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How do you shop?

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In most cases, when I go to shop, I know what I'm looking for before I leave. I then go to the store, buy the product, thumb around for five minutes or so to see if there's anything else I want, then I leave. If I'm out with people and they want to meander, that's cool also, but I've never seen the point of staying in a store for more than about ten minutes tops, unless you're ina department store doing some heavy duty shopping.

I work in an anime store, and I get these customers who come in several times a week, and they're here for over two hours during each visit. There's a guy in here right now who's literally looked through our j-pop six times already, and we haven't got anything new in, so I don't know what he could be doing. About an hour ago, this other guy read the hentai covers for about 90 minutes, and he just did that same thing on Monday.

Do any of you shop like this? Guys like this seriously creep me out.


when i buy something and i know what i want, where it is, etc, i'm generally in and out of the store in 5 minutes (give or take, depending on lines). when i'm not exactly sure what i'm looking for i ask someone for help and get out as soon as possible. i hate shopping.


Depends. If it's a gaming store, I usually know exactly what I want before I even set foot inside, then walk directly to that game, purchase, and proceed back out. The same applies to grocery stores and other such products.

With clothes however, I usually just wander around the store for a while (AE mostly) looking for a shirt or a pair of shorts that I like. I then purchase them without trying them on.


It certainly depends what store I'm in. Grocerys, doesn't take too long. Electronics, I could be there for days.


also i'm not sure that i even know how to shop for clothes anymore because i haven't done that in almost a decade
I hate to shop. I know exactly what I want before hand, and then hurry the fuck up when I get there. I can't stand going shopping with people that take 3 hours to do what should take them 10 minutes. My ex would pick up like 5 cds or movies, and then sit there for 5 fucking hours trying to decide which ones to buy. My whole family does this too. I refuse to go shopping with anyone.


Queen of Denmark
Cerebral Palsy said:
I hate to shop. I know exactly what I want before hand, and then hurry the fuck up when I get there. I can't stand going shopping with people that take 3 hours to do what should take them 10 minutes. My ex would pick up like 5 cds or movies, and then sit there for 5 fucking hours trying to decide which ones to buy. My whole family does this too. I refuse to go shopping with anyone.
Are you me?


"Well, he didn't know what to do, so he decided to just watch the government, see what the government was doing, and then kind of scale it down to size and run his life that way."



Mike said:
Out of curiousity, which anime store do you work at? Uh, I'm not a stalker, I swear.

An anime store somewhere between the pacific ocean and arizona.

: puts on a fedorah and a fake beard:
At the anime store I used to go to (it closed) there were two brothers who would shop there ALL the time. They'd browse through everything for a couple hours a visit. They were creepy: They lived together, were mid fortyish, overweight, had greasy hair parted at the side and coke bottle glasses. The owner told me that they exclusively rented girly anime, Sailor Moon type stuff. It wouldn't surprise me if they had those girl pillows or sheets.

aoi tsuki

Groceries: Mostly all by list, with a few small practical impulse buys.
Clothes: i know what i need, i browse through the clothes until i catch a few things that catch my eye, and after trying them on select the ones i have to have.
Electronics/entertainment/toys/etc.: Mostly all online, though i'll stop by stores to play with demos to get a feel for something before i drop the cash online.
I go in knowing what I want, but if I have more money than what it costs, I'll more than likely impulse buy other things. I HATE having money.
I was on a business trip in San Diego and I went to an anime store with a super hot MILF Asian chick working the counter.......so yea.....ummm....


bjork said:
An anime store somewhere between the pacific ocean and arizona.

: puts on a fedorah and a fake beard:

Heh, I only ask because I occasionally stop by here:


It's a cool shop even though I'm not huge into anime; those sweet MGS2 toys people were talking about are sold here. I guess it would be an astounding coincidence if it was the same place though. :(

Edit: Fixed link. ^^
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