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How long does a tattoo take to heal?

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If I were to get this on the back of my arm above my elbow, what would the heal time/maintenance be like?


Do you have to apply creams and stuff for a few weeks or something?


You should frequently apply non-scented Lubriderm lotion to your tattoo. It should scab over within a week and be healed over in about two. At least, that's what happened with the one I just got!
So what is it like the first few days? Is it just really red and irritated looking?

Do you have to keep a little thing over it while in the shower or something?


Nah, I didn't have to keep anything over it in the shower, just make sure you don't take a bath or go swimming. Soaking in water is bad for 'em.

Yeah, it looked really irritated. It scabbed over pretty well, though and it was never TOO itchy. The directions they gave me said to only put lotion on it 3 or 4 times a day, but my buddy who has like 20 something tattoos said that if you start putting lotion on it almost hourly after washing it 3 to 4 hours after it's done, it won't scab up that badly or itch at all. I'm gonna try that with the next one.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Your susposed to stay outta the sun too


Unconfirmed Member
How ever long it takes (Should only be a couple of days) remember the golden advice:

However much it itches - Do not scratch!

If it scabs slightly you must resist the temptation to scratch it, or you'll end up with a patchy & flaky tattoo.

I need to decide on my next one, but I won't rush the decision.

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