalds. Eat lot's of protien rich foods, muscles need protien to grow, McDonald's is just garbage. Eat fish, chicken, pork and beans. Lean beef is fine too. If you're doing cardio the fat from beef isn't that big of a deal since your body will burn it off pretty easily if your eating right. If you supplument with some type of weight gainer/whey protien you should bulk up pretty easily, you just have to be dedicated. The payoff is worth the effort though.


Chili Con Carnage!
Can someone explain to me this eating at night stuff, i understand that you metabolism is slower but when you say at night, do you actually mean at night or right before you go to bed, because i dont eat dinner (as a bachelor) until kinda 10:30pm but i dont go to bed till 3 or 4 am...is it still bad for me reguardless or is it down to your body clock?


GodsTyro said:
How do you put on weight?

Just wear heavier clothes like jeans instead of pants...

Well seriously though, there's no need to go to McDonald's to gain weight/fat/colestoral- do what others have suggested and up your protein intake from chicken, tuna, beans- you can also get great amounts of protein from milk and cottage cheese if you can't eat meat.


Ghost: Eating an hour or so before you go to bed means eating at night. If you have a 2 hour or more gap it wouldn't be bad at all...

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Ghost said:
Can someone explain to me this eating at night stuff, i understand that you metabolism is slower but when you say at night, do you actually mean at night or right before you go to bed, because i dont eat dinner (as a bachelor) until kinda 10:30pm but i dont go to bed till 3 or 4 am...is it still bad for me reguardless or is it down to your body clock?

what the hell hours do you work?


Beer! Doughnuts! And Chicken heads!



Dude, anything lol..preferably some muscle tho...basically id have to eat mcdonalds

Pffft. That's the dumbest thing i've ever heard.

You really need to decide on whether you want to gain mass from weight lifting, which you really should.

80% of building muscle mass is what nutrients you take in. Like one person said already, eat 4-6 meals a day. Lots of protein, and carbs that are high in calorie. STAY AWAY FROM JUNK FOOD. You don't want to do it the wrong way. Take in multi V. pills, eat lots of nuts for snacks. Eat chicken and pasta for dinner, for breakfast eat lean bacon, whole orange, oatmeal, and a glass of milk. For lunch you can make peanut butter and banana sandwhiches.

Lil' Dice

Mc Donald's will only make your arteries fat with goo. Eat a lot of starch like potatoes and pasta, also protein rich foods like beef, chicken(lots of chicken) and tuna.
When working out make sure you train your legs, and perform dead-lifts on a regular basis.....
whenever I start lifting 3-4 times a week, my appetite increases. Just start lifting wieghts and let your body tell you what to do :)


Okay so yeah let me actually help the dude out. I was in the same situation not long ago. I'm 6'4" and was weighing in at between 180-185 depending on the day or whatever, took control of my diet and am weighing in at a healthy 200 lbs at the moment. I feel pretty good.

Basically, just eat more. DON'T go on a McDonald's diet, there is such thing as the wrong food even when you want to eat everything in sight. What you want to do is just inhale as many calories as possible, but again, be smart about it. Instead of 3 meals a day, have 4 or 5 that total about 650-700 calories each. If you have trouble stomaching that much food in one sitting, then take what you regularly eat and just add to it. Like if you eat say oatmeal every morning, add a couple of slices of bread to supplement and add what is it like 110 cals for that much white bread... Another good way to start, if you want to potentially gain some fat is the anti-atkins. Load up on carbs. Your pastas, your breads, (sometimes) your cereals. Eat more of those, your body won't be able to convert all of that over and will begin to store it.

If you can't do any of those because you are lazy or are have a weak stomach, take two steps: Eat three square meals a day that total up to 2100 calories a day. I know it's easy to skip breakfast now and again or lunch or whatever, but it's important. And go to the local pharmacy and buy one of those weight gainers. Whatever flavor you want. Make two shakes a day and down 'em. Should be at least 350-450 calories per serving, depending on the brand. But hey that's like an extra meal right there and it's just a delicious milk shake.

Just stick with it dude, you will gain the weight. Make sure to stay active too, so you don't turn into a blob. ;p

Edit: Er, look at the Nutritional Facts on your food for calories ONLY. Whatever else you are eating shouldn't matter too much as long as it's not in large quantities. (Fast food once a day max. ;p)
Am I the only one that feels no pity for this guy? Oh to have a lightning-fast metabolism without exercise. Skinny people have it easy, cry me a fucking river.


