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How do you take your coffee? What Kind?

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Dunkin' -- Light and Sweet (Cream and a lot of Sugar)

Starbucks -- White Chocolate Moca

Any Restaurant -- Espresso, black. (Sambucca, maybe... but always with a lot of sugar... perferrably with a twist of lemon)





Great coffee and I get my fix of caffeine before I leave the house


Black, from home fresh ground. Nothing fancy, just a brand called 8 o'clock. I can't believe all the Starbucks love here though.


Vandiger said:



Great coffee and I get my fix of caffeine before I leave the house

Shit I should get one of those pod stations, that'd be perfect for my room. They don't make too much mess do they?
Torrefazione Italia, Venezia Blend. Just a tiny drop of cream in the morning to settle my stomach; black as Dick Cheney's heart in the afternoon.

Ah caffeine, how I adore thee.


Lately, it's been an Americana down at the local coffee shop, made brutally strong, with a touch of milk. Works wonders.

To hell with Starbucks.


miyuru said:
Shit I should get one of those pod stations, that'd be perfect for my room. They don't make too much mess do they?

Yeah, very easy to clean and smart solid design. I can make 8oz coffee in less than 2 min. I don't drink too much coffee so this was perfect for me. Just hope some 3rd party releases those re-usable pods so I can create my own blends other than that I love this machine.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I've got one of those pod coffee makers, I really like it. I mainly use the Foldger's French Vanilla pods. Mmm.

It's either Cream and Sugar, and if French Vanilla Cream is around, that's what I'll use. I do not like Black Coffee, too "blahhh" for me.


Here's a pic of my favourite coffee-bar:


The owner looks pretty awkward for some reason :lol

This and a few other REALLY good coffee-bars nearby have made me a total coffee-snob :( I only go to them two or three times a week for a double espresso or double cappuccino, the rest of the week I make them myself. Black, freshly ground regular coffee is also great once in a while. There are no Starbucks in this country yet, but I don't miss them - the ones I've tried were vile :)
Just received my Starbucks Barista pump espresso machine + a burr grinder on Friday, and I'll be making plenty of lattes with it. Upgraded from a crappy boiler-driven Krups machine. At cafes, I like lattes, mochas, and house-specific custom drinks - there's a small local chain here that has great original recipes.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Phillips (or Sensico) have their own brand of pods, and I'm sure they are fine, and there are multiple flavors, but I've mainly gone with Foldger brands. While the machine says "use only our style, IT'S DIFFERENT!!!" they really aren't much different, and most anything resembling a pod will work.

I know there are other styles of Coffee Pod Makers out there, but this is the only one I've messed with.


Regular, plain coffee with a drop of skim and no sugar. Nothing fancy, and certainly not that burnt shit they charge $5 for at Starbucks.
None on the weekdays. Hot Tea in the morning at work, and water in the afternoon.
Shade-grown coffee on the weekends, on occasion, depending on when I roll out of bed. Little milk and sugar, nothing fancy.

Shade-grown is more pricey and a bit harder to get, but try to do my part to promote the secularist-ecoterrorist agenda whenever I can.
Umm they dont charge 5 bux for regular coffee at starbux. Tall drip is like a buck twenty five or so. I get a cookie with it too sometimes cause OMG good.


MrAngryFace said:
Umm they dont charge 5 bux for regular coffee at starbux. Tall drip is like a buck twenty five or so. I get a cookie with it too sometimes cause OMG good.

For plain, black coffee that's still too much. :)

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Flat white for me.

What's a flat white I hear you americans ask? ahhahah SUCKERS
it's basically a latte, less froth less bitter


testicles on a cold fall morning
gloria jeans/fairview, hazelnut flavor, drip/percolate, sugar-substitute and cream.

with all the caffine i take in the last thing i need is an additional sugar high.

the cream is just for my supressed homosexual tendencies.


The pod machines are cool in design, but they will run you around $60 so they aren't very cheap.

The one cool thing I heard about them is that you can use tea bags in them. I am talking about Republic of Tea round bags specifically. You should only be drinking RoT and Revolution Tea anyways. They are the best.


Eh, there's nothing wrong with Starbucks, as far as I care. Usually, though, I have a couple cups of drip coffee in the morning, whatever type I have on hand (8 O'clock, Starbucks, local coffee shop, etc.). Black, of course. Afternoon, I'll have french press, if I'm feeling too tired.

aoi tsuki

At home, it's always from my press, since that's all i've got. i'm pretty set in my ways these days so i'll usually have a Caffe Darte or Intelligentsia blend (Black Cat is amazing). i picked up a pound of Starbucks decaf one night because it was the only palatable decaf coffee i could find whole bean, and it was a steal at six dollars. It was the first time i had had Starbucks in years, and i forgot how burnt it was. Still, a steal at that price, especially considering i only use it when i'm half sleep and just want something that tastes like coffee, sans the caffeine.

