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How many subscription services do you have?


And how much are you paying?

CBS all access/ Paramount+ - 50.00
Marvel unlimited -60.00

Netflix- 21.00
Apple Music - 10.00
SiriusXM - 5.00

Free( for now):
AppleTV +

family password sharing I’m using for free:
Discovery +
Disney +
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Netflix $11.
That's it.

The other stuff like Prime or HBO I get from time to time for a month or two when there's a couple of shows or movies that I want to watch.
I'd do the same with Netflix but my mom likes it and she uses my account so whatever.

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Too many unfortunately.

Everything is going this way. My bank statement is a nightmare.


Too many. Some I pay for yearly, but the cost per month breaks down something like this:

Apple Music Family: $15
Apple Cloud Storage: $3
Lightroom/Photoshop: $10
Netflix: ~$5 (T-mobile covers the rest)
MS Office: ~ $4 (Thanks Ebay for cheap cards)
PS+: ~$2.5 (Thanks cdkeys for cheap cards)
Prime: $10

That's like around ~50 a month or so. I'd drop Lightroom if Apple Photos was a competent replacement, maybe in a couple of years. The MS Office also provides me with the cloud backup for my files so that's why I use it versus a one time purchase.


Amazon Prime (paid yearly)

That’s it. I cancelled music (have previously been with Spotify and Apple) because I rarely use them (it’s podcasts 90% of the time now).

I try to keep it minimal, because it all adds up.


Only PS+. No movies/tv shows subscriptions. I sub to Spotify usually during summers when I'm out of the house more often.


Genuinely Generous
the only one i pay for is
Amazon Prime

Others I don't pay for:
Spotify Premium

all these subscription services are getting out of hand. way too many and I don't feel like paying just to watch one show that i might like, not to mention food/pet/hobby "boxes", fuck that shit.


Gold Member
Disney+ - I've been watching a lot of Marvel related content. Sometimes Simpsons.
Hulu - Family Guy/Always Sunny. Sometimes Bobs Burgers.
HBOMax - Did that 6 month deal so I can watch new releases. Been watching South Park.
Netflix - Haven't really used it too much, but my mom uses it so I keep it around.
ESPN+ - UFC fights

Barely have time to take advantage of these services, though. I watch some of my family's cable as well.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Amazon prime student
Hulu student
Disney +
HBO MAX - Free with ATT

I think that is all.
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Sling - $30 a month (split with my brother so it is actually less than that)

Amazon Prime - I only pay during Christmas and to watch the Expanse

Netlfix - shared account I pay nothing for.

Playstation Plus - maybe a month here and there but I am mainly a PC gamer.

HBO Max - only a month or two for exclusive shows that are on.

I don't like subscriptions because you end up paying more in the long run. I use a service like Vudu and buy all the movies and TV shows I want. I also have lots of patience and I will wait for the shows from Amazon Prime, Hulu and Disney Plus to come to Vudu (usually takes about a year)


And how much are you paying?

CBS all access/ Paramount+ - 50.00
Marvel unlimited -60.00

Netflix- 21.00
Apple Music - 10.00
SiriusXM - 5.00

Free( for now):
AppleTV +

family password sharing I’m using for free:
Discovery +
Disney +


Disney+ (14 Euro)




Amazon Prime (Mothers Account)
Netflix (Mothers Account)
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I used to hate sub services but you can't avoid them these days and they're mostly pretty good.

I have:
Netflix - $14 per month (barely use it)
Deezer - $6 per month (fucking LOVE Deezer, kicks the shit out of Spotify)
Adobe Lightroom - $14 per month (use this so infrequently but when I need it I need it. wish it wasn't a sub)

PS+ - $60 per year (I don't play online but it still works out as worth it)
Nintendo Online - $20 per year (worth it for NES and SNES games and Tetris 99)
Amazon Prime - $119 per year (time to cancel this)
MyFitnessPal - $50 per year (I'd pay them anything, best app ever invented)

So yeah. About $600 per year in total. Take out Amazon and Adobe and it'd be reasonable.
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mango drank

Netflix: $14
HBO Max: $12
Hulu: $12
Amazon Prime: $14

Probably gonna dump HBO Max, and get back into Spotify. I trialed Apple Music for a little while, didn't like it on mobile.


Gold Member
- Xbox Gold with $1 GP option (split 50/50 with home sharing)
- Split NF with my brother

For any of you on an MS Office plan, ask your company if they have corporate discounts. They should assuming they are big enough.

You should be able to get full versions of MS Office as a disc (at my old company) or as a digital download for about $10-12. One time cost. I did it for Office 2010 and my current version is MS Office Professional Plus 2019.


Amazon Prime
Disney +
Hulu Live
Spotify Family


Prime & Netflix.

I don't have time for anything else, I'd rather be outside instead of sitting inside watching TV.


Had to cut out a few so I'm down to:

PS+ - 11$ I'd rather not but I have no other choice.
Netflix - 19$
Hulu - 13$
Amazon Prime - 15$
HBOMax - free
Final Fantasy XIV - 15$
Shonen Jump - 2$

Total - 75$

I just dropped WWE Network since it's being folded into Peacock and I dropped NJPWorld due to budgetary reasons.


Genuinely Generous
Zero. I also watch free tv using over the air broadcasting.

Why pay for what you can get for free?
True, I also use OTA, and locast.org. The only reason I pay for Amazon is because of the delivery, prime gaming, and few other perks. The rest I won't pay for. I have also started buying movies instead of digitally "owning" them.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
PS+ $5/month
Patreon $22/month
Total - $27/month

I'm glad I'm not big into tv shows :messenger_sunglasses: videogaming is pretty cheap.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Tidal lossless
Spotify regular
Xbox gold
Patreon 5 bucks a month for one podcast
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Amazon Prime
Pay TV bc I'm a sports nut
Vet sub for cat check ups and jabs and anti flea shit
Monthly bacon sub, artisan level shit really happy with this tho I can never buy supermarket bacon again
Monthly coffee sub, good quality beans from a variety of roasters and I'm a coffee snob

Used to have a smoked salmon sub but tho the salmon was some fire level shit and I love it it did get a bit much after a few months
Used to have Netflix but just don't like most of the shows and the movies suck so hard

I'd prob consider a good cheese subscription.


Spotify $10 (worth every penny. I listen to it daily)
Amazon Prime $10 a month. (Make 1 $120 dollar payment in January)
My cable+internet bill is $115 and that includes HBO max and showtime.

I share netflix with my parents. I give them prime and hbo access so it evens out.

I could probably get rid of the cable all together and save myself some money, but meh. I keep it around for the sports and HBO and $115 isn't really breaking the bank for me.
Currently just the hulu, disney, espn+ bundle and I get peacock because I have comcast. Also, prime but the whole family uses that.
At the moment, only Spotify Premium and Nintendo Online. I usually have MLB.TV in there but I'm taking a break this year.

So $120 a year for Spotify and $25 a year for Nintendo. Not too shabby. I barely use the Switch online as it is but it's so cheap I just keep it.
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