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How I learned that politics shouldn't always be avoided at work.


if they don't fire him.

provoke him again (by which i mean, talk to him since he's so riled up lol). record the conversation. wait until he inevitably says something racist. report again to management. if they don't fire him sue the company. $$$
This is how it is with most Trump supporters. They either get really aggressive, lots of shoving or shit talk, or, they get really quiet and seek a subject change.

Either way, good effort, OP. Although I feel this will only cement his views on why Trump is OK, at least you helped to remove his toxicity from your workplace; your co-workers shouldn't be afraid to voice their opinions.

Also, try to make sure security is updated on his appearance and employment status if/when he does get canned. Just to be safe.


if they don't fire him.

provoke him again (by which i mean, talk to him since he's so riled up lol). record the conversation. wait until he inevitably says something racist. report again to management. if they don't fire him sue the company. $$$

Serious question tho, Could OP sue the company over Steve using the N-word when OP is latino and Steve is black?

Like im not saying Steve shouldn't be fired or should be allowed to say the n-word at work or at all (he should be fired and he should not use the word), but i mean, how the hell do you work "i am a latino and this black guy is saying the n-word, so im suing you!", it doesn't sound like something that could fly.
I feel very lucky to work for a very liberal company. It won't get much more liberal than this. I am enjoying it until I have to leave for a better salary somewhere else.


I eventually talk to a bunch of co-workers and they tell me that he usually gets super aggressive when people challenge his views so they just let him run his mouth.

This is what political discourse is like all across America right now. When challenged, people become bullies. Thanks for standing up to one of the bullies.


I have a coworker who is very much like this. Relentless piece of shit he is
We are Canadian too so it makes it strange that he such a devout trump supporter.
Serious question tho, Could OP sue the company over Steve using the N-word when OP is latino and Steve is black?

Like im not saying Steve shouldn't be fired or should be allowed to say the n-word at work or at all (he should be fired and he should not use the word), but i mean, how the hell do you work "i am a latino and this black guy is saying the n-word, so im suing you!", it doesn't sound like something that could fly.
Not to speak on his behalf but I had a co-worker who is black and acticely voiced his displeasure at how freely Steve threw around the hard R, black or not.


Not to speak on his behalf but I had a co-worker who is black and acticely voiced his displeasure at how freely Steve threw around the hard R, black or not.

If Steve regularly did that, how the shit has he not already been fired?

Edit: Unless I misread and this was the first time.
If Steve regularly did that, how the shit has he not already been fired?

Edit: Unless I misread and this was the first time.
From what I gather I am the first, unfortunately, to not immediately fold over and let him spew his shit. While I get it's easier to avoid conflict at work, let folks like him have free reign and say what they want only enables their shit behavior.


How does someone who grows up half black half cambodian end up having that viewpoint. I cant wrap my head around it.
What's amazing is that every Trump supporter I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with, even those who otherwise appear to be very nice and pleasant people, immediately transform into these raving, psychotic monsters when you criticize the Fuhrer (or anything tangentially connected to him).

Trump has opened a Pandora's Box of incivility, where his supporters now realize that they are free to act and behave like uncivilized pieces of human garbage because they will face no consequences for it. They're simply mimicking the pack leader.


How does someone who grows up half black half cambodian end up having that viewpoint. I cant wrap my head around it.

Some people who are born in america feel they are american enough despite their heritage to see themselves equal to the american [white] elite and be racist to other ethnicities.

I call it "the ted cruz effect".

Alternatively, it would also be fitting to call it the "jontron effect".


What's amazing is that every Trump supporter I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with, even those who otherwise appear to be very nice and pleasant people, immediately transform into these raving, psychotic monsters when you criticize the Fuhrer (or anything tangentially connected to him).

It's the result of bottling up that cognitive dissonance, the mind can only handle hateful and contradictory viewpoints for so long. At least that's how I see it.


is steve a gun owner? is steve going to come back and shoot up the place after he’s fired? just saying ...


You both may be looking for new work. Depends on if you work big box or if it's smaller. Large corporations would rather cut both ties rather than take a side.
Is it just me or is the thread title incorrect?

You almost got into a fight in the break room, seems like a reason to avoid talking polotics at work.
Is it just me or is the thread title incorrect?

