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How many people played the original GTA?


I want to make fun of those who never did! jk jk :) What an awesome game, and I think you can still download it legally off Rockstar's site, I haven't checked though.


Yeah I never liked the older GTA games, I could never get used to those controls and the missions didn't really keep me interested enough to try.


I liked GTA2 better, probably because I was playing the original to death waiting for the second one. I remember reading a preview for GTA in an old Gamepro (what was I thinking). It was only about a paragraph long, but I'm pretty sure it said it was for both N64 and Playstation, and they had some render of a police car with sirens/lights.


I imagined it in 3D sometimes, but at the time, a 3D city like that was unrealistic.

Well, then again, there was Sim Copter :p But GTA, to be fully realised from 2D -> 3D would need more powerful stuff than what was offered in the 32/64-bit era.

I didn't care though, it was so much fun regardless. Who remembers the flamethrower in GTA2? :D


I did back in the day, me and friends enjoyed it a lot.

I remember shooting on the train station just so I can see how many people jump off the platform to electrocute themselves. Also running over the monks or children walking in a straight line was also something fun. Man, am I cruel >:-D

Too bad they weren't in GTAIII!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
The original was alot of fun... I lost countless hours in the crazy place.
I remember asking my parents if i could get it because it was an 18 and u could run over people. Think i was like 12. They let me though :)

"I got a message for you from Balllld Man Sonetti, you fuck him again, im gonna ram this gun so far up your ass, i'll blow your fucking eyeballs out. Capeche?
i remember staying up late into the nite playing the demo of GTA1. i was just a kid then, so things like drugs and cursing really perked my interest.
I remember someone telling me about it at school back in Grade 9 or so. The way he described the game I was expecting something closer to what GTA3 would become, so I was a bit disappointed with the original, but still a fun game.


I've played it. I remember when in school, people in my class would play GTA network sessions day after day. :)

Bob White

Played them all, loved them all. GTA 2 was REALLLY, REALLY good. I had played gta 1, then london, and then I played 3. After 3 I went back and gave 2 a try. After playing it, I realized that I shouldn't have been so shocked at the greatness of gta3. Because many parts of what made gta3 great were in gta2.

Now, bring back that respect meter!


Got all the GTA games expect GTA3 (I was very sceptical of this game) on the day of their release, the older GTA games where excellent for how much crazy shit you could do but I'll also agree with what was earlier said, I couldn't get into the missions


I rented it for the PSOne when it came out, and the "up and down" nature or the viewpoint really put me off. Tried part three after someone recommended it, and I liked it... but not in the overhead view.
I remember getting really excited about the games when I heard people raving about them all over the place. Then I actually played them and thought they were total shareware-y crap.

Pretty much the same thing happened with 3 and Vice City. :(

...though I guess VC having Slayer's "Raining Blood" redeems it a tiny bit!


Mistaken iRobbery!
With the psx version, I used to take out the disc and put in a music cd I made to play during the game. Nothing beats running over people, doing 90mph, while listening to Rob Zombie.


I played the first one to death. Had a cool trick in the second town where you could gain enough money to advance to the third just by getting a lot of stars and then standing on the overpass bridges and having the cops on foot beneath you run over by other cop cars.

evil ways

I played the original GTA on PC, liked it a bit but not enought to buy. Then I got GTA2 and GTA Director's Cut for PSX, but it wasn't until GTA3 that I got really hooked.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I've played every GTA title up to date, every game on release week. I wished they could bring back the announcer from the first GTA's into the new ones. But I guess it just wouldn't be so hip for the mainstream :| GOURANGA

I also wished they could bring back the gang system from GTA2. Basically you can do work for any of the 3 gangs at the beginning of the game, and as you do missions for one gang, the other gang's meter will go towards to the left, meaning they'll become hostile to you if you ever go near their territory. It was pretty neat. As you keep doing missions for one gang, the meter will go to the right, showing your loyalty status to that particular gang.


Indeed, GTA2 had much more freedom than gta3 and gta:vc. Thats what I didnt like about those games.

I also miss the random events when you stole a gear. I remember this one event was like in Speed, if I slowed down, the car blew up.

Stuff like that. GTA2 > GTA3 and VC


I totally LOVED the first GTA. GTA2 brought about some interesting play mechanices but I think I still prefer the first one. The sliding around in the vehicles was fantastic and you could seriously turn your vehicle into some kind of James Bond-esque unstoppable killing machine with oil slicks, machine guns and some other cool stuff........


I always wished there was an ONLINE community to multiplay the original GTA. I only played multiplayer with my friend.....back on 56k... But now that everybody's on broadband....itd be really cool to play online.

I want this game on GBA so bad......but maybe one the DS would be more practical?
I played it and loved it. In fact, after playing the demo, I went and imported a full copy from the UK (PC), since it wasn't available here yet.


I never played the first GTA, but I did play GTA2. I remember just being shocked at the content of the game. Then 3 came, and I was shocked even more :)


Played it at school...Grade 6, I think. Some kids put it on the CPUs in the classroom, we'd sit around playing GTA at lunch. Good times.


Unconfirmed Member
GTA was a hell of a lot of fun when it first came out. We used to play it on the computers in the school's writing lab.


Anyone get the GTA Collection for the PSone? Does it come with that London game, too and the Director's Cut of the first?


i remember the first time i have a look to the game,dma have a roster of games in the making and a tiny monitor got this extrange car games,they look ashamed ( not dma,the publisher or something) they think the game wont sell a shit,but the adult theme got my atention,but the thing who really got my simpaty for the game was the radio station

its ironic that in that tini monitor i have look the birth of a monster

Oni Jazar

I remember the demo was amazing. I would play it in the college dorms and there'd always be a crowd of people watching the mayhem. Not doing the missions just killing as many people as you can and trying to stay away from the cops as much as you can. Loved the music as well. Jumping in a truck to hear that country song always made me laugh.


I loved the original GTA games on the PSOne. Especially that neat add-on they had "London 1969" or something which required the original GTA to play. I'm not sure if any other USA games did that before.

User 406

I played it. It was fun at first, but paled pretty quickly for me. The move to 3D really made all the difference in the world.
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