When i'm out, and at the local coffeehouse, it's usually a breve or a single espresso where they use Danesi espresso. If i have the time, i pull the espresso myself. If i'm in a coffeehouse i've never been to, i get a single espresso to test the quality of it and the barista before venturing to more complicated drinks. Most places i've been to i can tell i probably won't be back by the reaction i get when i ask for a single espresso. :lol

At work, i usually don't drink coffee because it's tastes like ass. If you frequent a Joe Muggs/Books A Million, please do yourself a favor and stop. Our coffee is worse than Starbucks. People think that it's acidity is because it's strong, much like the burnt Starbucks flavor. It's because it cheap. Go to a Starbucks, or visit every place in the area that sells coffee before going back to Joe Muggs.

For plain, black coffee that's still too much.
Starbucks's coffee is roughly twice the price of what you get at any non-specialty coffee place, like a gas station. If you drink coffee for caffeine, you can go cheap. If you drink if for flavor, you're better off at a coffeehouse.

Also, you're paying more at Starbucks and similar establishments because there's more attention to the process of making coffee. Using the gas station as a reference, a lot of them still use coffee pots sitting on a hot plate. The first cup is good, but the last is pure swill. The few that use airpots, to my knowledge, never pour the coffee out after a few hours, so sometimes you get cold or mildly warm coffee. They don't clean the pot/airpot out very often or at all with anything but maybe dish detergent, which makes the coffee bitter. They make cleaners for coffee/espresso machines which breakdown the oils that stick to surface which come in contact with coffee. If something isn't functioning correctly, like the grinder, they probably won't notice as long as something comes out.

In short, they're simply not trained to make coffee beyond pushing a button, which is fine if you just need to wake up, or don't really care to spend more on a cup of coffee. Simply saying Starbucks's coffee is too much is like saying Haagen Dazs is too expensive compared to the big bucket of Neopolitan.


aoi tsuki said:
In short, they're simply not trained to make coffee beyond pushing a button, which is fine if you just need to wake up, or don't really care to spend more on a cup of coffee. Simply saying Starbucks's coffee is too much is like saying Haagen Dazs is too expensive compared to the big bucket of Neopolitan.

Likewise, using Starbucks as a reference for "carefully made, flavorful coffee" is like me using McDonald's as a reference for hamburgers. :)

I wasn't referring to gas stations, I was referring to dedicated coffee places - either tiny chains, or single shops - that don't charge over a dollar for a cup of black coffee.

Musashi Wins!

I have about 2 cups of whatever I've got ground in the house in the morning with a bit of cream.

A latte or cappacino at a bookstore or cafe.

I like a good coffee, but if need be I'll drink some shitty, cheap cup. I'm not too snobbish about it. Dunkin' Donuts has a mean cup o' joe.


Scary Euro Man
I like my coffee like I like my women:

- Ground up and in the fridge
- Cold and bitter
- Sweet and creamy
- Thick and Belgian
- Covered in beeeees!

Seriously, though. Fresh ground, strong, black.

aoi tsuki

xsarien said:
Likewise, using Starbucks as a reference for "carefully made, flavorful coffee" is like me using McDonald's as a reference for hamburgers. :)

I wasn't referring to gas stations, I was referring to dedicated coffee places - either tiny chains, or single shops - that don't charge over a dollar for a cup of black coffee.
McDonald's? Please, Starbucks is at least a Burger King. :) But you're right on the first point as far as references go, though honestly i can't recall any independent coffeehouses that had a small cup of coffee cheaper than a dollar. If there were any i've been to in recent years, i never frequent them because of their espresso. It seems, at least locally, the places that tried to jump on the coffeehouse trend had decent drip coffee and seriously nasty espresso.


weekdays, starbucks tall/drip w/ half and half and sugar. i like it like my women, creamy and sweet (what...?).
on weekends, local coffee shop...latte/cappacino/mocha...whatever i'm in the mood for at the time, i also tip quite a bit at that place, they promote lots of local art and music so its a really cool joint.


Grande Carmel Frappachino has enough sugar and caffiene for me to get through the day, plus it tastes great too. If that is not an option, I will make myself a mocha.


Scary Euro Man
Jason said:
Coffee is vile. You all suck!

Bad call. Consider yourself banned, and let this be a lesson to all coffee-haters.

And anyone who takes milk with it can consider themselves on warning.


iapetus said:
Bad call. Consider yourself banned, and let this be a lesson to all coffee-haters.

And anyone who takes milk with it can consider themselves on warning.
you my friend, are more american than european.
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