You almost got into a fight in the break room, seems like a reason to avoid talking polotics at work.
My point was that if you avoid talking politics at work, sometimes you end up allowing people with shit opinions to steamroll folks who might disagree.

Some political views need to be confronted.
Jesus Christ. Why are some people so fucking triggered at the slight gesture to the anthem. It's not like they're desecrating the flag or actively harming/inconveniencing people. And to think, they're usually the first people to mock Muslims for being so offended easily.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Sounds like you went assertive to passive aggressive if you turned protest into a huge rant about trump and nazis, HR dont see this as one sided.
You basically created a emotional reaction, he didnt do it by himself.

Doesn’t matter. Yelling at a female co-worker and threatening violence is grounds for termination, no matter if the discussion was about politics, religion, or even Pokémon cards. You don’t act like that at work, you don’t act like that anywhere.

OP staying calm is what lets him off the hook. Sounds like the other guy has had previous issues of blowing up too.
So here is what I learned at my job if I talk with someone I disagree with. I will pretend to be a student and make them be a teacher. If they are right (in more ways than one), prove your thesis. I have a few things I believe strongly in (buying American for example) but that isn't really something that can be challenged. John Stossel has tried but Stossel is arrogant and uptight.

If I can't find a consensus with someone, I just say I would rather talk about something else.
Doesn’t matter. Yelling at a female co-worker and threatening violence is grounds for termination, no matter if the discussion was about politics, religion, or even Pokémon cards. You don’t act like that at work, you don’t act like that anywhere.

OP staying calm is what lets him off the hook. Sounds like the other guy has had previous issues of blowing up too.

HR will probably recomend both are fired.

Wood Man

Even tough the majority of my workplace is liberal, it's always a good idea to keep your political views to yourself in the workplace. Like Steve proved people get fired up and treat politics like it's their religion. Now the idiot might get fired over it, and for what? Because professional athletes choose to kneel during the national anthem? Idiot.


Even tough the majority of my workplace is liberal, it's always a good idea to keep your political views to yourself in the workplace. Like Steve proved people get fired up and treat politics like it's their religion. Now the idiot might get fired over it, and for what? Because professional athletes choose to kneel during the national anthem? Idiot.

You have to understand. White people are being threatened with extermination or something
Then one of my coworkers chimes in saying, "why don't you hear what he was to say?" He then yells at her to "shut the fuck up." At this point I stand up as I'd been sitting the whole time and tell him to not tell her to shut up. He, being the bastion of maturity that he is, says "I just did." She tries speaking again and the he tells her again to shut the fuck up.

How do people like this ever get employed in the first place?


Here's what I bet will happen...

HR will try to resolve the matter with as little risk to the business (especially financially) as possible.
Meaning they will talk to Steve's manager. Manager will have a word with Steve and give him a warning.
Problem resolved. Case closed.

You should watch your back. This Steve guy sounds unhinged.
And yeah.. I agree with this. Especially if he DOES end up getting fired. You never know, he could be some gun wielding manica waiting for an excuse.
Bruh stop creepin

It's his coworker that would have given it away. There are two places there are tons of Cambodians. Long Beach, CA and Lowell, Mass.

Judging by the fact the OP is hispanic, I guessed on CA. And as far as I know that's the only Lowes in the area.

Of course, I could be way off. But I wanted to have fun throwing darts at the dart board.


I'm surprised other co-workers didn't videotape him and send it to corporate or the local news. The dude has issues.

Still, I have noted a level of aggression from Trump supporters that takes conservatism and magnifies it in really ugly ways.
You did the right thing, OP. I don't think I would have had it in me to say anything. Arguing politics with people has become tiring.

Only kind of on topic but it's insane to me how many self hating types I've run into in the wake of this election. I've been in the neglected side of town with more crime all my life but I couldn't imagine blaming my own skin for it all.


Hopefully Steve learns his lesson and stops being a total piece of shit. Either that or if he doesn't change then hopefully he loses his job and can't pay his bills and lives homeless and dies alone so he can't actually hurt anybody.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Trump supporting co-worker..Steve is a 37 year old Half-Black, Half Cambodian guy
Just a nice subtle reminder to all of my PoC that your skin folk ain’t always your kin folk. Yikes.
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