wtf is a coffee pod and what does it do
A coffee pod is to espresso what tea bags are to tea. It's basically preground espresso in a small bag that's brewed as you would if you .This is an oversimplified explanation, but you basically put it in your machine, hit the brew button, and your espresso is brewed. This is a lot easier and quicker than grinding the espresso, tamping it, and then brewing it (and later cleaning the machine). The disadvantage is that pods aren't nearly as fresh as the espresso you grind yourself, and there's not nearly as many coffees available in pod form as there are in bean/grind form.
The design looks good, but if this is a pod-only solution it's not for me. i'd also be interested in finding out how much pressure this puts out (i'd assume not much).
My recommendation for a good cup of coffee is a French press. No electricity needed. Just coffee (preferably ground for a press) and hot water. Bodum pretty much owns all (at least in the US) in terms of presses. Available at Targets, Starbucks (they're rebadged Bodums), TJ Maxx, and a few other places that sell coffee wares.