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How I learned that politics shouldn't always be avoided at work.


Serious question tho, Could OP sue the company over Steve using the N-word when OP is latino and Steve is black?

Like im not saying Steve shouldn't be fired or should be allowed to say the n-word at work or at all (he should be fired and he should not use the word), but i mean, how the hell do you work "i am a latino and this black guy is saying the n-word, so im suing you!", it doesn't sound like something that could fly.

in all honesty, it varies state to state and it's a question for an employment lawyer. depending on the given precedent in any state, particularly discriminating language could be punishable.

but you're right in the sense that there's a lot more to consider if he actually was going to sue. the law system in the US has a whole bunch of inconsistencies.
My point was that if you avoid talking politics at work, sometimes you end up allowing people with shit opinions to steamroll folks who might disagree.

Some political views need to be confronted.

Yes......but not at work. You might face repercussion for how you handled the situation.


Damn. Regardless of his political viewpoints, no one should have to work with someone like that. Hope he gets canned.
His argument that people need to have directly experienced "true discrimination" to comment on it is very strange. I wonder what he thinks about 320 million people being represented by 535 in Congress or whether or not abortion is an issue to be decided exclusively by women or most anything he probably holds an opinion on.


This was a black guy?

Fucking arsehole, him and Paris Dennard can hold hands in the sunken place together


Steve deserves to be fired, but always remember OP, HR is not your friend. They are there to protect the organisation, not you. Don't be surprised of there is some blowback on you.
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