DJ Demon J said:
Am I the only one that feels no pity for this guy? Oh to have a lightning-fast metabolism without exercise. Skinny people have it easy, cry me a fucking river.

lol im sorry man..ur right, this thread was partly a joke :p but i thank you all for the good advice..some of it will come to use :)


I'm kinda in the same boat, I need to gain some major weight.

I'm 6'0 and I only weigh around 125 (I know, I know...)

And don't say skinny people have it easy, because I've been made fun of nearly every fucking day of my life.

Anyways, thanks for all the good advice in this thread, I'll be sure to put it to use (This will be my second attempt. Last time I tried starting a workout plan, it ended in failure :p)


insert blank space here
mattx5 said:
I'm 6'0 and I only weigh around 125 (I know, I know...)
(This will be my second attempt. Last time I tried starting a workout plan, it ended in failure :p)

lol same (that's weird).
I'll give it another go also.


ItalianStallion said:
Buy some weight gainer
Eat food at night
Work out (Muscle usually jumps on your real fast when you first start working out)
There's your simple answer.

More specifically, get a bucket of weight gainer that is high in protein and carbs (most are). Drink the shake shortly after a workout session where you've driven yourself pretty hard. Eat 3 meals a day. Lots of meat.

You do not have to have an unhealthy lifestyle in order to gain weight.


Gas Guzzler
Lots of deadlifts, lots of squats, lots of chin ups, lots of dips, and lots of overhead presses.

Avoid cables, avoid machines, avoid bodybuilding type workouts where you just do a body part once per week.

Squat 3 to 4 times a week, stick to low reps and heavy weight. Something like 5 sets of 5 reps, barbell full squats, with some chins, dips, and maybe some deadlift variation, if you feel like it (or alternatively, a focus on deadlifts with some supplementary squat variations, like a front squat or overhead squat).

Those movements will pack on muscle fast. Eat as much and as often as you can, healthy calories are better than junk food, but junk food is better than nothing.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
GodsTyro said:
i need to put on at least 20-30 lbs but i just cant do it..i try so hard..i eat so much..it doesnt help :-(

I'd be glad to give you 20-30 lbs. :p That's what I need to LOSE. I hate it when people say they want to gain weight. :)


Lyte Edge said:
I'd be glad to give you 20-30 lbs. :p That's what I need to LOSE. I hate it when people say they want to gain weight. :)

Yeah likewise...i've lost 54 pounds and still have more to lose. Boo Hoo. But i hope you take the good advice in this thread.


Nick: Now there are many options available for dangerously
underweighted individuals like yourself. I recommend a slow
steady gorging process combined with assal horizontology.
Homer: [pensive] Of course.
Nick: [points to a chart] You'll want to focus on the neglected
food groups such as the whipped group, the congealed group
and the chocotastic!
Homer: What can I do to speed the whole thing up, Doctor?
Nick: Well...be creative. Instead of making sandwiches with
bread, use poptarts. Instead of chewing gum, chew bacon,
Bart: You could brush your teeth with milkshakes!
Dr. Nick: Hey, did you go to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College too?
And remember, if you're not sure about something, rub it
against a piece of paper. If the paper turns clear, it's
your window to weight gain. Bye bye, everybody!


stick to low reps and heavy weight.

I dunno. It depends on the guy who is 6'0 120 lbs. Genetics may play a factor where everyone in his family is skinny.

The best thing you can is get toned or cut really fast . Sure, you'll be skinny still but at least you'll have definition. Your triceps, chest, abs, and shoulders will be cut. you can get your legs and calves to look cut also. BRUCE LEE STYLE!


You now belong to FMT.
Fatghost28 said:
Avoid cables, avoid machines, avoid bodybuilding type workouts where you just do a body part once per week.

I do a body part once a week, and I have tried many different routines and that works best for me... I am now in great shape and look the best I have my whole life, If you go hard on each body part, that weeks rest lets the muscle FULLY heal and you are ready for more weight the following week.... and cables cut me up nicely. I was thin before I started working out, and I am now at a very nice muscular look , not bodybuilder, just cut up.

mattx5 said:
, I need to gain some major weight.

I'm 6'0 and I only weigh around 125 (I know, I know...)

Last time I tried starting a workout plan, it ended in failure :p

you are thin, but dont worry,. I was once the butt of skinny jokes, and one day it really picked up, get your diet right first, diets are not only for heavy people, your diet should be the exact opposite... Eat More .. Protien is vital, and compound that with workout and maybe a supplement to get you started... like creatine... it worked for me... it may give you a quick 10 pounds in a week, if you drink enough water, and it also helps you (mentally) to lift more weight. even though you may lose the water weight after you stop using it, your muscles are still getting stronger... and stay Focused........


I've been working on reducing cal intake and what not since i'm trying to change my diet and loose weight. I gained 20 pounds in 5 weeks. Cause i've been changing my diet and sleep around. Instead of eating at night i'm trying to eat in the morning and lunch then a few snacks in the evening time with water. So far my body is starting to change. I've been walking at least 2.5 miles a day. And i'm working on getting some type of tone set so i can work on muscles that i have problems with.

One way to really gain muscle or so i hear is to eat in the morning and have that be your largest meal of the day. Then eat and drink protein weigh (tastes nasty but does the job) I would hope that maybe this with a longer sleep cycle migth help you in your weight gain. Also drink a few cups of Vitamin D milk each day too.


DJ Demon J said:
Am I the only one that feels no pity for this guy? Oh to have a lightning-fast metabolism without exercise. Skinny people have it easy, cry me a fucking river.

You would hate me then... I can eat anything and burn it off sitting on my ass. I typically only eat 2 meals a day though.


Malleymal said:
I do a body part once a week, and I have tried many different routines and that works best for me... I am now in great shape and look the best I have my whole life, If you go hard on each body part, that weeks rest lets the muscle FULLY heal and you are ready for more weight the following week.... and cables cut me up nicely. I was thin before I started working out, and I am now at a very nice muscular look , not bodybuilder, just cut up.

you are thin, but dont worry,. I was once the butt of skinny jokes, and one day it really picked up, get your diet right first, diets are not only for heavy people, your diet should be the exact opposite... Eat More .. Protien is vital, and compound that with workout and maybe a supplement to get you started... like creatine... it worked for me... it may give you a quick 10 pounds in a week, if you drink enough water, and it also helps you (mentally) to lift more weight. even though you may lose the water weight after you stop using it, your muscles are still getting stronger... and stay Focused........

What's up with that link you posted in the other thread? It redirects to a porn site.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Okay so yeah let me actually help the dude out. I was in the same situation not long ago. I'm 6'4" and was weighing in at between 180-185 depending on the day or whatever, took control of my diet and am weighing in at a healthy 200 lbs at the moment. I feel pretty good

Wow. I'm 6'4" and 190lbs. I will take heed to your advice.

I assume you took a weight gaining supplement? Which one?


insert blank space here
Neo_ZX said:
Whoa damn that sounds really unhealthy. Why don't you boys eat?!?

I eat tons! :(

1 huge breakfast (3 bowls of cereal, bacon, toast, OJ, milk)
A relatively big lunch (Spaghetti, or Buffalo Wings, Fries, Pizza)
And a big supper (Mashed Potatoes, Corn/Carrots/Beans, Roast Beef/Chicken/Steak/Pork Chops/etc.etc., and I drink tons of Milk)
Late Bedtime Snack (Pizza/Wings/Sandwich/Cereal)
And then I have tons of snacks throughout the day which are, not the healthiest foods lol (chips, ice cream with chocolate sauce, cake, sometimes pizza for a snack.... not leftovers either...I order a whole pizza for a snack, candy, popsicles :D, cookies, etc.)

And I'm burning it all off right now sitting on my ass typing this.


TheQueen'sOwn said:
I eat tons! :(

1 huge breakfast (3 bowls of cereal, bacon, toast, OJ, milk)
A relatively big lunch (Spaghetti, or Buffalo Wings, Fries, Pizza)
And a big supper (Mashed Potatoes, Corn/Carrots/Beans, Roast Beef/Chicken/Steak/Pork Chops/etc.etc., and I drink tons of Milk)
Late Bedtime Snack (Pizza/Wings/Sandwich/Cereal)
And then I have tons of snacks throughout the day which are, not the healthiest foods lol (chips, ice cream with chocolate sauce, cake, sometimes pizza for a snack.... not leftovers either...I order a whole pizza for a snack, candy, popsicles :D, cookies, etc.)

And I'm burning it all off right now sitting on my ass typing this.

Fuck you
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